
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:民航华东空管局编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:学林出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787548607076
  • 页数:214 页

1.总则 1

2.发动机故障(Engine Failure) 3

3.起落架故障(Landing gear/Undercarriage Failure) 14

4.爆胎(Tire Burst) 24

5.燃油系统问题(Fuel system Problems) 29

6.液压系统故障(Hydraulic system Failure) 36

7.增压系统故障(Pressurization system Failure) 42

8.风挡问题(Windshield Problems) 47

9.TCAS故障(TCAS Failure) 52

10.应答机故障(Transponder Failure) 55

11.机载导航设备故障(Airborne Navigation Equipment Failure) 60

12.防冰系统故障(Anti-icing system Failure) 64

13.襟翼故障(Flap Problem) 67

14.电力系统故障(Power system Failure) 70

15.通信失效(Communication Failure) 73

16.波道卡阻或干扰(Frequency Blockage/Interference) 77

17.通信导航监视设备失效(Communication Navigation Surveillance system Failure) 81

18.非法干扰(Unlawful Interference) 87

19.爆炸物威胁(Bomb Threat) 92

20.匿名电话(Anonymous Call) 100

21.火警(Fire Warning/Alarm) 104

22.医疗救护(Medical Assistance) 111

23.鸟击(Bird Strike) 116

24.地面升空物(Object In the Air) 125

25.不明飞行物(Unknown Traffic) 130

26.风切变和微暴流(Wind Shear and Microburst) 133

27.大风、雷雨和颠簸(Strong Wind, Thunderstorm and Turbulence) 139

28.低云低能见度(Low visibility) 152

29.冰雪(Snow and Ice) 160

30.跑道侵入、复飞和非全跑道起飞(Runway Incursion,Missed Approach and Intersection Departure) 164

31.地面冲突(Ground Conflict) 172

32.空中冲突(Mid-air Conflict) 176

33.禁区、危险区和限制区(Prohibited, Danger and Restricted Area) 185

参考文献(References) 189

关键词附录(Keywords Appendix) 190