
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:成应翠主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7111196325
  • 页数:201 页

1.我关机I Turned off the Computer 2

2.回收站The Recycle Bin 3

3.“十分”爱你Love You"One Jiao"(=Ten Fen) 4

4.两份工作Two Jobs 5

5.可爱的女孩A Lovely Girl 6

6.你是我的You're Mine 7

7.肇事司机The Trouble-causing Driver 8

8.乌龟A Tortoise 9

9.墨镜的作用(1)The Role of Sunglasses(1) 10

10.墨镜的作用(2)The Role of Sunglasses(2) 11

11.新羽绒服A New Down Jacket 12

12.规矩A Rule 13

13.追求美眉Chase after MM 14

14.键盘坏了The Keyboard Doesn't Work 15

15.星星Stars 16

16.生产力Productivity 17

17.你是哑巴啊?Are You Dumb? 18

18.男女平等Equality between Girls and Boys 19

19.移动鼠标Move the Mouse 20

20.环保电脑An Environmentally Friendly Computer 21

21.方的和圆的The Square One and the Round One 22

22.兼容Compatibility 23

23.一只名“猫”A Famous"Modem" 24

24.电子宠物猫An Electronic Pet Cat 25

25.热胀冷缩Expand from Heat and Contract from Cold 26

26.恶梦Nightmare 27

27.钻石Diamond 28

28.我在家里上网I'm Surfing Online at Home 29

29.我不是女孩I'm Not a Girl 30

30.程序员A Programmer 31

31.第99个男生The 99th Boy 32

32.你了解女人吗?Do You Understand Women? 33

33.没这个网站No Such Website 34

34.掉线了Off-line 35

35.证书The Certificate 36

36.笔记本电脑Notebook PC 37

37.烧烤店The Barbecue Restaurant 38

38.笨“猫”The Foolish Cat(Modem) 39

39.电子圣诞贺卡Electronic Christmas Cards 40

40.哲学Philosophy 41

41.见光死Netpals Feel Disappointed after Meeting 42

42.界面Interface 43

43.内存大The Storage Capacity Is Big 44

44.如此开心So Happy 45

45.新主页A New Homepage 46

46.测谎软件Lie-detecting Software 47

47.救救我Help Me 48

48.高财生Gaocai Student 49

49.漂亮MM A Beautiful MM 50

50.电脑书籍Computer Books 51

51.格式化Format 52

52.石头The Stone 53

53.还珠格格Princess Huanzhu 54

54.别把“蛋”打破了Don't Break the"egg" 55

55.借书证Library Card 56

56.双核CPU Double CPU 57

57.多媒体Multimedia 58

58.好消息Good News 59

59.换座位Change Our Seats 60

60.重新格式化Re-format 61

61.谁更聪明?Who Is Cleverer? 62

62.屏保Screen Saver 63

63.RAM太小RAM Is Small 64

64.下雨了吗?Is It Raining? 65

65.未来的公司The Future Company 66

66.不兼容Incompatibility 67

67.你带钱了吗?Do You Have Money? 68

68.网络痴呆症Cyber-dementia 69

69.联想Association 70

70.网络真是太好了The Internet Is So Wonderful 71

71.打字慢Type Slowly 72

72.网络是骗人的The Internet Is a Swindler 73

73.网络baby A Net-baby 74

74.吹牛Talk Bull 75

75.是不是太孤独了?Are You Too Lonely? 76

76.点击Click 77

77.漂亮的网名Charming Net-name 78

78.处理过的照片The Pseudo Photo 79

79.都掉线了Nobody Surfs Online 80

80.花花公子Playboys 81

81.网上购书Buy Books Online 82

82.见面之后After Meeting 83

83.私聊Chat Privately 84

84.失败的网恋Unsuccessful Cyber-love 85

85.鱼翅Shark Fin 86

86.内存不足The Memory Isn't Big Enough 87

87.谁动了我的电脑?!Who Entered My Computer?! 88

88.改成绩Correct All My Marks 89

89.帅哥A Lady-killer 90

90.最优秀的男生The Most Excellent Boy 91

91.人见人爱Everyone Loves Me 92

92.长指甲Long Nails 93

93.电子商店The E-store 94

94.有病毒的光盘CD with a Virus 95

95.呆头的考卷Blockhead's Exam Paper 96

96.OICQ病毒OICQ Virus 97

97.你的错Your Fault 98

98.免费上网Surf Online for Free 99

99.电脑保养The Health Maintain of Computers 100

100.电脑综合症Computer Syndrome 101

101.等新来的Waiting for a Newcomer 102

102.娇艳的名字A Pretty Name 103

103.我替你去见他I'll Meet Him Instead of You 104

104.看上去道貌岸然Look Santimonious 105

105.高凳子A High Stool 106

106.电子邮件地址E-mail Address 107

107.对我的电脑不忠Be Disloyal to My Computer 108

108.上网的意图The Intention of Surfing Online 109

109.网恋Cyber-love 110

110.开机画面The Start-up Picture 111

111.第二眼The Second Sight 112

112.坏女孩A Naughty Girl 113

113.小金库Private Savings 114

114.对天发誓Swear by God 115

115.电脑病毒Computer Viruses 116

116.免费下载Download Free 117

117.你的照片Your Photos 118

118.幸福的源泉A Source of Happiness 119

119.你妈妈有没有“猫”?Does Your Mother Have a Modem? 120

120.在我之前没人爱过你吗?Nobody Loved You before Me? 121

121.一阵奇怪的啸叫声A Burst of Strange Roars 122

122.IP电话IP Telephone 123

123.现在就删除你Delete You Right Now 124

124.去YAHOO上找你的帽子吧Look for Your Hat on YAHOO 125

125.我要去http://www.xxx.com I'm Heading for http://www.xxx.com 126

126.糟糕的网恋The Awful Cyber-love 127

127.倒霉小偷A Bad Lucky Thief 128

128.网络情人Cyber-lover 129

129.结了婚的男人Married Men 130

130.电脑一定是女性Computers Must Be Female 131

131.漂亮女孩的脾气Beautiful Girls'Temper 132

132.要先抬高价码Make a High Request First 133

133.和网友交往Keep in Touch with the Netpals 134

134.网上说真话也没人相信Nobody Believes Your Honesty Online 135

135.“我爱重庆”“I Love Chongqing” 136

136.敲回车Press"Enter" 137

137.电子宠物E-pet 138

138.1932年的劳斯莱斯A 1932 Rolls-Royce 139

139.聪明的孩子A Clever Boy 140

140.惟有青岛啤酒There Is Only Qingdao Beer 141

141.世界末日The End of the World 142

142.我们聊聊Let's Have a Chat 143

143.我感到很难过I Feel Very Sad 144

144.编写应用程序Writing an Applied Program 145

145.网民A Netizen 146

146.行家之选The Choice of the Expert 147

147.对待电脑要像对待女朋友一样Treat Your Computer as Your Girlfriend 148

148.自从我买了台电脑……Since I Bought a Computer 149

149.魔术师Conjurer 150

150.黑眼圈Dark Circles round Their Eyes 151

151.钟情于网络Be in Deep Love with the Internet 152

152.网络故事A Cyber-story 153

153.我叫xxx@chatroom.com My Name Is xxx@chatroom.com 154

154.……对不起...Sorry 155

155.拜倒在你的数据裤(库)下I Fell to Your Data-base 156

156.许个愿吧!Make a Wish,Quickly! 157

157.回家太晚Go Home Too Late 158

158.冲浪高手A Surfing Master-mind 159

159.我被处分了I Was Punished 160

160.零用钱Pocket-money 161

161.桌面The Desktop 162

162.电脑死机了My Computer Doesn't Work 163

163.双击Press It Twice 164

164.整理桌面Tidy up My Desk 165

165.有鼠标吗?Is There a Mouse? 166

166.先吃轮子Try Tires First 167

167.邋遢的网友A Scrufry Netpal 168

168.CS游戏CS Games 169

169.借点钱Please Lend Me Some Money 170

170.刮西北风Blow Northwest Wind 171

171.太忙了Be Very Busy 172

172.计算机测试The Computer Test 173

173.呵呵,机会来了Ha-ha,Here's My Chance 174

174.一条大鱼A Big Fish 175

175.IT业IT Field 176

176.只允许你和男孩聊天Only Allow You to Chat with Boys 177

177.爱如潮水My Love Is like Tidewater 178

178.网上购物Go shopping Online 179

179.打911吧!Please Dial 911! 180

180.让我的脸看上去像电脑Make My Face Look like a Computer 181

181.饿死病毒Starve the Virus to Death 182

182.(网恋)一半有结果,一半没结果Half Hit,Half Not 183

183.网上的美眉总是冲我乐The Girls Always Smile upon Me Online 184

184.给你一个微笑:-)Give You a Smile:-) 185

185.我的眼前全是星星Many Twinkling Stars in Front of Me 186

186.最新款的电脑The Up-to-date Computer 187

187.超级大网虫A Super-cyberworm 188

188.很棒的化妆品Great Makeup 189

189.乞讨网Beg.com 190

190.捆绑式饭Tying the Knot Food 191

191.电脑显示,没有这些东西The Goods Don't Show Up on the Computer 192

192.如果我不上网……If I Don't Surf Online 193

193.双胞胎中的一个有了备份文件One of Twins Has a Back-up Copy 194

194.美国来的病毒A Virus from America 195

195.公主Princess 196

196.和三个人一起聊Chat with Three People Together 197

197.谁飞得更快?Which One Flies Faster? 198

198.养了个电脑宠物Raise an E-pet 199

199.她的Cache太小Her"Cache"Is Too Small 200

200.真正的黑客A Real Hacker 201