Pairing-based Proxy Ring Signature Scheme with Proxy Signer Privacy Protection&Lu Rongxing,Cao Zhenfu,Dong Xiaolei 1
Bent矩阵的性质和Bent函数的构造&张世武 11
抗选择密文攻击的广播群向加密方案&马春波,梅其祥,李建华 16
关于广义自缩减生成器的一种概率模型&明永涛,刘文芬 24
高效可认证组密钥协商协议&曹正军,刘木兰 32
Quantum Chosen m Out of n Oblivious Transfer&Wei Yang,Liusheng Huang,Yifei Yao,Yonglong Luo 37
一个无可信中心门限签名方案的安全缺陷&张文芳,何大可 46
Liu系统的混沌同步与保密通信&范明泉,何大可,谢玲 52
一种新的基于双基数链的标量乘法快速算法&殷新春,王圆圆,侯红祥 59
一类椭圆曲线求阶的O((log2p)3)时间算法及应用&王泽辉 67
广义(t,k,n)密钥共享系统&刘广亮,张庆德 75
具有可撤销性的群签名体制的一般化实现&孙慧慧,陈少真 81
Linear Multi-secret Sharing Schemes and Linear Codes&Zhifang Zhang 88
环Zn上圆锥曲线RSA型公钥密码体系和抗小私钥d攻击&孙琦,彭国华,朱文余,曹炜 96
Revised:Block Cipher Based Hash Function Construction from PGV&Duo Lei,Guozhu Feng,Li Chao,Ruilin Li 103
混沌密钥序列的复杂性分析&罗启彬,张健,周颉 110
对21轮SMS4的差分密码分析&张文涛,吴文玲,张蕾 115
对卷积码快速相关攻击算法的一种改进&史建红,郑浩然,胡斌 123
A New Ring Signature without Random Oracles&Tao Wang,Xiaohu Tang 130
线性码与乘性线性秘密共享体制&高莹,刘木兰 136
ID-based Ring Signature for RSA Scenario&Miaomiao Zhang,Gongliang Chen,Jianhua Li 142
一种基于密码相关攻击的强鲁棒大容量图像隐秘通信方案&王丹,陆佩忠 155
拟阵理论与二元理想多密共享体制的存在性条件&黄根勋,周然,何斌 166
Convertible Undeniable Signature Schemes from Virtual Commitments&Huafei Zhu 174
基于身份的多安全群组密钥协商协议&刘成林,徐秋亮 181
CK模型下的无线认证协议&张帆,马建峰 187
Authenticated Encryption Multisignature Scheme Based on Self-certified Public Keys&Xie Qi,Yu Xiuyuan,Shen Zhonghua 195
Efficient and Provably Secure Signcryption Scheme from Bilinear Pairings&Li Fagen,Hu Yupu,Chen Jie 200
Fair Exchange Secret Keys in Public-key Cryptography&Lein Harn,Jian WANG 208
Fast Algorithm of Computing 3kP on Elliptic Curves&Yin Xinchun,Hou Hongxiang,Wang Yuanyuan 219
DGPB:A Distributed Group Key Agreement Scheme for Partition Based Wireless Ad Hoc Network&Eric K.Wang,S.M.Yiu,L.C.K.Hui 225
How to Construct Provably Secure ID-based Mediated Threshold Cryptosystems without Key Escrow&Long Yu,Li Shiqun,Liu Shengli,Chen Kefei 234
ID-based Threshold Blind Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairing&Liang Xiaohui,Cao Zhenfu,Chai Zhenchuan,Lu Rongxing 244
Improvement of Some Simple Authenticated Key Agreement Protocols&Zhang Chuanrong,Xiao Hong,Xiao Guozhen 253
More on Subramanian-Katz-Roth-Shenker-Stoica's Reliable Broadcast Problem&Huafei Zhu 259
On Fixed Points of Order k of RSA&Zhang Shaohua 265
On the Formal Security Proofs of Rabin-type Signatures&Qian Haifeng,Chen Zhijie,Li Zhibin,Cao Zhenfu,Wang Licheng 268
On 2m Variables Symmetric Boolean Function with Maximum Algebraic Immunity&Longjiang Qu,Guozhu Feng,Chao Li,Keqin Feng 278
Practical Hierarchical Identity Based Signature without Random Oracle&Zhang Xian,Peng Daiyuan 284
Provably Secure Public Key Cryptosystem with Double Trapdoor Decryption Mechanism&Wang Baocang,Hu Yupu 292
A Class of Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Random Walks on Graphs&Mulan Liu,Liangliang Xiao,Zhifang Zhang 297
一种有效抵抗线性共谋攻击的空域自适应视频水印算法&刘丽,彭代渊,李晓举 306
安全多方计算中共谋欺骗的可能联盟组合解&林柏钢 313