《日本室内设计与装修 第4册 宾馆、写字楼、公寓》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:内田繁,冲健次编著
  • 出 版 社:南宁:广西美术出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7805828792
  • 页数:245 页

Hotels 1984s and 1994s 7

Making the Hotel What It is:Emerging Trends in the Role of Interior Design Mayumi Miyawaki 13

It is no Longer Possible to close What has become Completely Open——Kengo Kuma 16

Akira Watanabe 16

Design Episode: 16

Tomoiku Ara 20

Hideto Horiike 42

Offices——1983s and 1994s 73

Design Strategy for Offices 78

Shinpachiro Ishigami 81

Kenji Oki and Hisako Watanabe 105

Yasuo Kondo 113

Soichi Mizutani 122

Guen Bertheau Suzuki 123

Apartments Houses——1980s and 1993s 146

The 21st-Century Office:A Preview Isao Hosoe 146

Turning the Back on the City:The Emergence of Anti-Modern Housing 1970-1980 154

Edward Suzuki 158

Katsuhiko Togashi 161

Vol.1-Vol.4 Index 236

Writers Editors 242

Editors Notes 244

Photographer Collaborator List 245