
  • 购买积分:17 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王静渊主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:百家出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7806569367
  • 页数:565 页

学校生活(Part One School Life) 2

Unit 1 上学(On the Way to School) 2

Unit 2 到达学校(Arriving at School) 6

Unit 3 在教室(In the Classroom) 9

Unit 4 在课堂上(At Class) 16

Unit 5 学习与课程(Studies and Courses) 27

Unit 6 在图书馆(In the Library) 34

Unit 7 运动(Sports) 41

Unit 8 在学校食堂(At the School Dining Hall) 48

Unit 9 课间聊天(Chatting during a Break) 55

Unit 10 在宿舍(At Dormitories) 68

Unit 11 关于考试(About Exams) 79

Unit 12 在校医室(At the School Clinic) 87

Unit 13 在教师办公室(At the Teachers'Office) 102

Unit 14 开班会(Having a Class Meeting) 120

Unit 15 课余生活(After-school Life) 143

Unit 16 闲谈(Making Casual Conversation) 176

Unit 1 在家(At Home) 194

家庭生活(Part Two Family Life) 194

Unit 2 请求(Requests) 200

Unit 3 谈论天气(Talking about Weather) 206

Unit 4 生日(Birthday) 213

日常生活(Part Three Daily Life) 220

Unit 1 介绍(Introductions) 220

Unit 2 打招呼(Greetings) 227

Unit 3 告别(Farewells) 232

Unit 4 致谢与应答(Thanks and Responses) 238

Unit 5 请求与应答(Requests and Responses) 244

Unit 6 祝贺、祝愿与应答(Congratulations,Wishes and Responses) 251

Unit 7 询问与应答(Inquiries and Responses) 260

Unit 8 邀请与应答(Invitations and Responses) 270

Unit 9 道歉与应答(Apologies and Responses) 279

Unit 10 抱怨与应答(Complaints and Responses) 285

社会生活(Part Four Social Life) 296

Unit 1 在邮局(At the Post Office) 296

Unit 2 购物(Shopping) 300

Unit 3 住旅馆(Staying at the Hotel) 308

Unit 4 退宿结账(Checking Out) 310

Unit 5 乘出租车(Taking the Taxi) 312

Unit 6 在银行(At the Bank) 313

Unit 7 在餐馆(At the Restaurant) 324

Unit 8 看病(Seeing a Doctor) 335

Unit 9 在理发店(Going to Barber's) 343

Unit 10 在聚会上(At a Party) 349

Unit 11 打电话(Making a Phone Call) 362

Unit 12 乘公共汽车(Traveling by Bus) 372

Unit 13 观光(Sightseeing) 374

Unit 14 送别(Seeing off) 376

外出旅行(Part Five Going Traveling) 382

Unit 1 旅游方式(The Ways of Traveling) 382

Unit 2 自然风光(Natural Scene) 386

Unit 3 城市风光(Urban Scenes) 393

Unit 4 名胜古迹(The Scenic Spots and Historical Sites) 395

Unit 5 乡村郊游(Qutings to the Rural Area) 399

Unit 6 请人拍照(Asking People to Take a Picture) 402

Unit 7 买纪念品和特产(Buying Souvenirs and Lo-cal Products) 404

Unit 8 问路(Asking the Way) 405

Unit 9 送别游客(Seeing Visitors off) 407

体育锻炼(Part Six Sports) 410

Unit 1 足球(Football) 410

Unit 2 羽毛球(Badminton) 412

Unit 3 排球(Volleyball) 415

Unit 4 田径比赛(Track and Field Events) 416

Unit 5 体操比赛(Gymnastics Matches) 420

Unit 6 乒乓球(Ping-pong) 422

Unit 7 举重(Weight Lifting) 425

Unit 8 滑冰(Skating) 427

Unit 9 篮球(Basketball) 428

Unit 10 游泳(Swimming) 432

附录(Appendices) 436

1.最新常用美式口语350句(New American Colloquialism 350) 436

2.常见英文标志(Common English Signs) 466

3.国家、货币、国籍和语言(Countries,Curren-cies,Nationalities and Languages) 531

4.名人名言(The Well-known Sayings From the FamousPersons) 537