Part One(第一部分) 1
1.A Little Pig Goes to See the World(小猪外出看世界) 1
2.Little French Marie(法国小姑娘玛丽) 6
3.A Minute in an Earthquake(地震中的一分钟) 11
4.Good Manners(讲礼貌) 15
和中学生谈英语朗读 18
5.Wandering Through a Wood(漫游树林) 21
6.Fire——Friend and Enemy(火——朋友和敌人) 25
7.I Want Some More(我想添点稀粥) 28
8.Happening in a Street of Poverty(发生在穷人街上) 34
诗歌的朗读 38
9.The Coming of Spring(春天来了) 40
10.Question at Night(夜空提问) 42
Part Two(第二部分) 46
11.Whale-Watching(观鲸) 46
12.Learning by Heart(谈记忆) 50
13.How a Fowler Catches Quails(鹌鹑落网记) 53
14.Seeing the World Afresh(重新观察世界) 58
15.How Man Learned to preserve Food(人类是怎样学会保存食物的) 62
作品中人物对话的朗读 65
16.East or West(东方还是西方) 67
17.To the stars and Back(往星际的一次旅行) 72
18.I Was Locked In(我被禁闭了) 78
19.Work Is What You Make It(事在人为) 84
20.The Aeroplane(飞机) 92
21.Boats Sail on the River(小船航行在江河) 95