1、泉州概况 A Survey of Quanzhou 1
2、泉州开元寺 The Kaiyuan Temple of Quanzhou 18
3、泉州承天寺 The Chengtian Temple of Quanzhou 40
4、泉州崇福寺 The Chongfu Temple of Quanzhou 51
5、泉州天后宫及其“马祖文化” The Palace of Celestial Empress in Quanzhou & the"Ma Zu's Civilization" 59
6、我国最古老的寺院与桥梁 The oldest temples and bridges in China 69
泉州清净寺 The Qingjing Mosque of Quanzhou 69
草庵摩尼教寺 The Thatched Hut-Manichaean Temple 72
洛阳桥 Luoyang Bridge 75
安平桥 An-Ping Bridge 80
7、泉州十八景 The 18 Scenic Spots of Quanzhou 85
8、崇武古城 The Ancient Walled Town of Chongwu 114
9、关锁塔(姑嫂塔) The Sisters-in-law Tower 119
10、龙山寺 Longshan Temple 121
11、泉州石笋 Stalagmite of Quanzhou 124
12、屈斗宫古瓷窑址 Qudougong Ancient Kiln Relic 128
11、民族英雄郑成功 National hero-Zheng Chenggong 130
14、李贽故居 The Former Residence of Li Zhi 134
15、漫谈泉州的外来语 Random talk at foreign languages of Quanzhou 136
16、泉州市主要名胜古迹英译 The English translation of the main famous scenic spots & historic sites in Quanzhou City 139
17、佛教在泉州 Buddhism in Quanzhou 144
18、Qingyuan Mountain holds the past sacred 157
19、The luster of ages 164
20、泉州老年大学简介 A briefintroduction of Quanzhou Aged University 170
参考书目 Bibliography 176
后记 Afterword 179