《双语“悦”读 八年级》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:周艺文,胡伟英主编;董中苏等编著
  • 出 版 社:长沙市:国防科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7810993305
  • 页数:213 页

八年级(上)Unit 1 Free Time Activities 消遣活动Happy Reading One A Trick with Numbers数字魔术 4

Happy Reading Two Rope Jumping跳绳 8

Happy Exercise One 11

Happy Exercise Two 12

Unit 2 Health 健康Happy Reading One Enough Light for Reading在充足的光线下阅读 16

Happy Reading Two Germs Makes Us Ill病菌让我们生病 18

Happy Exercise One 23

Happy Exercise Two 24

Unit 3 Vacation Plans 假期计划Happy Reading One A Schedule for the Coming Sunday星期天的计划 27

Happy Reading Two Cow?Bear?奶牛?熊? 29

Happy Exercise One 31

Happy Exercise Two 32

Unit 4 Transportation 交通工具Happy Reading One How Cities Keep on Moving城市是怎样运动的 34

Happy Reading Two Drive to London开车去伦敦 38

Happy Exercise One 41

Happy Exercise Two 42

Unit 5 Invitation 邀请Happy Reading One An Invitation一个邀请 ( 44

Happy Reading Two Invite to Have Lunch请吃午饭 45

Happy Exercise One 48

Happy Exercise Two 49

Unit 6 Personal Traits 个性Happy Reading One Cout Line on the Boat for Fish刻舟求鱼 52

Happy Reading Two Half a Head of Cabbage半个卷心菜 55

Happy Exercise One 59

Happy Exercise Two………………………………………………………(60)Unit 7 Cooking at Home 家庭烹饪Happy Reading One Home Cooking家庭烹饪 64

Happy Reading Two Planned a Balanced Meal安排营养均衡的膳食 67

Happy Exercise One ( 71

Happy Exercise Two 72

Unit 8 School Trips 校园之旅Happy Reading One Fun Games for Teens青少年的有趣游戏 76

Happy Reading Two Iraqi Teens Back to School伊拉克青少年重返校园 78

Happy Exercise One 82

Happy Exercise Two 83

Unit 9 People We Admire 我们所敬佩的人Happy Reading One Albert Einstein阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 86

Happy Reading Two Thomas Alva Edison托马斯·艾尔瓦·爱迪生 88

Happy Exercise One 90

Happy Exercise Two 91

Unit 10 Life Goals 生活的目标Happy Reading One A Car or a Bible汽车和圣经 94

Happy Reading Two Three Days三天 95

Happy Exercise One 97

Happy Exercise Two 99

Unit 11 Chores 琐事Happy Reading One The Most Important Lesson最重要的一课 102

Happy Reading Two The Importance of Breakfast早餐的重要性 103

Happy Exercise One 106

Happy Exercise Two 107

Unit 12 Your Hometown 你的家乡Happy Reading One www.hometownnews.com家乡新闻网 110

Happy Reading Two Travelling to Brazil去巴西旅行 111

Happy Exercise One 113

Happy Exercise Two 114

Keys to Exercises练习参考答案 115

八年级(下)Unit 1 Opinions 看法Happy Reading One Want to Write and Want to Be a Writer想要写作与想成为作家 122

Happy Reading Two A Good Idea一个好主意 124

Happy Exercise One 126

Happy Exercise Two 127

Unit 2 Advice 建议Happy Reading One Drink Coffee in Appropriate Amount适量饮用咖啡 130

Happy Reading Two Don't Judge by Appearance不要以貌取人 132

Happy Exercise One 134

Happy Exercise Two 135

Unit 3 Interesting Events 趣事Happy Reading One Tales of Kites风筝的故事 138

Happy Reading Two An Interesting Talk一次有趣的演讲 140

Happy Exercise One 142

Happy Exercise Two 143

Unit 4 Telling a Story 讲故事Happy Reading One The Night for an Exam考试前的夜晚 146

Happy Reading Two Who Killed His Wife谁杀了他的妻子? 149

Happy Exercise One 154

Happy Exercise Two 155

Unit 5 Decision Making 抉择Happy Reading One Mr Clown's Choice克莱恩先生的选择 158

Happy Reading Two A Hairdresser's Decision一位理发师的决定 160

Happy Exercise One 162

Happy Exercise Two 163

Unit 6 Hobbies 爱好Happy Reading One A TV Fan一位电视迷 166

Happy Reading Two A Special Hobby特殊的爱好 168

Happy Exercise One 172

Happy Exercise Two 173

Unit 7 Complaints 抱怨Happy Reading One Complaints about Poor Service投诉差的服务 176

Happy Reading Two Complaints about Bad Fumiture投诉劣质家具 178

Happy Exercise One 181

Happy Exercise Two 182

Unit 8 Gift Giving 赠礼Happy Reading One Gift Giving on Christmas Day圣诞节的礼物 186

Happy Reading Two The Birthday Gift生日礼物 187

Happy Exercise One 191

Happy Exercise Two 191

Unit 9 Fun Places 乐园Happy Reading One The Disneyland in Paris巴黎迪斯尼乐园 194

Happy Reading Two The Hong Kong People's Remarks on Disneyland香港人眼中的迪斯尼乐园 195

Happy Exercise One 199

Happy Exercise Two 200

Unit 10 Small Talk 简短对话Happy Reading One About Name关于取名字 202

Happy Reading Two Who is George?谁是乔治? 205

Happy Exercise One 208

Happy Exercise Two 209

Keys to Exercises练习参考答案 211