
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:本书编写组编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7040152231
  • 页数:181 页

1 Notices and Memos通知与备忘 1

1.Notices通知 2

2.Posters海报 8

3.Announcements启事 10

4.Telephone Messages电话记录 12

5.Memos备忘录 14

2 Letters信函 17

1.Brief Notes便条 18

2.Letters of Introduction介绍信 20

3.Thank-you Letters感谢信 22

4.Congratulation Letters祝贺信 25

5.Invitation Letters邀请信 27

6.Letters of Appointment约见信 31

7.Letters of Inquiry询问信 35

8.Letters of Consultation咨询信 37

9.Letters of Complaint and Claim投诉信与索赔信 40

10.Letters of Urge催讨信 42

11.Letters of Apology and Explanation道歉信与解释信 45

12.Letters of Resignation辞职信 47

3 Advertisements广告 51

1.Job Advertisements招聘广告 52

2.Enrollment Advertisements招生广告 57

3.Sales Advertisements销售广告 63

4.Advertisements of Lease房屋租售广告 68

5.Entertainment Advertisements娱乐广告 71

6.Hotel and Restaurant Advertisements酒店餐馆广告 77

4 Introduction介绍 83

1.Introduction of Institutions机构介绍 84

2.Introduction of Products产品介绍 86

3.Introduction of Places of Interest参观场所介绍 89

5 Manuals and Instructions说明书 93

1.Description of Products产品说明 94

2.Description of Trouble-shooting故障排除说明 97

3.Description of Maintenance维修保养说明 99

4.Description of Installation安装说明 101

5.Description of Use使用说明 104

6 Forms表格 111

1.Subscription Forms订单 112

2.Application Forms申请表 116

3.Questionnaires调查表 119

4.Resumes履历表 124

7 Abstracts and Prefaces摘要与序言 131

1.Abstracts摘要 132

2.Forewords and Prefaces前言与序言 133

3.Introduction to Authors作者介绍 137

4.Editor's Notes编者的话 137

8 Contracts and Agreements合同与协议 141

1.Sales Contracts销售合同 142

2.Employment Contracts聘任合同 146

3.Publication Contracts出版合同 152

4.Lease Contracts租赁合同 154

5.Authorization for Publication出版授权书 160

6.Construction Project Agreements建筑工程协议书 162

Keys to the Exercises 164