《信息技术在建设领域中的创新应用 第一届建设领域信息化国际会议论文集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:安雪晖等主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7302091978
  • 页数:508 页

Part Ⅰ Strategies for Development of Construction Information Technology 1

Application of Information Technology in the Field of Public Works-Introduction of JACIC Activities 信息技术在公共事业领域中的应用——JACIC情况介绍&Takashi Toyoda 3

The Development of IT in Construction:a UK Perspective 英国建设领域信息化的发展&Ming Sun 11

The Trends of Construction IT in the USA 美国建设领域信息化趋势&Luh-Maan Chang 20

Influence of Economic Growth on Demand for Construction in Terms of Consumption of Cement 从水泥消费看经济增长对建设需求的影响&Masahiro Ouchi 29

A Fundamental Study on Publicity and Information Disclosure in Infrastructure Development and Management 关于基础设施开发和管理中公开性和信息发布的基础研究 &Tsunemi Watanabe 34

The Study on City Information Index 城市信息化指数研究&Hongyu Liu 43

A Survy on Application of Information Technology in Construction-Related Government Agencies in China 中国建设领域政府部门信息化状况问卷调查&Zhiliang Ma 51

Major Problems Restraining Construction E-business Development in China and its Development Mode 中国建筑业电子商务的主要问题及其发展模式&Xiaodong Li 60

The Countermeasure and Advice for the China Construction Consultant Corporation in Information Era 建筑工程监理企业信息化发展对策与建议&Chunjing Shang 65

The Management Experience of American Digital Government Engineer 美国政务数字化工程管理经验&Zhenqiang Qi 71

Research on Measurement of Government IT Investment 政府IT投资评价方法初探 &Yuelai Xie 78

Comparison between Chinese and Overseas UGIS Development 中外城市地理信息系统发展比较&Houzhong Xiao 85

Study on the Status of the Information Service Industrialization and the Countermeasures in the Construction Industry 我国建设领域信息服务产业化现状分析及对策研究&Yaowu Wang 91

Study on the Countermeasures to Marketize and Socialize the Information Services in the Construction Industry 我国建设领域信息服务市场化与社会化发展对策研究&Zhiye Huang 97

Research on Mechanism of Updating Construction Field Data Dynamically and Policy Suggestions 建筑领域数据动态更新机制研究及政策建议&Dongjun Wan 102

Research on Data Sharing in China Construction Realm 中国建设领域数据共享研究 &Gang Xu 109

Performance Test and Evaluation of Real Estate Software in China 中国房地产软件性能测试与评价&Jianfeng Guo 115

Part Ⅱ Development and Application of Information Systems 125

Reducing Costs Using Model-based Design and Collaboration Technologies&Bradshaw C 125

Three Gorges Project Management System and Its Application 三峡工程管理信息系统及其应用&Heping Jin 132

Impuising the Re-establishment of Procedure of Hydropower Construction Enterprise by Information 用信息化推动水电施工企业流程再造&Hougui Zhou 139

Life-Cycle Cost Simulation of Concrete Structures for Infrastructure Management 基础设施管理的混凝土结构生命周期成本模拟&Kazumasa Ozawa 148

Application OF EPIMS in the Construction Management of the National Stadium EPIMS系统在国家体育场项目施工管理中的应用&Zhiliang Ma 155

New Method ofInformation Sharing with Using ASP and Mobile Phone Equipped with Digital Camera ASP和移动电话安装数码相机实现信息共享的新方法&HirotakaOhtake 166

Development and Application of Electronic Documents Management System 电子文档管理系统的开发与应用&Takayoshi Nishihara 175

E-Bidding System for Public Procurement in JAPAN 电子报价系统在日本公共采购领域中的应用&Shuichi Suzuki 182

Development and Application of GIS-based Construction Planning System 基于GIS的建设规划信息系统开发与应用&Xinghai Dang 189

A 3D Real-Time VR(Virtual Reality)Simulation System 3D虚拟现实实时仿真系统 &Tessei Masuda 196

An Integrated Decision Support System for Customer-Driven Designs 用于客户驱动设计的集成化决策支持系统&Yiqing Yang 204

WEB-GIS-Based Construction Management System for Earthwork 基于万维网GIS的土方工程施工管理系统&Hiroshi Furuya 213

A DEA and GIS Based Site Selection System for Real Estate Projects 基于DEA与GIS的房地产项目选址系统&Ziyu Deng 227

Construction of UHV Pylons with Information Technology 特高压输电铁塔施工中信息技术的应用&Shigeru Tanabe 235

Introduction of IT into Road Construction and its Typical Applications 公路工程信息化技术简介及典型应用&Takashi Fujishima 243

Safety Management System in Bridge Construction 桥梁施工的安全管理系统 &Jiandong Zhang 253

Solution to the Integration Automation Systems of Hydropower Plant 水电站综合信息化系统解决方案&Chunhui Yi 262

Online Safety Evaluation System for Water-Diverting Tunnel 隧洞在线安全评估系统&Shengzhu Zhuang 269

Part Ⅲ Supportive Technologies for Construction Information Technology 275

Leveraging LandXML on Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and Data Integration Practice,Enabling Technology for CALS@GIS LandXML在基础结构生命周期管理和数据集成中的应用——CALS@GIS使能技术&Yoshihiko Fukuchi 277

Create,Manage,Share—Autodesk BLM Solution 创建、管理、共享—Autodesk BLM解决方案&Guanpei He 285

Development of Standard CAD Data Exchange Format(SXF) 标准CAD数据交换格式(SXF)的开展&Katsuhiro Miyanaga 292

River Digital Modeling by Using XML Technology 使用XML技术建立河流数字模型 &Bing Shao 299

Streamlining of Projects with Computerized Documents and Other Papers of Construction 施工项目文档资料管理作业的简约化&Katsumi Ooyabu 307

Information Encoding Formulation 建设企业信息编码的制定&Zhenhua Mao 315

Case Introduction about the Application of 3-D Digital Map 三维数字地图应用实例&Masakatsu Horino 325

On the Price Estimation Model of Construction Projects 施工项目造价评估模型 &Lin Hsiung Lin 333

On the Construction Work Control Using GPS in the Embankment of Rockfill Dam GPS在堆石坝填筑施工控制中的应用&Katsumi Ooyabu 344

The Study and Application of the Wireless Access Technology in Intelligent Building 无线接入技术在智能建筑中的应用研究&Yan Wang 352

The Development and Application of Precision Construction in Large-Scale Earthwork and Subsequent Effects 精确施工方法在大规模土方工程中的开发、应用及后续影响&Kazuyoshi Tateyama 358

The Application of Electronic Tender in Inviting Bidding,Bidding for and Evaluating Bidding in Construction Engineering 电子标书在建设工程招标、投标及评标中的应用&Lijie Zhang 366

Part Ⅳ Application of Finite Element Method and Simulation Technology 371

Computational Platform for Life-Cycle Assessment of RC/PC Infrastructures 钢筋混凝土/素混凝土基础设施生命周期评估的计算平台&Koichi Maekawa 373

Two Newest Applications of FEM in Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程有限元方法的两个新应用&Keizo Ugai 387

WWW Computation of Reinforced Concrete Performance 基于万维网的钢筋混凝土性能计算&Pierre CJHoogenboom 391

Design of Piles Based on the 3-D Slope Stability Analysis(LEM) 基于三维边坡稳定分析的桩设计&Atsushi Nakamura 400

Effect of Dynamic Analysis Methods on Responses of Piles in Liquefiable Sandy Grounds 动态分析方法对液化砂质地基中桩的响应的影响&Chiaki Takahashi 407

Seepage Analysis of Two Case Histories of Piping Induced by Excavations in Cohesionless Soils 无粘性土因开挖引发管涌现象的渗流分析&Fei Cai 414

Numerical Simulasion of Unsteady Flow in the Suction Pit of Drainage Pump Station 排水泵站进水口的紊流数值模拟&Yukihiro Yamamoto 422

Seismic Performance Evaluation System Based on Three-Dimensional Dyanamic Nonlinear Frame Analysis 基于三维动态非线性结构分析的地震性能评估系统&De-Yin Jin 429

Remote Cooperative Analysis of Nonlinear Seismic Response of Structures 结构非线性地震响应的远程协同分析&Yurong Guo 437

Research on Reinforced Construction Joints of High Arch Dam to Resist Strong Earthquake 高拱坝横缝配筋强震控制措施研究&Guanfu Chen 444

Analysis Model of Concrete Neutralization Process Caused by Sulfur Dioxide 由二氧化硫引起的混凝土中和反应过程的分析模型&Kazuhiro Kawaguchi 451

Implementation and Verification of Maekawa Concrete Model in DIANA DIANA中的Maekawa混凝土模型的实施和验证&Shengbin Gao 460

Pre and Post Processor for 3D Nonlinear FEM Analysis of RC Structures 钢筋混凝土结构的三维非线性有限元分析的前后处理&Wanmin You 469

Numerical Analysis on Vehicle Collision for Performance-Based Design of a New Type of Guard Fences 基于一种新型护栏性能设计的车辆碰撞数值分析&Bin Liu 476

Study on Dynamic Fracture of Welded Steel Connection in Tall Buildings 高层建筑焊接钢结构动态断裂行为研究&Fuqiang Tian 484

Numerical Analysis on the Uplift Capacity of an Anchor Embedded in a Concrete Column Confined by Steel Pipe 钢管混凝土内锚杆拔出承载力的数值分析方法&Shuichi Saito 491

Development of New Retaining Wall Method for the Expansion of Road in Mountain Area 新型挡土墙方法在山区道路施工中的应用&Manabu Matsushima 499