The Effect of Chromosome Aberrations on Development in Drosophila melanogas-ter 1
Deficient Regions of Notches in Drosophila melanogaster 48
A New Food for Laboratory Cultures of Drosophila 55
A Gas-operated Incubator for Drosophila Cultures 58
Variations in the Color Patterns in the Lady-bird beetles(Ptychanatis axyridis Pall) 64
A Study of Autosomal White-eye and Double Nucleated Mosaics in Drosophila melanogaster 84
Genetic Studies of the Notopleural Deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster 91
Genetical and Cytological Studies of a Deficiency(Notopleural)in the Second Ch-romosome of Drosophila melanogaster 100
The Development of Vestigial Wings under High Temperature in Drosophila me-lanogaster 107
Semi-homologous Inversions in Drosophila melanogaster 121
Inheritance of the Elytral Color Patterns of the Lady-bird beetle(Harmonia axy-ridis Pallas) 123
Genetic Studies of the Elytral Patterns of the Lady-bird Beetle(Harmonia axyri-dis Pallas) 133
The Inheritance of the Elytral Characters of the Lady-bird Beetle(Harmonia axy-ridis Pallas) 142
The Chromosomes of the Lady-bird Beetle(Harmonia axyridis Pallas) 153
Spermatogenesis and Chromosomes of Callimenus onos Pallas 157
A Six-Chromosome Ascaris Found in Chinese Horses 174
Studies of the Chromosomes of Ascaris megalocephala trivalens I.The Occurrence and Possible Origin of Nine-Chromosome Forms 176
A Six-Chromosome Ascaris in Chinese Horses 184
A Study of the Atypical Polocytes in Ascaris megalocephala trivalens and Its Bear-ing on the Theory of Polar Body Formation 186
The Formation of Four-Stranded Chrcmosomes in the Amphinucleus of Funkiasie-boldiana 195
A Simple Technique for Demonstrating Insect Chromosomes 198
The Changes in the Digestive System of Rana nigromaculata and Kaloula borealis During Metamorphosis 201
Studies of the"Rain Frog"Kaloula borealis Ⅰ.The Adaptive Features of the Ear-ly Embryo 226
Studies of the"RainFrog"Kaloula borealis Ⅱ.The Food and Feeding of the Embryos and Adults 239
Studies of the"Rain Frog"Kaloula borealis Ⅳ.The Developmental Changes of the Limb Buds During Metamorphosis 247
Studies of the"Rain Frog"Kaloula borealis Ⅴ.The Changes in Size of the Ka-loula Larva before and during Metamorphosis with Reference to the Growth of Its Endocrine Glands 260
A Technique for Frog Embryology 268
Some Experiments on the Rate of Regeneration of Planaria 273
Melanophoral Changes in the Wall Lizard(Gekko Swinhonis) 285
The Melanophore Responses of the Paradise Fish 299
血型遗传 309
细胞遗传学发展过程中的几个问题 320
细胞遗传学的现况和展望 329
遗传与发育中的几个问题 339
巨大染色体 359
刺腹蛙早期胚胎发育的适应性 368
北方狭口蛙个体发育的研究Ⅰ.鳃和肺的发生、发展与变化 383
北方狭口蛙个体发育的研究Ⅱ.食物对消化系统发育的影响 407
北方狭11蛙个体发育的研究Ⅲ.几种重要血管的发生与变化 430
无尾两栖类蝌蚪味觉器的研究 449