《新SAT写作大讲堂 方法 语言 素材 文剖析》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李现伟,田新笑,孙海牧编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787111537373
  • 页数:381 页

Part Ⅰ 新SAT写作基础知识 2

Section 1 基础知识 2

1.1 新SATEssay的要求 2

1.2 Essay打分系统 2

1.3 范例Essay提示 2

Section 2 官方评分标准解读及应用 5

2.1 College Board的题目 5

2.2 范文 7

Section 3 分析论点 15

3.1 语言(Language) 15

3.2 论据(Evidence) 17

3.3 结构及分析(Organization and Reasoning) 20

Section 4 综合 24

4.1 例文分析 24

4.2 识别主题 27

Section 5 写作规则 30

5.1 基础方法 30

5.2 作文结构 31

Section 6 修辞与写作手法识别 34

6.1 叙述性段落或文章整体评价词语 34

6.2 修辞手法识别与举例 34

6.3 连词功能与使用 39

Section 7 句子改进 41

7.1 准确使用词语与结构 41

7.2 句子锻造 42

7.3 如何扩展句子 47

7.4 分析性写作的段落写作讲解 50

7.5 工具箱 57

Part Ⅱ 范文解读 63

Passage 1 It’s Time to Look at How We Value Home Care Work 63

Passage 2 Healthcare Reform 69

Passage 3 Protect Our Bats 74

Passage 4 Stop Bullying the Soft Sciences 79

Passage 5 When Pedestrians Get Mixed Signals 85

Passage 6 Do Our Kids Get Off Too Easy? 90

Passage 7 When No One Is on Call 96

Passage 8 Sports Should Be Child’s Play 101

Passage 9 Disney Parks as Symbols of Popular Culture 106

Passage 10 Bag Ban Bad for Freedom and Environment 111

Passage 11 Foreign News at a Crisis Point 116

Passage 12 Rethinking Extinction 121

Passage 13 No Time to Be Nice at Work 126

Passage 14 Native Americans Have Always Been Misunderstood 131

Passage 15 American Cultures Are Fading 136

Passage 16 How Physicists Approach Physics? 141

Passage 17 Great Plains Rock Visitors! 146

Passage 18 Sentimentalism 151

Passage 19 Are Comic Books Non-Educational? 156

Passage 20 The Sublime Feeling When Travelling in Desert 161

Passage 21 Sea Nomads Are Being Extinct 166

Passage 22 Dinomania 171

Passage 23 Survival of Cheetahs 176

Passage 24 Rewilding Animals Which Are About to Be Extinct 181

Passage 25 What Happens When One Is Writing 185

Passage 26 Violin Playing 190

Passage 27 Thank You 196

Passage 28 Shame 203

Passage 29 In Praise of the F Word 210

Passage 30 College Lectures: Is Anybody Listening? 215

Passage 31 Here’s to Your Health 221

Passage 32 Bombs Bursting in Air 227

Passage 33 Nude Statues Exhibited in Museums 234

Passage 34 Making a Home in a Restless World 239

Passage 35 Childhood 244

Passage 36 Plessy v.Ferguson 248

Passage 37 Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses 253

Passage 38 From a Vindication of the Rights of Woman 258

Passage 39 Self-Reflection 263

Passage 40 Let Us Play 268

Passage 41 The Case for Teaching Bible 273

Passage 42 Young, Gifted and Neglected 279

Passage 43 Television Makes You Stupid 285

Passage 44 American Fences 290

Passage 45 What Books Should Students Read? 294

Passage 46 Noncommercial Privacy Is Being Sold 299

Passage 47 Should Artists Be Subsidized by Government? 303

Passage 48 Cloning Is Ethical 307

Passage 49 Legacy of Martin Luther King Being Lost 310

Passage 50 Aliens do Exist? 313

Passage 51 Reading History 316

Passage 52 Automobiles in Cities 319

Passage 53 Rock Music 323

Passage 54 Author’s Career 327

Passage 55 Undesirable Deception 331

Passage 56 Over-Idolization of Founding Fathers 334

Passage 57 Intimacy with the West 338

Passage 58 Downsides of Photography 342

Passage 59 Trojan War 346

Passage 60 Human’s Attempt to Be Active at Night 350

Passage 61 Examining Crazy Scientific Theories 354

Passage 62 American Courts Full of Baseless Practices 358

Passage 63 Unjust Vietnam War 362

Passage 64 Should We Build Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? 367

Passage 65 Let There Be Dark 372

Passage 66 Why Literature Matters 377