
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张康著
  • 出 版 社:天津科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2019
  • ISBN:9787557662523
  • 页数:460 页

第一章 客服工作的基本要义 1

Chapter 1 Basics of Customer Service 2

客服能带来什么 5

What’s in customer service for Me? 7

顾客分类 9

Different Kinds of Customers 11

当务之急——消除关于客服的严重谬论 13

First Things First---Dispelling an Important Customer Service Myth 14

了解客户意图 16

Understanding What Customers Want 17

本书的使用及建议 23

How to Get the Most from This Book and Some Hints 24

第二章 客户服务的基本工具和技巧 25

Chapter 2 Customer ServiceTools andTechniques 26

了解客户需求 28

Acknowledge Customer’s Needs 30

允许客户泄愤 33

赔礼道歉 33

适当的肢体语言 33

恰当的微笑 33

Allow Venting 35

Apologize 35

Appropriate Nonverbals 35

Appropriate Smiles 36

安排随访 37

提出探究性问题 37

尽心尽力的保证 37

Arrange Follow-U p 39

Ask Probing Questions 39

Assurances of Effort 40

保证处理结果 41

隔离围观群众 41

额外赔偿 41

反复念叨 41

Assurances of Results 43

Audience Removal 43

Bonus Buy off 43

Broken Record 44

积极互动 45

基本礼节 45

完成随访 45

Close Interactions Positively 46

Common Courtesy 46

Complete Follow-Up 47

联系安保人员/当权者/管理人员 48

挣脱 48

分散注意力 48

Contact Security/Authorities/Management 50

Disengage 50

Distract 51

表达共鸣 52

加快进展 52

专家推荐 52

Empathy Statements 53

Expedite 53

Expert Recommendations 53

解释你的依据或行为 55

保留颜面 55

找到契合点 55

Explain Reasoning or Actions 56

Face-Saving Out 56

Find Agreement Points 57

结束和跟进 58

隔离客户 58

“一碗水端平” 58

管理身高差异/肢体语言 58

Finish Off/Follow Up 60

Isolate/Detach Customer 60

Level 60

Manage Height Differentials/Nonverbals 61

人际距离 62

不要中圈套 62

Manage Interpersonal Distance 63

Not Taking the Bait 64

提供选择/自主权 65

朴实的语言 65

先发制人 65

Offering Choices/Empowering 67

Plain Language 67

Preemptive Strike 68

隐私与机密 69

利弊 69

提供备选方案 69

Privacy and Confidentiality 70

Pros and Cons 70

Provide Alternatives 70

为顾客准备带走的手册 72

提供解释 72

用问题代替陈述 72

Provide a Customer Takeaway 73

Provide Explanations 73

Question Instead of State 73

遵循上级决定 75

遵循第三方 75

Refer to Supervisor 76

Refer to the Third Party 78

重新聚焦 79

设置限制 79

Refocus 80

Set Limits 80

有些人认为(中立模式) 82

非语言停止标志 82

Some PeopleThinkThat (Neutral Mode) 83

Stop Sign-Nonverbal 83

在等待时提供备选方案 85

总结对话 85

电话里沉默 85

Suggest an Alternative to Waiting 87

Summarize the Conversation 87

Telephone Silence 88

谢谢 89

延迟 89

称呼客户的名字 89

Thank-You 90

Timeout 90

Use Customer’s Name 90

利用客户愤怒的时机 92

语言软化剂 92

强调语调 92

Using of Timing with Angry Customers 93

Verbal Softeners 93

Voice Tone-Emphatic 94

“何时”类问题 95

“你说得对!” 95

when Question 96

You’re Right! 96

第三章 典型客户服务有效短语 98

Chapter 3 Powerful Phrases for Typical Customer Interactions 100

步骤一:建立起良好的第一印象 102


步骤二:问候顾客 106

Step 2: Greet the Customer 108

步骤三:理解顾客的需求 111

Step 3: Understand the Customer’s Request 113

步骤四:协助顾客 120

Step 4: Assist the Customer 122

步骤五:获得顾客的认可 124

Step 5: Gain Agreement 126

步骤六:认可顾客 129

Step 6: Acknowledge the Customer 133

第四章 应对困难情景的有效客服 136

Chapter 4 Powerful Service for Challenging Customer Behavior 138

如何应对焦虑不安的客户 140

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Agitated 142

如何应对怒气冲冲的客户? 146

What to Do When the Customer Is Angry 148

如何应对斗气的客户? 161

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Combative 163

如何应对居高临下的客户? 169

What to Do When the Customer Is Condescending 171

如何应对茫然的客户? 177

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Confused 179

如何应对谈判高手? 189

What to DoWhen the Customer Is a Deal Maker 191

如何应对得寸进尺的客户? 197

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Demanding 199

如何对待出言不逊的客户(人身攻击) 206

What to Do When the Customer Is Demeaning (to You Personally) 208

如何对待不屑一顾的客户? 216

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Dismissive 218

如何应对不满客户?(对员工或公司不满) 226

What to Do When the Customer Is Dissatisfied (with You or Your Company) 228

如何应对狂躁不安的客户? 235

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Freaking Out 237

如何应对抱怨不止的客户? 243

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Grumbling 245

如何处理骚扰型客户? 255

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Harassing You 257

如何处理冲动型客户? 263

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Impulsive 265

如何应对优柔寡断的客户? 271

What to Do When the Customer Is Indecisive 273

如何应对喝醉酒的客户? 279

What to Do When the Customer Is Intoxicated 281

如何应对过于夸张的客户? 287

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Melodramatic 289

如何应对精神不稳定的客户? 295

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Mentally Unstable 297

如何应对口若悬河的客户? 303

What to Do When the Customer Is Non-communicative 306

如何应对讨厌的客户? 315

What to Do When the Customer Is Obnoxious 317

如何应对分析控? 324

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Overly Analytical 326

如何应对过分友好的客户? 332

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Overly Friendly 334

如何应对悲观处事的客户? 340

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Pessimistic 342

如何应对蛮横无理的客户? 349

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Pushy 351

如何应对自以为是的客户? 360

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Self-Righteous 362

如何应对害羞腼腆的客户? 364

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Shy 367

如何应对紧张兮兮的客户? 372

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Stressed 374

如何应对骂骂咧咧的客户? 380

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Swearing 383

如何应对客户的威胁? 388

What to Do When the Customer Is Threatening 391

如何应对警惕性客户? 396

What to DoWhen the Customer Is Wary 398

第五章 基于社交媒体间的跨境电商客服 407

Chapter 5 Powerful Phrases for Social Media Interactions 409

主动地扫描、观察、搜索 418

Scanning, Watching, Searching(Proactive) 420

区分:主动提出投诉/评论 422

Triage: Proactively Prioritizing Complaints/Comments 423

联系! 428

Contact! 429

积极主动地处理投诉 431

Proactive Complaint Handling 433

如何应对客户做出的评价 440

What to DoWhen a Customer Makes a Comment 442

如何应对客户的投诉 445

What to Do When a Customer Complains 447

如何对待客户的称赞 454

What to DoWhen a Customer Compliments 456