《“元谋人”发现四十周年纪念会暨古人类国际学术研讨会文集 中英文本》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨德聪执行主编
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7541624314
  • 页数:321 页

在“元谋人”发现四十周年纪念会暨古人类国际学术研讨会上的讲话&丹增 1

保护文化遗产是全人类的共同责任&杜晓帆 3

让世界把目光投向楚雄&丁绍祥 5

在“元谋人”发现四十周年纪念会上的讲话&吴新智 7

在元谋古人类国际学术研讨会开幕式上的讲话&熊正益 9

纪念元谋人发现四十周年 力争古人类学研究新突破&高星 10

在“元谋人”发现四十周年纪念会暨古人类国际学术研讨会招待宴会上的祝酒词&任锦云 12

在“元谋人”发现四十周年纪念会暨古人类国际学术研讨会上的欢迎词&李国林 13

在“元谋人”发现四十周年纪念会上的发言&钱方 14

在元谋古人类国际学术研讨会闭幕式上的讲话&张永康 16

中国云南晚中新世古猿的分类系统关系和生物地理学&特里·哈里森 17

元谋古猿的发现、发掘与研究&郑良 32

中国云南元谋的禄丰古猿幼年头骨&高峰 等 40

东南亚古猿演化及晚第三纪哺乳动物生物地层学&仲谷英夫 等 64

关于汤恩头骨发现的早期历史的几点评论&戈兰·斯特克 67

在中国寻找早期人类起源踪迹的环境线索&董为 71

周口店1号地点北京猿人化石的三维空间关系及对中国南部古人类地点分析的意义&拉瑟·夏汉 等 80

对周口店山顶洞的研究证明非洲来人在遗传上只是参加者&王德恒 81

叙利亚Dederiyeh洞的发掘及其对西亚古人类学的贡献&近藤修 等 86

关于中国人起源的新思考&吴新智 93

萨拉乌苏更新世晚期人类肩胛骨化石的初步研究&尚虹 98

中国人和蒙古人头骨及牙齿非度量特征研究&克里丝汀·李 102

用骨骼化石碎块推测直立人的股骨长度和身高&康妮·费尔曼 107

中国早更新世发现的旧石器&李超荣 117

路南遗址——云贵高原上最早确认的旧石器遗址&黄慰文 119

云南沧源农克硝洞新发现石制品的技术类型学初步研究&吉学平 等 122

云南江川甘棠箐旧石器遗址初步研究&刘建辉 等 133

昆明市旧石器考古&程明 146

韩国度如邦溶洞群的多样性&李隆助 等 151

水洞沟遗址2003~2004发掘的主要收获&高星 王惠民 裴树文 陈福友 冯兴无 152

贵州盘县大洞的古环境与遗址形成过程&克里丝蒂娜·帕拉索 等 159

安徽繁昌人字洞遗址发掘与研究&郑龙亭 173

百色薄刃斧初步观察&谢光茂 182

福建漳浦海域哺乳动物化石&范雪春 李建军 189

开腔骨类分类位置之争中的目的论思想&杨杰 200

神秘的土林&凌小惠 田国强 钱方 205

后记 209

Speech at the Commemorative Meeting to Mark the 40th Anniversary of"Yuanmou Man"Discovery&Dan Zeng 211

Mankind Should Share Common Responsibility to Protect the Cultural Heritage&Du Xiaofan 213

Let the World Pay More Attention to Chuxiong&Ding Shaoxiang 216

Speech at the Commemorative Meeting to Mark the 40th Anniversary of Yuanmou Man Discovery&Wu Xinzhi 218

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Conference on Palaeoanthropological Studies in Yuanmou&Xiong Zhengyi 220

Commemorating the Discovery of the Yuanmou Hominid,Seeking Breakthroughs in Paleoanthropological Research&Gao Xing 222

Toast at Welcome Banquet in Honour of the Participants of"Yuanmou Man"Commemorative Meeting and International Conference on Paleoanthropological Studies&Ren Jinyun 225

Welcoming Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Commemorative Meeting to Mark the 40th Anniversary of Yuanmou Man Discovery&Li Guolin 227

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 40th Anniversary of Yuanmou Man Discovery & International Conference on Palaeoanthropological Studies&Qian Fang 229

Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the International Conference on Palaeoanthropological Studies in Yuanmou&Zhang Yongkang 231

Taxonomy,Phylogenetic Relationships,and Biogeography of Miocene Hominoids from Yunnan,China&Terry Harrison 233

Discovery,Excavation and Research of Yuanmou Hominoid&Zheng Liang 250

An Infant Skull of Lufengpithecus from Yuanmou,Yunnan Province,China&Gao Feng,et al. 251

Hominoids Evolution and the Neogene Mammalian Biostratigraphy of the South East Asia&Hideo Nakaya,et al. 252

Some Notes on the Early History of the Taung Discovery&Goran ?trkalj 255

Environmental Indications for the Research of Early Hominid Origin in China&Dong Wei 260

Excavation of Dederiyeh Cave in Syria and Its Contribution to Paleoanthropology in West Asia&Osamu Kondo,et al. 261

African Invader:Only a Participant in the Gene——An Implication from the Research of Upper Cave Man&Wang Deheng 269

Three-Dimensional Context of Zhoukoudian Locality 1 Homo Erectus:Implications for Analyzing Paleoanthropological Sites in Southern China&Russell L.Ciochon,et al. 270

Origin of Modern Chinese&Wu Xinzhi 272

The Human Scapula Remain from Salawusu,Inner Mongolia&Shang Hong 276

Peopling of China and Mongolia:A Study Using Cranial and Dental Nonmetric Traits&Christine Lee 277

Estimation of Femoral Length and Stature in Homo Erectus from Fragmentary Remains&Connie D.Fellmann 282

The Stone Artifacts of the Early Pleistocene in China&Li Chaorong 293

Lunan Site,the First Known Paleolithic Site from the Yunnan—Guizhou Plateau&Huang Weiwen 294

A Preliminary Study on the Technology and Typology of the Artifacts from Xiaodong Site of Cangyuan in Yunnan&Ji Xueping,et al. 295

A Preliminary Study of Stone Artifact from Gantangqing,Jiangchuan County,Yunnan&Liu Jianhui,et al. 296

Paleolithic Sites in Kunming&Cheng Ming 297

The Diversity of Durubong Cave Complex,Korea&Yung-jo Lee,et al. 298

Tracing the Footprints of Human Groups from Shuidonggou&Gao Xing Wang Huimin Pei Shuwen Chen Fuyou Feng Xingwu 300

Paleoenvironment and Site Formation Processes at Panxian Dadong,Guizhou Province&C.K.Paraso,et al. 302

Excavation and Study of Fangchang Cave in Anhui&Zheng Longting 317

A Tentative Study of Cleavers from Baise&Xie Guangmao 318

Notes on the Mammalian Fauna from Taiwan Strait near Zhangpu of Fujian&Fan Xuechun Li Jianjun 319

Teleology behind the Argument of the Systematic Position of Chancelloriida&Yang Jie 320

Mystical Earth Forest&Ling Xiaohui Tian Guoqiang Qian Fang 321