《张道真英语用法 大众珍藏精装版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:23 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张道真著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787300192055
  • 页数:873 页

A 1

a—an(1) 1

Abbreviated Styles(2) 1

Abbreviation(3) 2

able(4) 3

-able(5) 3

about(prep.)(6) 4

about(adv.)(7) 5

about to(8) 5

above—over(9) 6

absent(10) 6

accept(11) 7

accommodation(12) 7

accompany(13) 7

accord(14) 7

according(15) 8

accuse—charge(16) 8

accustomed to(17) 8

Acronym(18) 9

across—over—through(19) 9

actual(ly)(20) 10

adequate(21) 10

Adjective(22) 11

admission—admittance(23) 14

admit(24) 14

adopted—adoptive(25) 15

advance—advancement(26) 15

Adverbial(27) 15

Adverb(28) 16

Adverb or Adjective(29) 21

advise—advice(30) 23

Advice Giving(31) 24

affect—effect(32) 24

afflict—inflict(33) 25

afford(34) 25

afraid(35) 26

after—afterward(s)(36) 26

after all(37) 27

afternoon(38) 27

age(39) 28

ago(40) 29

agree(41) 29

Agreeing(42) 30

aim(43) 31

alike(44) 32

all(45) 32

all right—alright(46) 34

allow—permit—let(47) 35

allow—allow of(48) 35

almost—nearly(49) 36

alone—lonely—lonesome(50) 36

along(51) 37

aloud—loudly—loud(52) 38

already—all ready(53) 38

also—too—as well(54) 39

alternate—alternately—alternative—alternatively(55) 39

although—though(56) 40

altogether—all together(57) 41

always(58) 42

a.m.(59) 42

amateur—amateurish(60) 42

American English—British English(61) 43

amiable—amicable(62) 51

among—amongst(63) 51

and(64) 52

anniversary(65) 53

announcement—advertisement(66) 54

another—other(67) 54

answer(68) 55

anti-(69) 56

anticipate(70) 56

anxious(71) 57

any(72) 57

anyone—anybody(73) 58

anything(74) 59

any time—anytime(75) 59

anyway—any way(76) 60

anywhere—anyplace(77) 60

apart(78) 61

Apologizing(79) 61

Apostrophe(80) 62

appear(81) 63

appendix—appendixes—appendices(82) 64

apply(83) 64

appreciate(84) 64

approach(85) 65

approve—approve of(86) 66

Arab—Arabian—Arabic(87) 66

arise—rise(88) 67

around—round(89) 68

rouse—arouse(90) 69

arrival(91) 70

arrive—reach(92) 70

Article(93) 71

artist—artiste(94) 79

as(95) 79

as...as(96) 80

as if—as though(97) 81

as long as(98) 82

as soon as(99) 83

as to(100) 83

as usual(101) 83

as well as(102) 84

ask(103) 84

Asking for Repetition(104) 86

Aspect(105) 87

assist(106) 88

assure—ensure—insure(107) 89

at(108) 89

at—in—on(109) 91

at all(110) 93

at first—first—firstly(111) 93

at last—last—lastly(112) 94

at present—presently(113) 95

athletics—athletic—athlete(114) 95

attempt—try(115) 96

attendant(116) 97

attention(117) 97

attorney—solicitor—lawyer—barrister(118) 97

attractive(119) 98

audience(120) 98

aural—oral(121) 98

autumn(122) 99

Auxiliary Verb(123) 99

avail(124) 100

avenge—revenge(125) 101

avoid(126) 101

await—wait(127) 101

awake—wake —awaken—waken(128) 102

award—reward(129) 103

aware(130) 103

away(131) 104

awful—awfully(132) 105

awhile—a while(133) 105

B 106

back(134) 106

backward—backwards(135) 107

bad—badly(136) 107

bag(137) 109

baggage—luggage(138) 109

banknote—note—bill(139) 110

bar(140) 110

bare—barely(141) 110

barrister(142) 111

bass—base(143) 111

bath—bathe(144) 112

be(as an auxiliary verb)(145) 113

be(as a link verb)(146) 113

beach—shore—coast(147) 115

bear—endure—stand(148) 115

beat(149) 116

beautiful(150) 116

because—as—since—for(151) 117

become—get—grow—come—go—turn—run—fall(152) 118

been(153) 120

before(as a preposition)(154) 120

before(as a conjunction)(155) 121

before(as an adverb)(156) 121

begin—start—commence(157) 122

behaviour(158) 123

behind(159) 124

believe—believe in(160) 124

belong(161) 125

below—ander—underneath—beneath(162) 126

beside—besides(163) 129

besides—except—apart from(164) 129

best(165) 130

bet(166) 131

better(167) 131

between—among(168) 132

beware(169) 133

bid(170) 133

big—large—great(171) 133

bill(172) 135

billion(173) 135

bit(174) 135

bite(175) 136

blame(176) 136

blind(177) 137

board(178) 137

boat—ship(179) 138

boot—trunk(180) 138

border—boundary—frontier(181) 139

bore(182) 139

born—borne(183) 140

borrow—lend—loan(184) 140

both(185) 141

both...and(186) 142

bottom(187) 142

brand—make(188) 143

breast—bosom(189) 143

breathe—breath(190) 143

bring—take—fetch(191) 144

bring up(192) 144

Britain—British—England(193) 145

broad—wide(194) 145

Broad Negative(195) 146

bus—coach(196) 147

business(197) 147

but(198) 148

by(199) 149

C 151

cabin—cabinet(200) 151

café—cafeteria(201) 151

call(202) 151

called—named(203) 152

can—could—be able to(204) 152

can't help(205) 155

Capital Letters(206) 156

care(207) 157

careful—careless—carefree(208) 158

carriage—car—truck(209) 159

carry—take(210) 159

case(211) 160

cast(212) 161

cause—reason(213) 162

cement—concrete(214) 162

cereal—serial(215) 163

certain—sure(216) 163

certainly(217) 164

chair—armchair(218) 165

chairman—chairwoman—chairperson—chair(219) 165

chance(220) 166

Changes(221) 167

cheap—cheaply(222) 168

cheers—cheerio(223) 168

chef—chief(224) 169

chemist—chemist's—drugstore—pharmacy(225) 169

cheque—check(226) 170

chicken—hen—chick(227) 170

childish—childlike(228) 170

China—Chinese(229) 171

choose—pick—select(230) 171

surname—hristian name—firstname(231) 172

church(232) 172

city—town(233) 173

class—form—grade(234) 173

classic—classical(235) 173

Clause(236) 174

Cleft Sentences(237) 175

clergyman—minister—priest(238) 176

cloakroom—checkroom(239) 176

close—shut(240) 176

clothes—clothing—cloth(241) 177

coat(242) 178

collaborate—cooperate(243) 179

Collective Noun(244) 179

college—university—institute—school(245) 180

come(246) 181

comment—commentary(247) 182

common(248) 183

Comparative and Superlative Adjective(249) 183

Comparative and Superlative Adverb(250) 186

compare(251) 187

complain(252) 188

complement—compliment(253) 188

Complement(254) 189

comprehensible—comprehensive(255) 191

comprehension—understanding(256) 191

comprise—consist—constitute—compose make up(257) 192

concentrate(258) 193

concerned(259) 194

concert—concerto(260) 194

confident—confidant(261) 195

Conjunctions(262) 195

conscious—consciousness—conscience—conscientious(263) 196

consecutive—continual—continuous(264) 196

consensus(265) 197

consider(266) 197

consult(267) 198

content(268) 198

Continuous Tense(269) 199

Contraction(270) 201

contrary—opposite(271) 203

control(272) 203

convince—convinced(273) 204

cook(274) 205

cooker(275) 206

corn(276) 206

corner(277) 207

corps—corpse(278) 207

council—counsel(279) 207

Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns(280) 208

country(281) 211

course(282) 212

craft(283) 212

credible—credulous—creditable(284) 212

crib—cot—camp bed(285) 213

crippled(286) 213

criterion—criteria(287) 213

critic—criticize—criticism—critical—critique(288) 214

Criticizing Someone(289) 214

cry—weep—sob(290) 215

cupboard—wardrobe(291) 216

curb—kerb(292) 216

cut(293) 216

D 218

dare(294) 218

data(295) 219

Dates(296) 219

day(297) 220

Days—Months—Seasons—Years(298) 221

dead—ded(299) 223

deadly—deathly—lethal—fatal(300) 224

deal(301) 224

deceitful—deceptive(302) 225

delay—cancel—postpone(303) 226

delighted—delightful(304) 226

demand(305) 227

demonstration(306) 227

deny—refuse—reject—decline(307) 228

depend(308) 229

dependent—dependant(309) 229

describe—description(310) 230

desert—dessert(311) 230

desire(312) 231

detail—details—detailed(313) 231

Determiner(314) 232

device—devise(315) 233

devote—devoted—devotee—devout(316) 233

die—dye(317) 233

differ—differene—difference(318) 234

difficulty(319) 235

directly—direct(320) 235

dis-(321) 236

disc—disk(322) 237

disinterested—uninterested(323) 238

dislike(324) 238

dispose of—get rid of—remove(325) 239

distinct—distinctive—distinguished—distinction(326) 239

disturb—disturbed(327) 240

disused—unused—misused(328) 240

dive—plunge(329) 241

do(330) 241

doubt—doubtless—doubtful(331) 243

downstairs(332) 244

downwards—downward(333) 244

dozen(334) 245

draught—draft(335) 245

dream(336) 246

dress—wear(337) 247

drink—drunk—drunken(338) 248

drown(339) 249

due to—owing to(340) 249

during—in(341) 249

E 251

each—every(342) 251

each other—one another(343) 252

east—eastern—easterly—eastward(s)(344) 253

economics—economy—economic—economical(345) 254

-ed Adjective(346) 255

educational—educative(347) 256

-ee—eer(348) 256

effective—efficient(349) 257

either(350) 257

either...or..(351) 258

elder—eldest(352) 259

electric—electrical(353) 259

Ellipsis(354) 260

else(355) 263

emigrate—immigrate—migrate(356) 265

Emphasis(357) 266

-en—en-(358) 268

end—finish(359) 268

engaged(360) 269

English(361) 270

enjoy(362) 270

enough(363) 271

envious—enviable(364) 272

equipment—instrument—apparatus(365) 273

-er(366) 273

escape(367) 274

especially—specially(368) 275

-ess(369) 276

Euphemism(370) 276

even(371) 276

evening(372) 277

ever(373) 278

every(374) 280

everyday—every day(375) 281

everyone—everybody(376) 281

everything(377) 282

everywhere(378) 282

exam—examination(379) 282

except—except for(380) 283

excepting—excepted—exception(381) 284

exchange(382) 285

Exclamation(383) 286

excuse(384) 287

exhausted—exhausting—exhaustive(385) 288

expect—hope—wait(386) 289

F 291

fact(387) 291

factory—mill—plant—works(388) 291

fair—carnival(389) 292

fairly—quite—rather—pretty(390) 293

fall—drop(391) 294

false—falsehood—falsenes—falsity—falsify(392) 295

familiar—filiar to—familiar with(393) 296

famous—well-known—notorious—infamous(394) 296

far(395) 297

farthe—further—farthest—rurthest (396) 298

fascinated(397) 300

fast—quick—rapid—swiff(398) 300

fat(399) 301

feel(400) 303

female—feminine—effeminate(401) 305

few—a few(402) 306

film—picture—movie(403) 306

finally—at last—eventually—in the end—at the end(404) 307

find—find out—discover(405) 308

fine—finely(406) 310

finish—finished(407) 311

first—firstly(408) 312

fish—fishes(409) 313

fit—suit(410) 313

Fixed Pair(411) 314

flammable—inflammable(412) 314

flat—apartment—condominium(413) 315

flat—flatly(414) 315

floor—ground(415) 316

fly—flee(416) 316

folk—folks(417) 317

following—as follows(418) 318

foot—feet(419) 318

football—soccer(420) 319

for(421) 319

forever—for ever(422) 321

forget(423) 321

Formal and Informal Language(424) 322

former—late—latter(425) 324

fortune—luck(426) 324

forward—forwards(427) 325

free—freely(428) 325

frighten—frightened—frightening(429) 326

from(430) 326

front(431) 328

fiuit(432) 329

-ful(433) 329

fun—funny(434) 329

Future(435) 330

G 333

gain(436) 333

gas—petrol(437) 333

gay(438) 334

Gender(439) 334

get(440) 335

girl(441) 339

give(442) 340

glad—pleased—cheerful—happy(443) 342

glasses(444) 344

go(445) 344

good(446) 347

goods(447) 348

gotten(448) 349

government(449) 349

graceful—gracious(450) 350

Greeting and Goodbye(451) 350

Groups of People,Animals or Things(452) 352

grow(453) 353

guess(454) 354

H 355

habit—custom(455) 355

had better(456) 355

hair(457) 356

half—half of(458) 356

hand(459) 357

hang—hung—hanged(460) 359

happen(461) 360

happy—sad(462) 361

hard—hardly—scarcely—no sooner(463) 362

have(464) 364

headmaster—principal(465) 367

hear—listen(466) 367

hear—see—watch—listen to—look at(467) 368

help—cannot help—assist(468) 369

high—tall—highly(469) 370

high school(470) 371

hire—rent—let(471) 371

historic—historical(472) 372

hold(473) 372

holiday—holidays—vacation(474) 374

home(475) 374

homely—plain(476) 375

homework—housework(477) 375

honorary—honourable(478) 376

hope(479) 376

hopefully(480) 377

horrible—horrid—hoffific—horrifying—horrendous(481) 377

how(482) 378

however(483) 378

human—humane—humanity—humanitarian—humanitarianism(484) 379

hurt(485) 380

I 382

-ible(486) 382

-ic—-ical(487) 382

-ic—-ics(488) 384

Idiom and Collocation(489) 385

i.e.(490) 388

if(491) 388

illegal—illegitimate—unlawful(492) 390

illness—sickness—disease(493) 391

illusion—delusion(494) 392

imaginary—imaginative(495) 392

imagine(496) 393

immediately(497) 394

Imperatives(498) 394

in-—im-—ir-—il-(499) 396

in(500) 397

in case(501) 399

indicate—show—signify(502) 400

industrial—industrious(503) 401

inferior—superior(504) 401

Infinitive(505) 402

influence—effect(506) 405

inform(507) 406

-ing Form(508) 406

injure—wound—hurt(509) 414

in order to(that)—so as to—so that (510) 414

inquire—enquire(511) 415

in spite of—despite(512) 416

instead—instead of(513) 416

instinct—intuition(514) 416

instruct—instruction(515) 417

intelligent—intellectual(516) 417

intend—intention—intent(517) 418

interior—internal(518) 419

into—in(519) 419

intolerable—intolerant(520) 420

Introducing Yourself and Other People(521) 420

invaluable—valuable(522) 421

Inversion(523) 422

Irregular Verb(524) 424

issue(525) 429

it(526) 429

its—it's(527) 431

-ize—ise(528) 431

J 433

jewellery—jeweller's(529) 433

joke(530) 433

journal—magazine—bulletin(531) 434

journey—trip—travel(532) 434

just(533) 435

K 437

keep(534) 437

kind(n.)(535) 438

kind—kindly(536) 439

know(537) 440

knowledge(538) 442

L 443

lack—lacking—lack of(539) 443

lady—woman(540) 443

last—lastly(541) 444

later—in+名词短语(542) 445

lay—lie(543) 446

lead(544) 446

learn(545) 447

least—fewest(546) 448

leave(547) 449

legal—lawful—legitimate(548) 450

legible—intelligible—readable(549) 451

less—fewer(550) 451

-less(551) 452

lest—for fear that(552) 453

let(553) 453

Letter Writing(554) 454

level—grade—standard(555) 457

licence—license(556) 458

lieutenant(557) 458

life(558) 459

lift—elevator—escalator(559) 460

light(560) 460

like(v.)(561) 461

like—as(562) 463

likely—probable—possible(563) 464

Linking Adverbial(564) 465

literal—literary—literate(565) 467

little—a little(566) 468

live(567) 469

locality—location(568) 470

long(569) 470

long(for)—desire—yearn(570) 471

look(link v.)(571) 471

look(vi.)(572) 472

lot—lots—plenty—a great deal—a large number(amount)(573) 474

love—hate(574) 475

low—lowly(575) 476

luxury—luxurious(576) 477

-ly(577) 477

M 479

machine—motor—engine—machinery(578) 479

mad—insane—crazy—mentally ill(579) 479

madam—ma'am—madame(580) 481

made of—made from—made out of(581) 481

magic—magical(582) 481

majority—minority(583) 482

make(vt.)(584) 483

make(n.)(585) 486

male—masculine—manly(586) 486

man—mankind(587) 487

manage(588) 488

many(589) 489

mark—sign—symbol(590) 490

marry—married(591) 490

marsh—bog—swamp(592) 491

mathematics—math(s)(593) 491

matter(594) 491

may—might(595) 493

maybe—perhaps—probably—possibly(596) 495

Meal(597) 496

mean(adj.)(598) 496

mean(vt.)(599) 497

means(600) 498

Measurement(601) 499

media—medium(602) 503

meet—meet with(603) 504

memory—memoirs(604) 505

metre—meter(605) 506

middle—centre—midst(606) 506

million—billion—trillion(607) 507

mind(608) 507

mis-(609) 509

miss—missing(610) 510

mistake—error—fault(611) 511

Modal Verb(612) 512

moment—momentary—momentous—momentarily(613) 514

moral—morality—morale—immoral(614) 515

more(615) 516

most—the most(616) 518

mountain—mount—hill—hillock—mound(617) 519

much(618) 519

must(619) 520

mutual—reciprocal(620) 522

N 523

naive—naivety—na?veté—innocent(621) 523

Name and Title(622) 523

nation—national—nationalist—nationality—nationalized(623) 525

near—close(624) 526

necessary—necessity—need(625) 529

need(626) 530

Negative Structure(627) 531

negligent—negligible(628) 533

neither(629) 533

neither...nor(630) 534

next(631) 535

nice(632) 536

night(633) 537

no—nobody—no one—nothing(634) 538

no matter(635) 540

no more—not any more—no longer—not any longer(636) 540

non-(637) 540

none(638) 541

nor(639) 542

note—notable—noted—noteworthy(640) 542

notice—noticeable(641) 543

Noun(642) 545

nowadays—today—present day(643) 551

number(644) 552

Number(645) 553

O 557

obey—obedience(646) 557

object(n.)(647) 558

object(v.)(648) 558

oblige—obligation(649) 559

observance—observation(650) 559

obtain(651) 560

occasion(652) 560

occur—happen—take place(653) 561

of(654) 562

off(655) 564

Offer(656) 566

officer—official(657) 567

often(658) 567

old—elderly—aged(659) 568

on—onto(660) 569

once(adv. & conj.)(661) 572

one(662) 572

only(663) 573

open(664) 574

Opinion(665) 575

opportunity(666) 577

opposite(667) 578

or(668) 578

or(669) 579

other—another(670) 580

ought to(671) 581

-ous(672) 581

out—out of(673) 582

out-(674) 584

outdoor—outdoors(675) 584

outside(676) 585

over(677) 586

over-(678) 588

overseas(679) 589

overwork—overtime(680) 589

own(681) 589

P 591

pace—footstep—footprint(682) 591

pain—painful—in pain(683) 591

pair—couple(684) 592

pants—shorts—briefs(685) 592

paper—papers(686) 593

parcel—package—packet—pack(687) 593

pardon(688) 594

part—partial—partly(689) 594

pass(690) 596

past(691) 598

pay—salary—wage—remuneration(692) 599

people—person(693) 600

percentage—per cent(694) 600

perfect—perfecfly—perfection(695) 601

permissible—permissive(696) 602

permission—permit(697) 602

persecute—prosecute(698) 603

personal—personnel(699) 603

persuade—convince(700) 604

phenomenon(701) 604

phone(702) 605

pitiful—pitiable(703) 605

place(704) 606

play(705) 607

please—thank you—thanks(706) 608

Plural Forms of Nouns(707) 609

point of view—view—opinion(708) 612

police—policeman—policewoman(709) 613

Possessive"'s"(710) 613

possibility(711) 615

power—strength(712) 615

practical—practicable(713) 616

precaution—prevention(714) 617

prefer—preferable(715) 617

Preposition(716) 618

Present Tense(717) 622

principle—principal(718) 626

probably(719) 627

proceed—precede(720) 627

produce—product(721) 628

programme—program(722) 629

progress—advance—advancement(723) 629

prohibit—ban—forbid(724) 630

propaganda—publicity—promotion—advertisement—advertising—commercial(725) 631

property(726) 632

propose(727) 632

protest(728) 633

proud(729) 634

prove(730) 635

provide—provided—providing(731) 636

pub—bar(732) 637

Punctuation(733) 637

purposely—purposefully(734) 641

purse(735) 642

put(736) 642

Q 644

Qualifier(737) 644

quality(738) 645

Quantity(739) 645

Question(740) 647

quiet—silent(741) 649

quite(742) 650

R 652

racialism—racism—racialist—racist—racial(743) 652

raise—breed—bring up(744) 652

rather(745) 653

re-(746) 654

Reaction(747) 655

real—really—true—truly—genuine—genuinely(748) 657

reason(749) 659

reasonable—rational(750) 659

receive—receipt—reception(751) 660

recenfly—lately—newly(752) 661

recollect—recall—remember(753) 661

recommend(754) 662

refer(755) 663

referee—umpire(756) 663

Reflexive Pronoun(757) 664

regard—regardless(758) 666

regret—regretful—regrettable(759) 667

relation—relative—relationship(760) 668

Relative Clause(761) 669

relieve—relief(762) 673

remain—stay(763) 674

remember(764) 675

remind(765) 676

Reply(766) 676

Reporting(767) 678

Request(768) 680

require—requirement(769) 681

resolution—decision—determination—motion(770) 682

respectful—respectable—respective—respectively(771) 683

responsible(772) 684

retire—retiring—retired(773) 685

rid(774) 685

ride(775) 685

ring(776) 686

rise—raise(777) 686

risk—danger—peril(778) 688

road—street(779) 689

role—roll(780) 689

rouse—arouse(781) 690

rude—impolite—impudent(782) 691

run(783) 691

S 693

sale—for sale—on sale(784) 693

salute—greet(785) 693

same—similar(786) 694

satisfy—satisfied—satisfactory—satisfying(787) 695

save—safe—safety(788) 696

say—tell—speak—talk(789) 696

scarce—scarcely(790) 698

scene—scenery—sight—view—landscape(791) 698

sceptic—sceptical(792) 700

scheme—schedule—timetable—plan(793) 701

see(794) 702

see—look at—watch(795) 704

seek—look for—try to find(get)(796) 704

seem(797) 705

seldom(798) 706

self-(799) 706

semi-(800) 707

sensible—sensitive(801) 708

sentiment—sentimentality—emotion—feeling(802) 708

sentinel—sentry—guard(803) 709

serious—sober—solemn(804) 710

shadow—shade(805) 710

shall—will(806) 711

shop—store—stall(807) 712

shopping(808) 713

short—shortly(809) 713

Short Answer(810) 713

should—would(811) 714

shrink—shrunk—shrunken(812) 717

sick(813) 717

sightseeing(814) 718

silk—silken—silky(815) 718

since(816) 719

sink—sank—sunk—sunken(817) 720

sit—seat(818) 720

skilful—skilled(819) 722

Slang(820) 722

sleep—asleep(821) 723

small—little(822) 724

smell(823) 725

so(824) 726

"Social"Language(825) 730

society—community(826) 733

some—any(827) 734

somebody—someone—anybody—anyone(828) 736

something—anything(829) 736

sometimes—sometime—some time(830) 737

somewhat—somehow(831) 738

somewhere—anywhere—someplace(832) 738

soon(833) 739

sort—kind—sort of—kind of(834) 740

sound—noise(835) 741

souvenir—keepsake—memento(836) 742

speciality—specialty(837) 742

spring(838) 743

staff(839) 743

stand—bear—tolerate(840) 744

stationary—stationery(841) 745

statistics(842) 746

steal—pilfer—burgle—rob(843) 746

still—yet—already(844) 747

stone—rock—pebble—boulder(845) 748

stop(846) 749

storey—floor—story(847) 749

strike(848) 750

strong—strongly(849) 751

subconscious—unconscious(850) 752

subway—underground—tube—metro(851) 753

such(852) 753

suggest(853) 754

Suggestion(854) 755

suit—suite(855) 756

suppose—supposing—what if(856) 757

supposed to(857) 758

sure—surely(858) 758

sweet—candy(859) 759

T 760

take(860) 760

taste—tasteful—tasty—tasteless—distasteful(861) 763

taxi—cab(862) 765

technique—technology(863) 765

Telephoning(864) 765

term—semester(865) 767

terrible—terribly—terrific—terrify—terrified—terrifying—terror(866) 767

than(867) 768

the(868) 770

there(869) 772

thin(870) 774

think(871) 775

this—that(872) 777

threat—threaten—menace(873) 779

Time(874) 780

title—headline—caption—subtitle(875) 784

to(876) 785

toilet—lavatory—WC—cloakroom—bathroom—washroom—public convenience—ladies—gents—rest room—the ladies'room—the men's room(877) 787

too(878) 787

touch—move—affect(879) 788

transport—transportation(880) 789

trend—tendency—inclination(881) 790

trouble(882) 790

true—real—truthful—genuine(883) 792

type—sort—kind—category(884) 793

U 795

un-(885) 795

under-(886) 796

understand—understanding(887) 797

unique(888) 798

unless(889) 798

until—till(890) 799

unusual(891) 800

up(892) 801

use—used to—be used to(893) 803

usual—usually(894) 804

V 805

variety(895) 805

Verb(896) 805

victim—casualty(897) 810

visit(898) 811

visual—visible(899) 812

viz(900) 812

Vocative(901) 813

W 815

waist—waste(902) 815

want—should (would)like—wish—hope—desire(903) 816

way(904) 819

Weak and Strong Forms(905) 820

week—weekday—weekend(906) 822

well—better—best(907) 824

what(908) 826

whatever(909) 828

when—whenever(910) 829

where—wherever(911) 831

whether(912) 834

which—whichever(913) 835

while—whilst(914) 837

who—whom—who(m)ever(915) 839

whole(916) 841

whose(917) 842

why(918) 843

wide—broad(919) 844

widow—widower(920) 845

win—beat—defeat(921) 845

wind(922) 846

wish(923) 847

with(924) 849

within(925) 853

without(926) 853

wonder(927) 854

wood—wooden(928) 855

wool—woollen—woolly(929) 856

Words with Alternative Spellings(930) 857

Words with the Same Pronunciation(931) 858

Words with Two Pronunciations(932) 860

work—job—occupation—employment—profession—task(933) 863

worth—worthwhile—worthy(934) 865

would(935) 867

Y 870

yard(936) 870

yes—no(937) 870

yesterday(938) 871

yet(939) 871

youth—a youth—the youth—youthful(940) 872