《最新英语专业四级考试核心突破 写作》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王迈迈主编;赵宏宇编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:原子能出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7502237410
  • 页数:340 页

Part 1 绪论 1

1.考试大纲对专业四级写作的要求和规定 1

2.作文构思 1

3.提纲 4

4.句子写作 8

5.段落的写作 9

6.文章的写作 11

7.说明文 14

8.议论文 17

9.记叙文 18

10.描写文 19

Part 2 作文 20

1.Advertising广告 20

2.Bicycle自行车 24

3.Books书 27

4.Capital Punishment死刑 30

5.Career职业 33

6.Cheating作弊 37

7.Children's Education儿童教育 40

8.Choosing Living Place选择住地 44

9.Classroom Activity课堂活动 48

10.Communication交际 52

11.Competition and Cooperation竞争与合作 55

12.Computer电脑 59

13.Confidence信心 63

14.Dictionary词典 66

15.Diligence and Success勤奋与成功 68

16.Discontent不满足 71

17.Education教育 74

18.Education System教育体制 77

19.English Learning(reading)英语学习(Ⅰ) 80

20.English Learning(Writing Vocabulary)英语学习(Ⅱ) 84

21.Environmental Pollution环境污染 87

22.Environmental Protection环境保护 91

23.Euthanasia安乐死 94

24.Examination考试 98

25.Failure失败 102

26.Fake Commodities假冒伪劣商品 105

27.Friendship友谊 108

28.Games游戏 112

29.Generation Gap代沟 115

30.Habit习惯 118

31.Happiness幸福 121

32.Health健康 124

33.Health and Sports健康与运动 127

34.Hobby业余爱好 130

35.Honesty诚实 133

36.Humor幽默 137

37.Intelligence and Environment智力与环境 140

38.Jobs工作 143

39.Job Interview求职面试 146

40.Leisure Time闲暇时间 149

41.Lucky Numbers幸运数 153

42.Money钱 156

43.Money and Happiness金钱与幸福 159

44.Newspapers报纸 162

45.Opportunity机遇 165

46.Parents and Children父母与子女 168

47.Part-time Jobs兼职 171

48.Physical Exercise锻炼身体 175

49.Pollution污染 178

50.Population Problem人口问题 182

51.Private Cars私人小汽车 186

52.Punctuality守时 189

53.Reading阅读 192

54.Smoking吸烟 196

55.Student学生 200

56.Study Abroad留学 203

57.Telephone电话 207

58.Television电视 211

59.Television's Influence on the Young电视对青少年的影响 215

60.Time时间 219

61.Traffic Problems交通问题 222

62.Travel旅行 226

63.Trees树 230

64.Vacations假期 234

65.Wealth财富 237

66.Work工作 240

Part 3 便条 243

67.Congratulations on Birthday祝贺生日 246

68.Congratulations on Graduation祝贺毕业 248

69.A Note Extending Christmas and New Year Greetings(祝贺圣诞、祝贺新年) 250

70.Congratulations on Passing Examinations祝贺通过考试 252

71.Congratulations on Prize-Winning祝贺获奖 254

72.Consolation慰问 256

73.Sympathy同情 258

74.Invitation(formal)邀请(正式) 260

75.Invitation(informal)邀请(非正式) 262

76.Gratitude感激 265

77.Change of Address住址变动 268

78.Apology道歉 269

79.Job Application求职 271

80.Applying for Studying in a University求学申请 273

81.Recommendation推荐 275

82.Self-Recommendation自荐 277

83.Notice of Lost Object寻物启事 278

84.Notice of Found Object招领启事 280

85.Speech Contest演讲比赛 282

86.Asking for Leave请假 283

87.Inquiry询问 285

88.Resume简历 287

Part 4 模拟训练参考作文 289

1.My View on Advertisements on TV 289

2.My View on Bicycles in China 290

3.Fiction Can Teach Us More 290

4.Capital Punishment:For and Against 291

5.My Ideal Job 292

6.My Solution to Cheating in Exams 292

7.Hard Life Is Good for Children 293

9.Active Classes or Passive Classes 294

8.Where to Live—in the City or in the Country 294

10.By Phone or by Letter 295

11.My View on Competition 296

12.The Positive and Negative Effects of Computers 296

13.On the Importance of Self-confidence 297

14.Dictionary 298

15.No Pains.No Gains 299

16.My View on Dissatisfaction 299

17.On Self-education 300

18.Letter Grades and Pass-fail Grades 301

20.How to Enlarge Our English Vocabulary 302

19.The Importance of Extensive Reading 302

21.Greenhouse Effect 303

22.Economic Development and Environmental Protection 304

23.My View on Euthanasia 304

24.Objective Exams and Subjective Exams 305

25.Is Failure a Bad Thing 306

26.My View on the Harmfulness of Fake Commodities 306

27.On Choice of Friends 307

28.My View on Computer Games 308

29.On Generation Gap 308

30.On the Importance of Good Habits 309

32.On the Importance of Health 310

31.What Makes Life Happy 310

33.Health and Sports 311

34.My Hobbies 311

35.On Honesty 312

36.Humor and Wit 312

37.Is Intelligence Born or Developed 313

38.On Job-hopping 313

39.On the Advantages of a Job Interview 314

40.Physical or Intellectual Activities 315

41.Lucky Numbers Bring No Good Luck 315

43.Money Is Not All-powerful 316

42.My View on Money 316

44.The Part of the Newspaper I Read More Often 317

45.My View on Opportunity 318

46.On Spending Free Time 318

47.Students Should Be Encouraged to Take Part-time Jobs 319

48.Physical Exercise Should Be a Required Part of Every School Day 320

49.Water Pollution 320

50.My View on Whether to Have Children 321

51.Private Cars Should Not Be Encouraged in China 322

52.On Unpunctualness 322

53.Reading Selectively or Extensively 323

55.On How to Be a Good Student 324

54.How to Give Up Smoking 324

56.My View on Homestay Program 325

57.My View on the Telephone 326

58.Television and People's Behavior 327

59.The Harmful Effect of Television on Children 327

60.On How to Use Time 328

61.Motorcycles and City Traffic 328

62.The Advantages of Tourism 329

63.Trees—Man's Faithful Friends 330

64.I Prefer Long Vacations 330

66.Work and Play 331

65.Can Success Be Measured in Terms of Money Alone 331

67.Congratulations on Birthday 332

68.Gratitude 332

69.Apology 333

70.Job Application 333

71.Applying for Studying in a University 333

72.Notice of Lost Object 334

73.Notice of Found Object 334

74.Asking for Leave 334

75.A Student's Resume 335

附录 关联词语 336