《高等教育旅游管理专业统编教材 河南景区景点现场导游英语》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:高照明,赵建峡主编
  • 出 版 社:郑州:郑州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7810486772
  • 页数:229 页

1.1 郑州的景区和景点 Places of Interest in Zhengzhou 2

1.1.1 少林寺景区 The Shaolin Temple Scenic Area 2

1.河南省主要景区景点简介(Ⅰ) Introduction to the Main Scenic Spots in Henan 2

1.1.2 嵩山 The Songshan Mountain 7

1.1.3 中岳庙 The Zhongyue Temple 8

1.1.4 古天文台 The Ancient Astronomical Observatory 9

1.1.5 嵩阳书院 The Songyang Academy of Classical Learning 10

1.1.6 嵩岳庙塔 The Songyue Temple Pagoda 11

1.1.7 黄河游览区和黄河大观 The Yellow River Scenic Area and Grand View of the Yellow River 11

1.1.9 北宋皇陵 The Imperial Mausoleums of the Northern Song Dynasty 13

1.1.8 二七纪念塔 The February 7th Memorial Tower 13

1.1.10 河南博物院 Henan Museum 15

1.2 豫东的景区和景点 Scenic Spots in the East of Henan 16

1.2.1 开封的景区和景点 Places of Interest in Kaifeng 16

1.2.2 大相国寺 The Great Xiangguo Temple 17

1.2.3 清明上河园 The Garden Landscape of Qingming Festival at Bian River 18

1.2.4 龙亭公园 The Dragon Palace Park 19

1.2.5 宋都御街 The Imperial Street of the Song Capital 20

1.2.6 包公祠 The Baogong Memorial Temple 20

1.2.8 铁塔 The Iron Pagoda 21

1.2.7 繁塔 Po Pagoda 21

1.2.9 开封夜市 The Kaifeng Night Market 22

1.2.10 商丘的景区和景点 Places of Interest in Shangqiu 22

1.2.11 庄子故里 The Home of Zhuangzi 23

1.2.12 木兰祠 The Mulan Temple 24

1.2.13 芒砀山文物旅游区 The Mangdang Mountain Cultural Relics Tourism Area 25

1.2.14 周口的景区和景点 Places of Interest in Zhoukou 26

1.2.15 太昊陵 The Taihao Mausoleum 27

1.2.16 太清宫 The Taiqing Palace 27

2.1.1 龙门石窟 The Longmen Grottoes 29

2.1 豫西的景区和景点 The Spots in the West of Henan Province 29

2. 河南省主要旅游景区景点介绍(Ⅱ) Introduction to the Main Scenic Spots in Henan 29

2.1.2 白马寺 The White Horse Temple 39

2.1.3 石人山 The Shiren Mountain 46

2.1.4 石漫滩国家森林公园 The Shimantan National Forest Park 50

2.1.5 函谷关古文化旅游区 The Hanguguan Pass Ancient Culture Resort 54

2.2 豫南的景区和景点 The Spots in the South of Henan Province 57

2.2.1 内乡县衙 The Neixiang Ancient County Government Office 57

2.2.2 南街村 The Communist Community:Nanjie Village 60

2.2.3 嵖岈山风景区 The Chaya Mountains Spot 63

2.2.4 南海寺 The Nanhai Temple 66

2.2.5 鸡公山 The Jigong Mountain 68

2.2.6 南湾湖 The Nanwan Lake 71

2.3 豫北的景区和景点 The Spots in the North of Henan Province 72

2.3.1 殷墟 Yin Remains Museum 72

2.3.2 羑里城遗址 Youlicheng Ruins 77

2.3.3 红旗渠景区 The Red-flag Canal 80

2.3.4 王屋山风景区 The Wangwu Mountain Spot 83

2.3.5 云台山风景名胜区 The Yuntai Mountain 87

2.3.6 百泉风景区 The Baiquan Scenic Spot 92

2.3.7 中华第一龙遗址 The No.1 Dragon Relics in China 95

2.3.8 太极圣地陈家沟 Chenjiagou Village:the Sacred Place of Taijiquan Boxing 97

3.1.1 洛阳牡丹 Luoyang Peony 101

3.1 地方陪同现场导游(1) Local Tour Guide English(1) 101

3 英语现场导游 On-the-spot Tour Guide Engish 101

3.1.2 黄河小浪底 Xiao Langdi on the Yellow River 107

3.1.3 比干庙 The Bigan Temple 112

3.1.4 汤阴岳庙——岳飞的家乡 The Tangyin Yue Temple——Yue Fei's Hometown 115

3.1.5 云梦山风景区 The Yunmeng Mountain Scenic Spot 123

3.1.6 虢国博物馆 Guo Graveyard and Guo State Museum 128

3.1.7 武侯祠 The Wu Hou Ancestral Temple 130

3.2 地方陪同现场导游(2) Local Tour Guide English(2) 137

3.2.1 宝天曼自然保护区 The Natural Protection Area of the Baotianman Mountain 137

3.2.2 青天河风景区 The Blue Sky River Scenic Area 138

3.2.3 千唐志斋 Inscribed Tablet Forest from the Tang Dynasty 140

3.2.4 洛阳古墓博物馆 Luoyang Ancient Mausoleum Museum 143

3.2.5 仰韶文化遗址 The Cultural Remains in Yangshao 146

3.2.6 关林 The Guan Lin Temple 148

3.2.7 中原定陵——潞简王墓 Dingling in Central China——Tomb of Prince Lujian 151

3.2.8 钧瓷 Jun Porcelain 154

3.3 英文导游模拟 Simulations for Tour Guide in English 157

3.3.1 龙峪湾国家森林公园 The Longyuwan National Forest Park 157

3.3.2 鸡冠洞风景区 The Cockscomb Cave Scenic Spot 162

3.3.3 中原绿色庄园 The Green Park of the Central Plains 168

3.3.4 五龙口风景区 The Wulongkou Scenic Spot 170

3.3.5 白云山国家森林公园 The Baiyun Mountain Natiohal Forest Park 175

4 旅游英语口语 Oral English in Tourism 181

4.1 导游常用礼貌用语 Frequently Used Polite Expressions 181

4.2 现场导游常用口语 On-the-spot Oral English 182

4.3 游客常提的问题 Visitors'Frequently Asked Questions 183

5 导游实务 Operations for Tour Guide 185

5.1 导游服务和导游人员 Tourist Services and Tour Guides 185

5.2 导游服务程序和带团技能 The Procedures ofTourist Services and Tour Guide Skills  187

5.3 导游讲解 Tour Guide's Commentaries 192

5.4 对旅游者个别要求的处理 Handling of Individual Requirements  199

5.5 常见问题与事故的处理 Handling of Frequently Occurred Problems and Accidents 208