《欢乐颂与沉思颂 中英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:7 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(英)约翰·弥尔顿著;赵瑞蕻译
  • 出 版 社:南京:译林出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:780657736X
  • 页数:86 页

欢乐颂 4


HENCE,loathed Melancholy 4

离开吧,可厌的忧郁 5

But come,thou goddess fair and free 6

请你来吧,女神啊!文静而美丽 7

Come,and trip it,as you go 8

来吧,请以你的脚尖 9

Then to come,in spite of sorrow 10

然后,为了排遣伤悲 11

Some time walking,not unseen 12

有时候,沿着榆树篱垣,在碧绿的丘陵 13

While the ploughman,near at hand 14

这时,农夫吹着口哨就在近旁 15

Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures 16

当我举目环视周围的风景 17

Towers and battlements it sees 18

宫堡和雉堞高高地矗立 19

Hard by,a cottage chimney smokes 20

近处,在两株古老的橡树中间 21

Sometimes,with secure delight 22

有时候,山地小村里的居民 23

Then to the spicy nut-brown ale 24

随后他们就去喝香味浓烈的栗色麦酒 25

Tower'd cities please us then 26

有时候高竖塔楼的城镇吸引着我们 27

And ever,against eating cares 28

为了永远抛开令人断肠的烦恼 29

HENCE,vain deluding joys 30


沉思颂 30

离开吧,虚妄骗人的欢狂 31

Whose saintly visage is too bright 32

你崇高的面容太明亮 33

Come,pensive nun,devout and pure 34

来吧,沉思的女尼,纯洁而虔诚 35

But first,and chiefest,with thee bring 36

不过,首先,最要紧的,是请你 37

And,missing thee,I walk unseen 38

我看不到你,我只好独自 39

Oft on a plat of rising ground 40

时常我伫立在一片高丘上 41

Or let my lamp,at midnight hour 42

或者让我的午夜还点燃着的灯 43

Or call up him that left half told 44

或者把他唤醒,请他讲完 45

And,when the sun begins to fling 46

当太阳开始投射出 47

And let some strange mysterious dream 48

让奇异的充满神秘的梦 49

There let the pealing organ blow 50

在那里一阵阵风琴声悠扬 51

欢乐颂·注释 53

沉思颂·注释 59

附录 64

《欢乐颂》与《沉思颂》解说 64

简论《欢乐颂》与《沉思颂》 73

译后漫记 77

代跋 85