
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:许淑清,时真妹,栗红主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:756113004X
  • 页数:388 页

社交篇 1

1.打招呼和问候(Greetings) 2

2.介绍(Introduction ) 7

3.邀请(Invitation) 12

4.道谢(Giving Thanks) 17

5.抱怨和道歉(Complaint and Apologies) 22

6.约会(Appointment) 28

7.祝贺与祝愿(Congratulations and Wishes) 34

8.赞美(Compliment) 40

9.道别(Parting) 45

大街篇 51

1.偶然相遇(Meet Unexpectedly) 52

2.问路(Asking the Way) 56

3.帮助(Help) 61

1.请别人帮忙(Asking for Help) 61

2.提供和接受帮助(Offering and Accepting Help) 63

交通篇 67

1.乘飞机(By Airplane) 68

1.询问和买(预定)机票(Asking for Information and Purchasing Tickets) 68

2.更换班机和办理登机手续(Changing Flight and Checking in) 73

3.在飞机上(Aboard) 77

4.行李(Baggage) 80

5.在海关(Customs) 83

2.乘公共汽车和地铁(Taking a Bus and subway) 89

1.乘公共汽车(Taking a Bus) 89

2.乘地铁(Taking subway) 91

3.搭出租车(Taking Taxi) 95

1.叫出租车(Wanting a Taxi) 95

2.指路(Giving Direction) 96

3.开快点(Hurry up) 96

4.中途停车(Stop on the Way) 97

5.搭车(Wanting a Ride) 98

4.乘火车(Taking Train) 102

1.询问火车时间、路线和班次(Asking for Information) 102

2.买票(Buying Tickets) 103

3.找座位与换座位(Finding and Changing Seats) 104

4.请搬运工帮忙(Asking the Porter for Help) 105

住宿篇 109

1.登记入住(Check in) 110

1.预定房间(Reservation) 110

2.台前登记(Check in) 111

3.更改预定房间(Change the Reservation) 112

2.客房服务(Service) 115

1.洗衣服务(Laundry Service) 115

2.送餐服务(Room Service) 116

3.打扫房间(Housekeeping) 117

4.叫醒服务(Wake-up Service) 117

3.延长住宿时间和退房(ExtendingStay and Check out) 121

1.延长住宿时间(Extending Stay) 121

2.退房(Check out) 121

4.抱怨(Complaint) 126

1.电视坏了(The TV Set is Out of Order.) 126

2.房间外面太吵(There is So Much Noise Outside.) 127

3.记账出错(Miss-calculation) 127

4.收费比原先预定的贵(The Price is Higher than Expected) 129

5.其他问题(Others) 132

1.遭遇火灾(Fire Emergency) 132

2.东西被偷(Something Stolen) 133

3.手表遗失(Watch lost) 133

4.发烧(Having Fever) 134

购物篇 139

1.买东西(Making a Purchase) 140

1.购买衣、物等(Shopping for Clothes or Something) 140

2.购买食品及其他物品(Shopping for Food or Something) 146

3.购买其他物品(Shopping for Different Things) 151

4.买表(BuyingWatches) 151

4.买药(at the Pharmacy) 152

4.买化妆品(Buying Cosmetics) 153

4.买手提箱(Buying Suitcase) 153

4.买书(Buying Books) 154

4.其他(Others) 157

2.随便逛逛(Looking around) 157

2.换货(Exchanging goods) 157

2.分期付款(Purchasing things by installments) 158

2.找错钱(Cashier's mistakes) 158

2.退货(Refund) 159

2.讨价还价(Bargaining) 162

就餐篇 167

1.订餐(Reservation) 168

2.点菜(Ordering Meal) 171

3.就餐(Having the Meal) 174

4.结账(Paying the Bill) 176

5.提意见(Complaint) 181

就医篇 187

1.预约看病(Making an Appointment) 188

2.身体不舒服(Not Feeling Well) 190

3.身体发冷、胃疼(Shivery and Stomach Disorder) 191

4.严重头疼(Bad Headache) 192

5.打针(Having an Injection) 193

6.买药(Getting Medicine) 194

7.服药说明(Introduction) 195

银行篇 199

1.开户头(Opening an Account) 200

2.存款(Depositing) 202

3.取款(Withdrawal) 203

4.兑换货币(Exchanging Money) 205

5.兑换旅行支票(Cashing Traveler's Checks) 207

6.申请个人贷款(Applying for a Personal Loan) 209

7.申请信用卡(Applying for a Credit Card) 211

9.各国货币单位及缩写 216

邮局篇 217

1.买邮票(Purchasing Stamps) 218

2.寄挂号信(A Registered Letter) 220

3.寄特快专递(Express Mail Service) 222

4.寄包裹(Sending Parcels) 224

5.邮寄印刷品(Printed Matter)  225

6.汇款和取款(Sending and Cashing Money) 226

7.取包裹(Getting a Parcel) 228

8.租邮政信箱(Renting a Post Office Box) 230

电话篇 235

1.查电话号码(Inquiring for a Phone Number) 236

2.普通电话(Regular Telephone ) 238

3.拨错了号码(A Wrong Number) 240

4.打对方付费电话(Making a Collect Call) 241

5.留口信(Leaving a Message) 243

6.电话购物(Shopping) 245

7.电话道别(Saying Goodbye) 247

8.电话致歉(Making Apologies) 249

9.电话约会(Making Appointment) 250

上网篇 257

1.谈论搜索引擎(Talking about Search Engines) 258

2.在网上查找大众传播媒介(Looking for News on the Internet) 259

3.使用因特网(Using Internet) 261

4.电子邮箱(Registering Free E-mail Account) 263

美容篇 269

1.理发(Having a haircut) 270

2.烫发(Perming) 272

3.做头发(Setting hair) 274

4.染发(Dyeing Hair) 276

5.美容(Beautifying Appearance) 277

娱乐篇 281

1.文娱(Entertainment) 282

1.谈论电影(Talking about Films) 282

2.看电视(Watching Television) 284

3.音乐会(Concert) 285

4.唱卡拉OK(Singing Karaoke) 286

5.跳舞(Dancing) 287

6.看戏(Dramas) 288

2.体育(Sports) 294

1.看足球比赛(Watching a Football Match) 294

2.学游泳(Learning Swimming) 296

3.学滑冰(Learning to Skate) 296

4.输了比赛(Losing a Contest) 297

5.谈论自己的爱好(Talking about the Favorite) 297

学校篇 301

1.新学期开始(In the New Term) 302

2.谈论课程和专业(Courses and Specialty) 305

3.课上和课下(In and out of the Class) 308

4.谈论学习(Talking about Study) 312

5.谈论出国留学或继续深造(Study Abroad or Further Study) 317

图书馆篇 323

1.如何使用图书馆(How to Use the Library) 324

2.借阅图书及续借(Borrowing and Renewing Books) 326

3.还书(Returning Books) 329

求职篇 335

1.预约面试(Making an Appointment for an Interview) 336

2.面试(Interview) 339

1.介绍情况(Make an Introduction) 339

2.谈论工作要求(Job Requirements) 342

3.询问相关事项(Inquiring Related Problems) 343

4.辞职(Resignation) 346

闲谈篇 353

1.谈论天气(Weather) 354

2.谈论吸烟(Smoking) 359

3.发牢骚(Grumbling ) 363

1.买了新车,却有毛病(A New Car,but Out of Order) 363

2.交通很乱(Traffic Trouble) 364

3.旅馆服务太差了(Poor Hotel Service) 364

4.室友(Roommates) 365

4.旅游及其他(Traveling and Others) 368

5.描述人物(Describing a Person) 375

1.描述人的外表(Describing People's Appearance) 375

2.描述人的性格及其他(Talking about People's Quality etc.) 379

6.描述地点(Describing a Place) 384