
  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:冯启忠,林裕音编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:730601384X
  • 页数:425 页

1.a/an,one 1

2.a great/good deal,a great/good deal of,a great/good many 3

3.a number of,the number of 4

4.ability,capability,capacity,competence 6

5.able,capable,competent 7

6.accident,incident,event 9

7.accuse,charge 10

8.act,action,deed 11

9.actual,real,true 13

10.adapt,adept,adopt 14

11.admit,confess,recognize 16

12.affair,matter,business 18

13.affect,effect,influence 20

14.after,behind 22

15.after,in,later 23

16.ago,before 25

17.agree,agree on,agree to,agree with 26

18.agree,approve,consent 28

19.allow,permit,let,promise 30

20.almost,nearly 31

21.alone,lonely 33

22.already,all ready 34

23.altogether,all together 35

24.announce,declare,proclaim 37

25.answer,reply,respond 38

26.arrive,reach 40

27.as,like,alike 41

28.aspect,respect 43

29.assure,ensure,insure 44

30.award,reward 46

31.bank,beach,coast,shore 47

32.base,basis,foundation 49

33.bath,bathe 50

34.battle,campaign,war 51

35.beautiful,pretty,handsome,good-looking 53

36.because,since,as,for 55

37.believe,believe in 57

38.below,under,beneath 58

39.benefit,advantage,profit 59

40.between,among 61

41.bit,a bit,a bit of 62

42.born,borne 63

43.breath,breathe 64

44.build,construct,set up,put up 66

45.carry,bring,take,fetch 67

46.carry on,carry out,carry through 69

47.cheat,deceive,fool 70

48.childish,childlike 72

49.China,china,China's,Chinese 73

50.Chinese,a Chinese,the Chinese 75

51.choose,select,elect 76

52.cloth,cloths,clothe,clothes,clothing 78

53.compare,compare to,compare with 80

54.complement,compliment 81

55.continual,continuous 82

56.convince,persuade 83

57.country,nation,state 85

58.cross,across,through 86

59.damage,destroy,ruin 88

60.dark,dim,gloomy 89

61.dead,death,die 91

62.decide,determine,settle 92

63.decided,decisive 94

64.defeat,conquer,overcome 95

65.defend,protect,guard 97

66.demand,require,request,ask 98

67.desert,desert,dessert 101

68.desirable,desirous 102

69.diary,dairy,daily 103

70.differ,differ from,differ with 104

71.different,various 106

72.doubt,suspect 107

73.dozen,dozens of 108

74.drag,draw,pull 109

75.dress,put on,wear 111

76.drunk,drunken 112

77.due to,owing to,because of 114

78.each,every 115

79.eatable,edible 116

80.economic,economical 117

81.effective,effectual,efficient 119

82.elapse,lapse 120

83.electric,electrical 121

84.eligible,illegible 122

85.everyday,every day 124

86.everyone,every one 125

87.except,besides 126

88.factory,mill,plant,works 127

89.fairly,rather 128

90.fall,drop 130

91.familiar to,familiar with 131

92.family,home,house 132

93.fare,fee 134

94.farther,further 135

95.feeling,emotion,sentiment,passion 136

96.few,a few 138

97.find,found 139

98.find,look for 141

99.finish,complete,accomplish 142

100.first,firstly 144

101.freedom,liberty 145

102.from,since 146

103.gather,collect 148

104.gaze,stare 149

105.gentle,mild,soft 150

106.get,gain,earn,win 152

107.get to,get into 154

108.go on doing,go on to do 155

109.go to bed,go to sleep 157

110.gold,golden 158

111.grass,weed 159

112.habit,custom,customs 160

113.hanged,hung 162

114.happen,occur,take place 163

115.hard,hardly 164

116.have(got)to,must 166

117.health,healthful,healthy 168

118.hear,listen 169

119.help,aid,assist 171

120.high,highly 172

121.high,tall 174

122.hire,rent 175

123.historic,historical 177

124.holiday,vacation 178

125.idea,ideal 179

126.if only,only if 180

127.ignore,ignorant 182

128.ignore,neglect,overlook,disregard 183

129.ill,sick 185

130.imaginary,imaginative,imaginable 186

131.in all,all in all 188

132.in case,in case of,in the case of 189

133.in front of,in the front of 190

134.in future,in the future 191

135.in time,on time 192

136.indeed,really 194

137.industrial,industrious 195

138.insist,persist,persevere 196

139.interesting,interested 197

140.issue,problem,question 199

141.join,combine,unite,connect 200

142.join,take part in,participate 203

143.journey,voyage,trip,tour,travel 204

144.jump,leap,spring 206

145.just,just now 208

146.kill,murder,slaughter,assassinate,massacre 210

147.kind,kindly 212

148.kind,sort 213

149.know,learn 215

150.later,lately,latter 217

151.lawful,legal,legitimate 218

152.lay,lie,lie 220

153.little,a little 222

154.live,alive,living 223

155.lose,loose,miss 225

156.loud,loudly,aloud 227

157.machine,machinery 228

158.make from,make(out)of 229

159.many,many a 230

160.mean,means 232

161.meeting,conference,congress,rally 234

162.much,many,a lot of,lots of 235

163.neither,either 238

164.no,not 240

165.no less than,not less than 242

166.no more than,not more than 243

167.object,oppose 244

168.obtain,acquire,gain,get 246

169.offer,give 248

170.officer,official 249

171.old,ancient 251

172.on,upon,above,over 252

173.one another,each other 254

174.other,the other,another 255

175.people,the people,persons 257

176.permissible,permissive 259

177.pleasant,pleased 261

178.possible,probable 262

179.practicable,practical 263

180.principal,principle 265

181.provide,provided,providing 266

182.quarrel,quarrel with,quarrel about/over 268

183.quick,fast,rapid 269

184.quite,quiet,silent,calm 271

185.receive,accept 273

186.recover,restore 274

187.refuse,decline,reject,repudiate 276

188.regretful,regrettable 278

189.relation,relationship 279

190.replace,substitute 281

191.respectful,respectable 282

192.rich,wealthy 284

193.right,correct 285

194.ripe,mature 287

195.rise,raise,arise 288

196.salary,wage,pay 290

197.satisfactory,satisfied 291

198.save,rescue 292

199.say,tell,talk,speak 294

200.sensible,sensitive 296

201.short,shortly 298

202.skim,scan 299

203.sleeping,asleep,sleepy 300

204.small,little 301

205.smile,laugh,chuckle,grin,giggle 303

206.sometimes,sometime,some time 305

207.sound,voice,noise 307

208.steal,rob,burgle 308

209.still,yet,already 310

210.story,tale 312

211.strike,hit,beat 313

212.sufficient,enough 315

213.surprise,astonish,amaze,shock,wonder 316

214.surprised,surprising 318

215.thief,pickpocket,robber,burglar 320

216.though,although 321

217.tired,tiresome,weary,exhausted 323

218.tolerant,tolerable 325

219.too,either 327

220.tool,means 328

221.treat,cure,heal 330

222.try,attempt 331

223.until,till 333

224.used to,be used to 334

225.valuable,valued,invaluable,valueless 336

226.view,scene,scenery,landscape 338

227.wait,await 340

228.wake,awake,waken,awaken 342

229.wet,damp,moist 343

230.when,while 345

231.whether,if 347

232.worth,worthy,worthwhile 349

233.wound,injure,hurt 351

234.young,youth,youngster 353

练习参考答案 356

索引 412

主要参考书目 425