《快乐英语 日常生活篇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:施孝昌著
  • 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7562438455
  • 页数:281 页

Chapter 1 At Home 家居 1

Unit 1 In the Morning 早晨 2

Situation 1 In the Bedroom 在卧室 2

Situation 2 In the Bathroom 在盥洗室 5

Situation 3 Breakfast Time 早餐时间 8

Unit 2 During the Day 一天之中 10

Situation 1 In the Living Room 在客厅 10

Situation 2 Reading the Newspaper 看报纸 13

Situation 3 Watching TV 看电视 16

Situation 4 Listening to the Radio 听收音机 19

Situation 5 Someone Knocks on the Door 有人敲门 21

Situation 6 Telephone Rings 电话铃响 24

Unit 3 In the Evening 在晚间 27

Situation 1 Husband Comes Home from Work 先生下班回来 27

Situation 2 Children Get Home from School 小孩放学回家 29

Situation 3 Dinner Time 晚餐时间 31

Situation 4 Small Talk among the Family 家人闲聊 33

Unit 4 Before Going to Bed 就寝之前 36

Situation 1 Bedtime Story 床边故事 36

Situation 2 In the Bathroom 在盥洗间 39

Situation 3 Ways to Say“I'm Going to Bed” “我要去睡觉了”的几种说法 41

Unit 5 Meals at Home 在家吃饭 44

Situation 1 Before Meals 吃饭前 44

Situation 2 Table Manners 餐桌礼貌 46

Situation 3 Other Sayings Used at the Dinner Table 用餐的其他对话、用语 48

Chapter 2 Housework 家事 53

Unit 1 Cooking 烹饪 54

Situation 1 Breakfast 早餐 54

Situation 2 Lunch 中餐 56

Situation 3 Dinner 晚餐 58

Unit 2 Kitchen Work 厨房杂事 60

Situation 1 Washing the Dishes 洗碗盘 60

Situation 2 Taking out the Garbage 拿垃圾出去 62

Unit 3 Spring Cleaning 春季扫除 64

Situation 1 Clean Your Room 清扫你的房间 64

Situation 2 Cleaning the House 清扫房子 66

Situation 3 Spring Cleaning 春季扫除 69

Situation 4 Cleaning the Bathroom 清洗浴室 71

Situation 5 Washing the Car 洗车 73

Situation 1 At the Laundromat 在洗衣店 75

Unit 4 Laundry 洗衣服 75

Situation 2 Folding the Laundry 折叠衣服 78

Situation 3 Dry-cleaning 干洗 80

Unit 5 Yard Work 院子工作 82

Situation 1 Mowing the Lawn 割草 82

Situation 2 Raking Leaves 耙叶子 85

Situation 3 Planting a Garden 开辟花园 87

Chapter 3 Shopping 逛街 91

Situation 1 Department Stores 百货公司 92

Unit 1 Buying Clothes 买衣服 92

Situation 2 The Mall 购物中心 94

Situation 3 Trying on Clothes 试穿衣服 96

Situation 4 Is this Returnable? 这个可以退吗? 98

Unit 2 Buying Cosmetics 购买化妆品 100

Situation 1 Where to Go? 到哪里去买? 100

Situation 2 How Do I Know Which Colors Are Right for Me? 我怎么知道哪种颜色适合我? 102

Situation 3 Buying Perfume 买香水 105

Unit 3 At the Jewelry Store 在珠宝店 107

Situation 1 Where to Buy Jewelry? 到哪儿买珠宝? 107

Situation 2 Jewelry 珠宝 110

Unit 4 At a Shoe Store 在鞋店 112

Situation 1 Shoe Stores 鞋店 112

Situation 2 Buying Shoes 买鞋子 115

Unit 5 At the Boutique 在专卖店里 117

Situation 1 Antique Boutiques 古董专卖店 117

Situation 2 General Boutiques 一般专卖店 119

Situation 3 Specialized Boutiques 特殊专卖店 122

Unit 6 Buying Accessories 买附件 125

Situation 1 Purses and Bags 钱袋跟手提包 125

Situation 2 Watches 手表 127

Situation 3 Hair Accessories 发饰品 129

Situation 4 Belts and Scarves 皮带跟围巾 131

Unit 7 At the Optician's 在眼镜行 133

Situation 1 Having Your Eyes Tested 检测视力 133

Situation 2 Near-sighted and Far-sighted 近视跟远视 135

Situation 3 Selecting Glasses 挑选眼镜 137

Situation 4 Selecting Contacts 选择隐形眼镜 139

Unit 8 Buying Food 买食物 141

Situation 1 Getting Ready to Go to the Grocery Store 准备上杂货店 141

Situation 2 Going to the Grocery Store 去杂货店 143

Situation 3 Going to the Butcher's Shop 去肉铺子 145

Unit 9 Buying Flowers 买花 148

Situation 1 At theGrocery Store 在杂货店 148

Unit 10 Buying Fruit 买水果 150

Situation 1 At the Grocery Store 在杂货店 150

Situation 2 At the Farmer's Market 在农贸市场 152

Situation 3 Fruit Stands 水果摊 155

Chapter 4 At the Beauty Parlor 在美容院 159

Situation 1 Going without an Appointment 没预约就去 160

Unit 1 Getting in 进去 160

Situation 2 Going with an Appointment 有预约而去 162

Unit 2 Hair Style 发型 165

Situation 1 Shampoo,Set and Style 洗头、做头发和造型 165

Situation 2 Just a Trim 只要稍做修剪 168

Situation 3 Getting a Permanent 烫发 170

Situation 4 I need a New Style 我需要一个新发型 172

Situation 5 Dye Job 染发 174

Unit 3 Paying and Tipping 付款和小费 176

Situation 1 Paying 付款 176

Situation 2 Tipping 给小费 178

Situation 1 Haircut 剪发 180

Unit 4 At the Barber's Shop 在理发厅 180

Situation 2 Shave 刮胡子 182

Chapter 5 Transportation 交通 185

Unit 1 Getting Information 询问路况 186

Situation 1 Asking for Directions 问路 186

Situation 2 Giving Directions 指路 189

Situation 3 How Long Will It Take 要多久 191

Situation 4 How Far Is It 有多远 193

Situation 1 Arriving at the Airport Early 提早到机场 195

Unit 2 On the Plane 在飞机上 195

Situation 2 Finding Your Seat 找座位 198

Situation 3 Meals and Drinks 餐食和饮料 200

Situation 4 Luggage Claim 领取行李 202

Unit 3 Buses 公共汽车 204

Situation 1 Bus Schedules 公共汽车时间表 204

Situation 2 City Buses 市内公共汽车 206

Situation 3 Taking a Trip by Bus 搭巴士旅行 208

Situation 4 Tour Bus 观光巴士 210

Situation 1 Booking Tickets 订票 213

Unit 4 Taking the Train 搭火车 213

Situation 2 Riding on a Train 搭乘火车 215

Unit 5 The Subway 地铁 217

Situation 1 Before Getting on the Subway 搭地铁之前 217

Situation 2 Riding the Subway 搭地铁 219

Unit 6 The Taxi 出租车 221

Situation 1 Getting a Taxi 拦出租车 221

Situation 2 Telling the Driver Your Destination 告诉司机你的目的地 223

Situation 3 Paying and Tipping 付款和付小费 225

Situation 1 Signaling for a Turn 转弯时打信号灯 227

Unit 7 Driving a Car 开车 227

Situation 2 Changing the Oil 换机油 230

Situation 3 Getting Gas 加汽油 233

Unit 8 Boats 船 235

Situation 1 Cruise 乘船游览 235

Situation 2 Motor Boats and Sail Boats 快艇和帆船 238

Chapter 6 Entertainment 娱乐 241

Unit 1 Music 音乐 242

Situation 1 What Kind of Music Do You Like? 你喜欢哪种音乐? 242

Situation 2 Concerts 音乐会 245

Situation 3 Operas and Symphonies 歌剧和交响乐 247

Unit 2 Movies 电影 250

Situation 1 What Type of Movies Do You Like Best?你喜欢哪一类电影? 250

Situation 2 Getting Tickets 买票 253

Situation 3 No Talking during the Film 看电影时不要讲话 255

Situation 4 Refreshments 点心 257

Unit 3 TV 电视 260

Situation 1 What's on TV? 电视在演什么? 260

Situation 2 The Remote Control 摇控器 262

Situation 3 VCRs 录像机 264

Situation 4 Renting Movies 租电影片 267

Unit 4 Parties 宴会 269

Situation 1 Having a Party 举行宴会 269

Situation 2 Being Invited to a Party 被邀请参加宴会 271

Situation 3 Attending a Party 参加宴会 273

Unit 5 Books 书籍 275

Situation 1 Do you Read a Lot? 你常看书吗? 275

Situation 2 Have You Read Any Good Books Lately? 你最近看了什么好书吗? 277

Situation 3 Getting Books 买书、借书 280