日文部份 1
世界人类の平和と共生&前田惠学 1
太虚大师の人间仏教&鎌田茂雄 13
中文部份 29
唯识法门看生命的实现——唯识派心理学及其在谘商辅导上的应用&郑石岩 29
正法重辉的曙光——星云大师的人间佛教思想&陈兵 59
人间佛教是当代佛教的主流&赖永海 115
晚唐五代敦煌佛教转向民间佛教的世俗化特点&郑炳林 133
人间佛教的界说与人间正道的实践&方立天 163
佛教的人文精神与人间佛教&楼宇烈 175
后人间佛教的建构&周庆华 185
佛光山人间佛教的管理思想&郭冠廷 211
佛教教学对现代教育的启悟之探索&释慧开 233
英文部份 267
Roar of the Lioness: A Women’s Revival in Humanistic Buddhism—— A Case Study of Fo Guang Shan & Shih Yifa 267
Emperor Asoka Dharmavjiaya(Conquest by Righteousness) and its Affinity with Humanistic Buddhism & Ananda W.P. Guruge 289
Buddhism and the Digital Age & Lewis Lancaster 327
Positive Effects of Humanistic Buddhism on Social and Individual Development in Taiwan, South Africa and The United States &Richard L. Kimball 335
A Proposal for Experimental Application of Humanistic Buddhism to Psychotherapy and Counseling & By Dr. Thich An-Hue 373
Proposing the Buddhist Nirvana State as Ontological Ultimate Noumenon……Explaining why We Use the term Mind-Matter Monism &George S. Wang · Shu-chin Wang 403
Humanistic Buddhism: The Relevance of Buddhist Ethics &James Santucci 419