《中小企业集群与技术创新 第七届西湖国际中小企业大会论文集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:池仁勇主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7504643610
  • 页数:337 页

Small Business Development and Governmental Promotion Policies in Hangzhou&Shen Jian 1

Dynamic Functions of Local Government on Cluster Innovation System:A Case from Shaoxing,China&Chi Renyong,Wu Bao 5

SMEs in Ireland and the Prediction of Their Failure:Some Implications from a Preliminary Study&Peter Clarke,Ann-Marie Costello 12

Business Incubation and Perceived Contributions to Tenant Enterprises:The Case of Shanghai&Xu Lilai 31

Competitive Technical Intelligence for Chinese Small and Medium Technology Firms&Wong Wang Chan,Myron Sheu,Xu Zhiyuan 41

A Real-Option Based Approach to Venture Business Valuation&Wang Shaohua,Li Aihua 46

Organizational Commitment of Small Business Owners&Chan,Sow Hup 53

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises By the Early Year 2000 and Some Consequences in Northern Thailand&Prasert Chaitip 62

The Impact of European R&D Programmes on SMEs in Peripheral Regions&Derek Bond 71

A Case Study on Management Accounting System Development from the Structuration Theory Perspective&Paul Chin-fai LO,Kong Kai NG,Dr.Anthony Moung-yin Chan 77

Analysis on Types of Enterprise Cluster Based on the Angle of History Evolvement&Wang Lianghong 95

An Integrated Approach to Understand the Characteristics that Contribute to Effective End-User Computing Training in SMEs&Chi-Wai Chung,Alan Lam,and Albert Leung 104

Discussion of SMEs' Development in Circular Economy Mode&Ma Chi,Hu Yingde 119

Clusters:An Effective Way of Developing SMEs&Wang Liming 126

Statistics and Analysis on Foreign Capital Utilization in Jiaxing and Wenzhou&Gao Xuefen,Xu Yanqing 135

The Problems of financing in Operation of Real-estate Enterprises During the Upgrading and Transforming Stage&Qiao Zhong,Dong Chunlin 140

Study on the Features and Effects of Hi-tech Industrial clusters&Xu Yangqing,Gao Xuefen 147

The Study on the Strategy of Medium and Small-sized High-tech Enterprises using Venture Capital&Jiang Chunyan,Guo Ping 152

The Analysis and Choice of Financing Channel for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises&Tian Lihong,Wang Yinhui,Wu Xiaoyan 156

The Obstacles in the Agency SMEs'Development in the Process of the Land Transfer in Countryside&Wang Yinhui,Xu Huiyuan,Wu Xiaoyan 160

Discussion on the Problems in Small and Medium-Sized Tourism Enterprises of China&Tang Xiuli,Qiao Zhong,Zhao Shiqiang 165

Attraction Comparison Between Small and Medium-sized Service Provider and Mobile Operators&Zhang Meimei,Zhang Zhiping 172

中小企业面对的新的竞争环境&谭劲松 177

成长型民营中小企业职业化管理的障碍及对策&刘洁 刘永平 183

中小企业员工培训机制的建立与应用研究&李振明 朱建芳 陈娇娥 189

区域中小企业集群技术创新能力现状分析及提升对策——以温州柳市低压电器集群为例&吕宏芬 194

浅析日本的中小企业组合及其对我国行业协会发展的借鉴意义&高运谦 苏明山 202

小企业技术结构的特征与演变规律分析&冯勤 207

用户参与开放源代码社区的动机综述&王飞绒 陈劲 212

政府促进中小企业技术创新合作的政策——以英国KTP计划为例&王彦 李纪珍 220

走出资源与环境的困境——浙江中小企业发展探析&李建英 226

知识型员工激励因素实证分析&周春蕾 张晓明 231

中小企业信用担保放大倍数研究&来明敏 诸乐袆 235

交易费用、不确定性与资源配置机制——基于中小企业担保融资过程的分析&王淅勤 241

“民工荒”对浙江中小企业的影响浅析&胡应得 马驰 梅成效 247

基于一个概念模型的创业过程研究综述&王会龙 池仁勇 251

浙江中小企业集群融资问题分析&古赞歌 李淑贞 258

强化产学研联合 促进中小企业技术创新&姜义平 264

我国中小企业扶持政策及其效果&许必芳 池仁勇 268

影响突破性创新的管理因素分析和实证研究&张洪石 付玉秀 273

技术预见与企业竞争力的关系研究&余浩 陈劲 283

中小企业营业税税务筹划探讨&吕晓青 290

浙江中小企业集群式创新问题分析&卜庆军 古赞歌 欧阳仲健 295

民营救生艇企业的核心竞争力培植导向策略分析&戴桂林 周罡 300

论中小企业人力资源开发的若干问题:基于问卷的数据挖掘&王宝荣 305

基于产业发展阶段的技术创新战略研究——以浙江传统产业与高新产业为例&熊虎臣 蒋海霞 311

产业集群竞争力模型比较研究&欧阳仲健 316

中国民营制造业常用钢材质量问题的对策研究&刑纪鑫 323

我国中小企业研究机构发展介绍&张济波 池仁勇 325

资源约束下加快浙江产业升级的科技政策&陈铁军 332