
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:史钰军,王慧中主编
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江工商大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:7517819763
  • 页数:340 页
图书介绍:本书精选了生物学基础知识、基本理论、基本技能及生物技术应用的一些代表性论著文本,涉及从生物学宏观到微观的多个分支学科领域。本书所选文本均为英语文本,每个文本之后有Vocabulary, Useful Expressions和Questions三个板块,让读者更好地掌握文本。本书旨在提高生物学专业师生的英语语音及在专业性学术交流中的英语实际应用能力,适用于药学、中药学、生物学等专业师生使用。

Chapter 1 A Rich and Coulorful Biological World 1

1.1 Introduction to Biology 1

Passage 1 How Did Life Begin? 1

Passage 2 What Is Life? 9

Passage 3 Characteristics of Living Organisms 13

Passage 4 Biological Classification 17

1.2 A Splendid Animal World 21

Passage 1 Blue Whale 21

Passage 2 What Is a Mammal? 25

Passage 3 How Birds Fly 33

Passage 4 Dog History—How and Why Dogs Were Domesticated 39

1.3 A Luxuriant Plant World 42

Passage 1 Orchid 42

Passage 2 The World's 10 Oldest Living Trees 46

Passage 3 Flowers 49

Passage 4 Plant Bodies—Building Plants from Cells and Modules 55

1.4 A Magical Microbial Kingdom 59

Passage 1 It's a Microbial World 59

Passage 2 The Normal Bacterial Flora of Humans(Adapted) 62

Passage 3 Fungi 70

Passage 4 Virus(Adapted) 75

Chapter 2 Cell Morphology,Structure and Metabolism 82

2.1 Cell Morphology 82

Passage 1 What Is a Cell? 82

Passage 2 Plant Cell Structure 87

Passage 3 Animal Cell Structure 92

Passage 4 Bacterial Cell Structure 97

2.2 Cell Metabolism 101

Passage 1 Metabolism 101

Passage 2 Metabolism,Human 104

Passage 3 Abstracts of Metabolism Papers 108

Passage 4 Cancer Cell Metabolism Unique Features Inform New Therapeutic Opportunities 113

2.3 Cell Division,Differentiation,Aging,Death and Carcinogenesis 119

Passage 1 Cell Division 119

Passage 2 Cell Differentiation and Tissue 123

Passage 3 Hormesis,Cell Death and Aging 127

Passage 4 Carcinogenesis 131

Chapter 3 Continuity and Development of Life Characteristics 136

3.1 Gene and Genetic Variation 136

Passage 1 Gene 136

Passage 2 We're all Mammals—so Why do We Look So Different? 139

Passage 3 Rare Form of Active"Jumping Genes"Found in Mammals 141

Passage 4 Human Genetic Variation 144

3.2 Genetic Engineering 149

Passage 1 Genetic Engineering:What Is Genetic Engineering? 149

Passage 2 Genetic Engineering Advantages&Disadvantages 151

Passage 3 Genetic Engineering and Food Safety 153

Passage 4 What Is Cloning? 156

Chapter 4 Ecology and Environment 159

4.1 Biodiversity Conservation 159

Passage 1 Biodiversity 159

Passage 2 What Is Biodiversity? 164

Passage 3 Conservation of Biodiversity 167

Passage 4 Why Conserve Biodiversity? 173

4.2 Ecological System and Ecological Balance 178

Passage 1 Ecosystem Balance and Biodiversity—Part Ⅰ 178

Passage 2 Ecosystem Balance and Biodiversity—Part Ⅱ 181

Passage 3 Ecosystem Balance and Biodiversity—Part Ⅲ 185

Passage 4 Ecosystem Balance and Biodiversity—Part Ⅳ 189

4.3 The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment and Ecology 194

Passage 1 The Effects of Human Activities on Environment—Part Ⅰ 194

Passage 2 The Effects of Human Activities on Environment—Part Ⅱ 198

Passage 3 The Effects of Human Activities on Environment—Part Ⅲ 203

Passage 4 The Effects of Human Activities on Environment—Part Ⅳ 208

4.4 Protection of Ecology and Environment 212

Passage 1 Agroecology 212

Passage 2 Managing Floodplain-Forest Restoration in European River Landscapes 216

Passage 3 The Ecological Role of Fruit Aroma 220

Passage 4 Landscape Ecology:Emerging Approaches for Planning and Management of Forests and Woodlands within Britain 223

Chapter 5 Development of Life Science 228

5.1 Biotechnology 228

Passage 1 Redefining Part of a 300 Year-old Classification System for Grouping Members of the Animal Kingdom 228

Passage 2 Biofuel Tech Straight from the Farm 230

Passage 3 Shining Light on Microbial Growth and Death Inside our Guts 234

Passage 4 Gene Drive Reversibility Introduces New Layer of Biosafety 236

5.2 Biomaterial 239

Passage 1 Biomaterial Shows Promise for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment 239

Passage 2 Making Progress in Biomaterial Design and Tissue Validation 242

Passage 3 3D Printing Aims to Deliver Organs on Demand 245

Passage 4 Cleveland Clinic Unveils Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2016 248

5.3 Biomimetics 251

Passage 1 Cockroach-inspired Robot Uses Body Streamlining to Negotiate Obstacles 251

Passage 2 "Flipperbot":Sea Turtles Inspire Beach-Walking Robot 254

Passage 3 Mexican Jumping Beans May Influence Robot Design 257

Passage 4 Robots May Receive Urine-powered Artificial"hearts" 260

5.4 Bioenergy 263

Passage 1 Food Giants Shoot for 100% Renewable Energy Target 263

Passage 2 Biobased Economy and Resource Efficient Agriculture:A Sinergy Against Climate Change 266

Passage 3 Rice Husk Gasifiers for Cost Competitive Rural Electrification—a Study in Ghana 269

Passage 4 Quality and Cost Factors for Viable Production and Logistics of Biocoal 271

5.5 Marine Biotechnology 274

Passage 1 Innovation Will Help Develop Oman's Marine Biotechnology Sector 274

Passage 2 Harvesting Marine Biotechnology 276

Passage 3 The Healing Touch of Marine Biotechnology 280

5.6 Fermentation Engineering 283

Passage 1 Origin of Cold-adapted Yeasts that Make Cold Beer 283

Passage 2 Researchers Unravel Age-old Mystery of Why Cells Use Fermentation 286

5.7 Human Genome Project&Sex Chromosomes 289

Passage 3 White Paper-Fermentation Technology:Cooking up New Therapeutics 293

Passage 1 Human Genome Project 293

Passage 2 New Chromosome Research Undermines Human-Chimp Similarity Claims 296

Passage 3 DNA Research:This Is the Age of the Genome,and There Are Exciting Times Ahead 299

Passage 4 Neanderthal Man:In Search of Lost Genomes by Svante P?bo—Review 302

5.8 Disease Diagnosis 305

Passage 1 High Coronary Calcium Score May Signal Increased Risk of Cancer,Kidney and Lung Disease 305

Passage 2 Crowdsourcing:The Answer for Rare Disease Diagnosis? 308

Passage 3 Researchers Develop Affordable and Portable Disease Diagnostics for Developing World 311

Passage 4 Alzheimer's Disease:3 Million More Americans Should Get Diagnosis,Study Concludes 314

5.9 Gene Therapy 317

Passage 1 Gene Therapy Scores Big Wins Against Blood Cancers 317

Passage 2 HIV Gene Therapy Using GM Cells Hailed a Success after Trial 320

Passage 3 Gene Therapy Restores Hearing in Deaf Mice 323

Passage 4 Eye Drops Deliver Gene Therapy for Brain Disorders 326

5.10 Stem Cell Research and Development 329

Passage 1 By Cloning Mouse Neurons,Scientists Find Brain Cells with 100+ Unique Mutations 329

Passage 2 High-fat Diet Linked to Intestinal Stem Cell Changes,Increased Risk for Cancer 332

Passage 3 Researchers Fight Aplastic Anemia Using a Therapy Designed to Delay Ageing 334

Passage 4 A Deeper Take on our Sexual Nature 337