《新视野大学英语写作教程 基础写作》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:南敬实主编;王晓敏,钱一欣分册主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787513531757
  • 页数:185 页

Unit 1 An Introduction to Writing 1

Section A Introduction 1

Section B Pretest 2

Unit 2 Wording Skills 7

Section A Levels of Words 7

Section B Meaning of Words 9

Section C General and Specific Words 13

Section D Concrete and Abstract Words 14

Section E Idioms 15

Unit 3 The Sentence 21

Section A Definition of Sentence 21

Section B Classification of Sentence 25

Section C How to Write an Efiective Sentence 31

Unit 4 Punctuation 49

Section A Period,Question Mark,and Exclamation Mark 50

Section B Comma 53

Section C Colon and Semicolon 57

Section D Apostrophe 61

Section E Hyphen and Dash 63

Section F Quotation Marks 64

Section G Other Punctuation Marks 69

Section H Capitalization,Abbreviations,and Italics 73

Unit 5 The Paragraph 85

Section A Criteria for Effective Paragraphs 85

Section B Ways of Developing Paragraphs 95

Unit 6 Figures of Speech 108

Section A Simile 108

Section B Metaphor 109

Section C Personification 109

Section D Euphemism 110

Section E Hyperbole 110

Section F Metonymy 111

Section G Synecdoche 112

Section H Irony 113

Section I Oxymoron 113

Unit 7 The Whole Composition 117

Section A Basic Steps of Writing a Composition 117

Section B Structure of a Composition 123

Section C Types of Composition 130

Unit 8 The Summary 155

Section A Types of Summary 155

Section B Some Techniques for Writing a Summary 159

Unit 9 Formal Style and Informal Style 165

Section A Wording Differences 165

Section B Grammatical Differences 167

Key to Exercises 173

References 183