
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈杰,刘元直主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787302470212
  • 页数:180 页

Part Ⅰ An Introduction of Business Writing 3

Unit 1 (商务写作的原则) 3

1.1 Consideration 3

1.2 Conciseness 6

1.3 Correctness 9

1.4 Courtesy 9

1.5 Clarity 9

1.6 Completeness 11

1.7 Concreteness 12

1.8 Credibility 13

Unit 2 (商务信函的结构) 15

2.1Structure of Business Letters 15

2.2 Styles of Business Letters 19

2.3 Envelope Addressing 23

2.4 Sample Analysis 24

PartⅡUseful Expressions and Sentences 31

Unit 3(常用表达) 31

3.1(常用商务缩略语) 31

3.2(起首语与结束语) 33

Unit 4(常用句型) 35

4.1(致谢) 35

4.2(祝福) 36

4.3(道歉) 37

4.4(表示吊唁/慰问) 38

4.5(表示同情) 39

4.6(邀请) 40

4.7(提醒) 42

4.8(请求帮助) 43

4.9(提供帮助) 44

4.10(提出建议) 45

4.11(警告) 46

4.12(提出意见) 47

4.13(赞赏) 48

4.14(推荐) 49

4.15(祝贺) 50

4.16(投诉) 51

Part Ⅲ Business Writing of Internal Communication 55

Unit 5(电子商务与电子邮件) 55

5.1 Introduction 55

5.2 Sample Letters 58

5.3 Useful Expressions 61

Unit 6(通知与通告) 62

6.1 Introduction 62

6.2 Sample Analysis 62

6.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 66

Unit 7(备忘录) 70

7.1 Introduction 70

7.2 The Structure and Types of Memorandums 71

7.3 Business Memorandum Writing 75

7.4 Sample Analysis 76

7.5 Useful Patterns and Sentences 77

Unit 8(报告) 79

8.1 Introduction 79

8.2 The Structure and Types of Reports 80

8.3 Business Reports Writing 81

8.4 Sample Analysis 82

8.5 Useful Expressions 84

Part Ⅳ Writing Business Letters 89

Unit 9(询盘与订单) 89

9.1 Introduction 89

9.2 Sample Letters 90

9.3 Notes and Expressions 95

Unit 10 (接受函与合同) 101

10.1 Introduction 101

10.2 Sample Letters 102

10.3 Notes and Expressions 104

Unit 11(包装与运输) 108

11.1Introduction 108

11.2 Sample Letters 110

11.3 Notes and Expressions 116

Unit 12(支付与结余) 124

12.1 Introduction 124

12.2 Sample Letters 125

12.3 Notes and Expressions 129

12.4 Commonly-Used Sentences 131

Unit 13(日常要求与申诉) 135

13.1 Introduction 135

13.2 Sample Letters 136

13.3 Notes and Expressions 137

Unit 14(销售函) 142

14.1 Introduction 142

14.2 Sample Analysis 143

14.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 145

Unit 15(邀请函) 149

15.1 Introduction 149

15.2 Sample Analysis 149

15.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 151

Part Ⅴ Other Practical Writings 155

Unit 16(祝贺信) 155

16.1 Introduction 155

16.2 Sample Analysis 155

16.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 157

Unit 17(感谢信) 158

17.1 Introduction 158

17.2 Sample Analysis 158

17.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 159

Unit18(道歉信) 162

18.1 Introduction 162

18.2 Sample Analysis 162

18.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 163

Unit 19(求职申请信) 166

19.1 Introduction 166

19.2 Sample Analysis 167

19.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 169

Unit 20(商务协议) 173

20.1 Introduction 173

20.2 Sample Analysis 174

20.3 Useful Patterns and Sentences 177

参考文献 180