献辞 Message 苏州博物馆馆长 张欣 8
献辞 Message 上海博物馆馆长 陈燮君 10
吴门四杰 彪炳百世 单国霖 12
沈周 24
行书五律诗轴 Pentasyllabic regulated verse 26
行书题画卷 Colophon to a painting 28
行书化缘疏卷 On begging alms 32
秋轩晤旧图轴 Meeting an old friend in the Autumn Study 40
岸波图卷 Sitting in a hut beside the wavy river 44
仿倪山水轴 Landscape in the style of Ni Zan 50
云冈小隐图卷 Secluded retreat on the cloudy peak 54
壑舟图咏册 Boats amidst ravines and streams 60
九月桃花图轴 Peach blossoms in September 68
花鸟册(10开) Birds and flowers(ten leaves) 70
文?明 92
行书口号十首卷 Ten verses 94
行书奉天殿早朝诗轴 Morning Court at Fengtian Hall 102
行书五律煮茶诗轴 Pentasyllabic regulated verse on boiling tea 104
尺牍册(6通) Six Letters 106
尺牍册(11通) Eleven Letters 120
行书七律游幻住庵有感等诗扇页 Septa-syllabic regulated verse on a visit of Huanzhu-an 134
行草书风入松十首册(24开) Feng-Ru-Song regulated rerses(twenty-four leaves) 136
行书西苑诗卷 Poems on Xiyuan 162
行书咏文信国事四首卷 Fours verses on Wen Tianxiang 174
石湖诗卷 Poems on Lake Stone 182
寒林晴雪图轴 Cleaing after snow at the chilly forest 190
德孚赠别图轴 Landscape dedicated to Defu 192
句曲山房图卷 Mountain retreat at Gouqu 194
赤壁赋图卷 Ode to the Red Cliff 202
兰竹图轴 Orchids,bamboo and rocks 212
唐寅 214
行书七律龙头诗轴 Septasyllabic regulated verse 216
行书花下酌酒歌扇页 Song of drinking wine beside flowers 218
农训图轴 Countryside scenery 220
杏花仙馆图轴 Flowering apricot and huts in the mountain 224
柳桥赏春图轴 Enjoying the spring on the willow bridge 226
款鹤图卷 Crane companion 228
骑驴归思图轴 Riding home on a donkey 234
墨牡丹图扇页 Peonies 238
秋风纨扇图轴 Lady holding a fan in the autumn breeze 240
牡丹仕女图轴 Lady having peonies in hand 242
灌木丛筱图轴 Bush,cane and rock 244
仇英 246
修竹仕女图轴 Lady and her assistant standing beside rocks and bamboo 248
鸳鸯仕女图轴 Lady,child and mandarin ducks 250
倪瓒像卷 Portrait of Ni Zan 252
后赤壁赋图卷 The Red Cliff 258
煮茶图扇页 Boiling tea 266
松下眠琴图扇页 Sleeping with a Qin zither under a willow tree 268
采菱图扇页 Picking waternuts 270
海棠山鸟图扇页 Chinese flowering crabapple and birds 272
附 周臣 274
桃花源图轴 Peach Blossom Spring 275