《中国声音 国际热点问题透视 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国国际问题研究院组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:7300246230
  • 页数:264 页

Chapter 1 Refugee Flows from the Middle East Test the EU's Integration Process 4

Ⅰ.Clarification and Definition of Refugees 4

Ⅱ.Background and Overview of the Middle East Refugees Flooding into the EU 7

Ⅲ.Main Measures Taken by the EU to Deal with the Refugee Flows 14

Ⅳ.The EU Influences of the Refugee Flows from the Middle East 21

Ⅴ.China's Stance over the Refugee Flows from the Middle East 25

Ⅵ.Conclusion:Prospect for Resolving the Refugee Flows from the Middle East 27

Chapter 2 Yemen Crisis:When Will It Be Ended? 32

Ⅰ.Context of Yemen Crisis 32

Ⅱ.Analysis of the Reasons of Yemen Crisis 38

Ⅲ.China's Actions Demonstrate Its Sense of Responsibility as a Major Power 45

Ⅳ.Prospect of Yemen Crisis 50

Chapter 3 The DPRK Nuclear Issue Keeps Fermenting 58

Ⅰ.Deterioration of the DPRK Nuclear Issue 58

Ⅱ.New Ideas on Resolving the DPRK Nuclear Issue 65

Ⅲ.Prospect of the DPRK Nuclear Issue 73

Chapter 4 Iranian Nuclear Issue with Twists and Turns 80

Ⅰ.Signing and Implementation of the Iranian Nuclear Deal 80

Ⅱ.China Constructively Participated in the Whole Process of Negotiation about the Comprehensive Agreement on the Iranian Nuclear Issue 91

Ⅲ.Prospect of the Iranian Nuclear Deal 96

Chapter 5 The Direction of the South China Sea Issue 103

Ⅰ.Origin of the South China Sea Issue 103

Ⅱ.New Developments of the South China Sea Issue 106

Ⅲ.China's Stance and Policy 123

Ⅳ.Conclusion 131

Chapter 6 The Way Out for the Syrian Crisis 136

Ⅰ.Russia's Military Intervention in Syria 136

Ⅱ.Conclusion and Implementation of the Syrian Ceasefire Agreement 143

Ⅲ.China's Stance and the Prospect of Political Settlement of the Syrian Crisis 147

Chapter 7 How Much Longer Will the“ISIS”Last Out? 164

Ⅰ.“Desperate Fight”of the Chief Culprit of Terrorism 164

Ⅱ.The Strikes on the“ISIS”:Temporary Solution,Not Permanent Cure 169

Ⅲ.China in the Combat against Terrorism:Stick to Principles,Actions More than Words 176

Ⅳ.Looking to the Future 183

Chapter 8 Ukrainian Crisis Reached a Deadlock 190

Ⅰ.Trend of the Ukrainian Crisis 190

Ⅱ.China's Stance on the Issue of Ukraine 204

Ⅲ.Prospect of the Ukrainian Crisis 205

Chapter 9 Deteriorating Security Situation in Afghanistan and Its Impacts 214

Ⅰ.Continuous Deteriorating of the Security Situation in Afghanistan 214

Ⅱ.Twists and Turns in the Reconciliation Process of Afghanistan 217

Ⅲ.The United States Slows Down the Pullout Plan from Afghanistan 221

Ⅳ.Security Situation in Afghanistan and China's Belt and Road Initiative 226

Chapter 10 New Dynamics of the Issue of the Diaoyu Islands 243

Ⅰ.Current Situation of the Issue of the Diaoyu Islands 243

Ⅱ.China's Countermeasures 253

Ⅲ.Prospect for Resolving the Dispute over the Diaoyu Islands 260