序言&彭锋 5
Preface&Peng Feng 5
给观念加上情感的温度——马东民“烟云系列”作品解读&王端廷 14
Putting Emotional Temperature on Concepts—an Interpretation of Ma DongMin’s Fog and Cloud(Yan Yun)Series&Wang Duanting 17
蓝色的梦幻——马东民的新波普&彭锋 27
The Blue Fantasy—Ma Dongmin s New Pop Art&Peng Feng 28
马东民笔下的烟云尘事&杨卫 38
The Dusty Past of Smoke and Cloud in Ma Dongmin’s Painting&Yang Wei 40
《东方艺术·大家》对话马东民 56
Master·Oriental Art Have a Dialogue with Ma Dongmin 60
作为历史辞令的云烟&段君 74
Clouds, a Word for History&Duan Jun 75
灵境——马东民绘画作品的象征系统分析&吴鸿 106
Artistic Conception ofSpirit—The symbol system analysis of Ma Dong Min’s painting works&Wu Hong 111
人的隐遁与重现:马东民和他的艺术&盛葳 138
Hiding and Recurrence of People:Ma Dong Min and His Art&Sheng Wei 141
图目 158
Image Index 158