《日常英语 口语大全》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:语阅图书主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民日报出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:7511541307
  • 页数:308 页

Chapter 1 日常交际 Communication 1

Section 1 见面问候 Greeting 2

Section 2 介绍与回应 Introduction and Reply 7

Section 3 感谢与回应 Gratitude and Reply 12

Section 4 道歉与回应 Apology and Reply 17

Section 5 时间与日期 Time and Date 22

Section 6 天气情况 Weather 27

Section 7 告别 Farewell 32

Chapter 2 居家生活 Family 36

Section 1 睡觉起床 Sleeping and Waking Up 37

Section 2 洗洗漱漱 Washing Up 42

Section 3 一日三餐 Meals 47

Chapter 3 餐馆就餐 Eating out 52

Section 1 商定餐馆 Where to Eat 53

Section 2 点餐 Ordering Food 58

Section 3 上菜用餐 Serving Meals and Eating 63

Section 4 买单 Paying 68

Section 5 在西餐厅 At the Western Restaurant 73

Section 6 在咖啡厅 At the cafe 79

Chapter 4 消费购物 Shopping 84

Section 1 选择超市或商场 Choosing a Supermarket or a Department Store 85

Section 2 试穿与试用 Trying Cut the Goods 90

Section 3 结账 Payment 95

Section 4 售后服务 Customer Service 100

Chapter 5 交通出行 Traffic 105

Section 1 问路指路 Asking for Directions 106

Section 2 坐公交 Taking a Bus 112

Section 3 坐地铁 Taking a Subway 117

Section 4 坐出租车 Taking a Taxi 122

Section 5 坐火车 Taking a Train 127

Section 6 坐飞机 Taking a Plane 133

Chapter 6 公共服务 Public Service 138

Section 1 银行 Bank 139

Section 2 邮局 Post Office 145

Section 3 美容美发店 Beauty and Hair Salon 151

Chapter 7 身体健康 Health 157

Section 1 感冒发烧 Suffering from a Cold and Fever 158

Section 2 预约医生 Doctor Appointment 163

Section 3 挂号就诊 Registering and Seeing a Doctor 168

Section 4 描述症状 Describing the Symptoms 173

Section 5 买药吃药 Medicine 178

Chapter 8 旅行休闲 Travel 183

Section 1 参观游览 Sightseeing Tour 184

Section 2 拍照留念 Photo Taking 189

Section 3 酒店预订 Hotel Reservation 195

Section 4 入住酒店 Hotel Check In 200

Section 5 结账退房 Checking Out 205

Chapter 9 校园生活 Study 211

Section 1 初进校园 Entering the Campus 212

Section 2 学校课程 Curriculum 217

Section 3 考试测验 Tests 222

Section 4 在图书馆 At the Library 227

Section 5 听讲座 Lecture 232

Chapter 10 工作职场 Work 237

Section 1 求职应聘 Job Hunting 238

Section 2 出勤 Attendance 244

Section 3 请假 Taking a Leave 248

Section 4 调班加班 Shifts and Overwork 253

Section 5 工作会议 Working Conference 257

Section 6 升职加薪 Promotion and Getting a Raise 263

Chapter 11 恋爱婚姻 Love and Marriage 268

Section 1 约会 Dating 269

Section 2 恋爱 Falling in Love 274

Section 3 争吵分手 Break-Up 279

Section 4 求婚 Marriage Proposal 284

Section 5 婚礼 Wedding 288

Chapter 12 情绪情感 Emotions 293

Section 1 高兴与难过 Happy and Sad 294

Section 2 喜欢与讨厌 Like and Dislike 299

Section 3 支持与鼓励 Support and Encouragement 304