《英语新闻写作 第2版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:丁言仁,俞希编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787544632966
  • 页数:143 页

Introduction 2

Unit 1 Get Ready for the Hard Work 2

Writing a Lead 6

Unit 2 Begin at the Beginning 6

Unit 3 The Inverted Pyramid Lead 10

Unit 4 Tips for Writing a Lead 14

Unit 5 Protecting Yourself from Libel Suits 22

Writing a Straight News Story 26

Unit 6 Using the Inverted Pyramid 26

Unit 7 Strengths of the Inverted Pyramid Style 30

Unit 8 Using Quotations Correctly 36

Unit 9 Headlining Your Story 44

Unit 10 Writing Follow-up Stories 50

Broadcasting a News Story 56

Unit 11 Writing a Broadcast News Story 56

Unit 12 Writing the Lead of a Broadcast Story 61

Unit 13 Using Broadcast English 66

Unit 14 Being an Anchor Yourself 73

Writing a Feature Story 80

Unit 15 Organizing a Feature 80

Unit 16 Writing an Attractive Lead 86

Unit 17 Fine-Tuning Your Language 91

Unit 18 Conducting a Planned Interview 102

Becoming a Good Reporter 118

Unit 19 Finding Your Story Ideas 118

Unit 20 Loving Your People 135

Bibliography 143