《凝聚态物质与材料数据手册 第2册 材料类 金属材料 英文》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:W. Martienssen,H. Warlimont主编
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787560344560
  • 页数:430 页

第1册 通用表和元素 3

Part 1 General Tables 3

1 The Fundamental Constants&Werner Martienssen 3

1.1 What are the Fundamental Constants and Who Takes Care of Them? 3

1.2 The CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Constants 4

References 9

2 The International System of Units(SI),Physical Quantities,and Their Dimensions&Werner Martienssen 11

2.1 The International System of Units(SI) 11

2.2 Physical Quantities 12

2.3 The SI Base Units 13

2.4 The SI Derived Units 16

2.5 Decimal Multiples and Submultiples of SI Units 19

2.6 Units Outside the SI 20

2.7 Some Energy Equivalents 24

References 25

3 Rudiments of Crystallography&Wolf Assmus,Stefan Brühne 27

3.1 Crystalline Materials 28

3.2 Disorder 38

3.3 Amorphous Materials 39

3.4 Methods for Investigating Crystallographic Structure 39

References 41

Part 2 The Elements 45

1 The Elements&Werner Martienssen 45

1.1 Introduction 45

1.2 Description of Properties Tabulated 46

1.3 Sources 49

1.4 Tables of the Elements in Different Orders 49

1.5 Data 54

References 158

第2册 材料类:金属材料(本册) 161

Part 3 Classes of Materials 161

1 Metals&Frank Goodwin,Sivaraman Guruswamy,Karl U.Kainer,Catrin Kammer,Wolfram Knabl,Alfred Koethe,Gerhard Leichtfried, Günther Schlamp,Roland Stickler,Hans Warlimont 161

1.1 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys 162

1.2 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys 171

1.3 Titanium and Titanium Alloys 206

1.4 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys 217

1.5 Iron and Steels 221

1.6 Cobalt and Cobalt Alloys 272

1.7 Nickel and Nickel Alloys 279

1.8 Copper and Copper Alloys 296

1.9 Refracto ry Metals and Alloys 303

1.10 Noble Metals and Noble Metal Alloys 329

1.11 Lead and Lead Alloys 407

References 422

第3册 材料类:非金属材料 431

2 Ceramics&Hans Warlimont 431

2.1 Traditional Ceramics and Cements 432

2.2 Silicate Ceramics 433

2.3 Refractory Ceramics 437

2.4 Oxide Ceramics 437

2.5 Non-Oxide Ceramics 451

References 476

3 Polymers&Manfred D. Lechner 477

3.1 Structural Units of Polymers 480

3.2 Abbreviations 482

3.3 Tables and Figures 483

References 522

4 Glasses&Dieter Krause 523

4.1 Properties of Glasses-General Comments 526

4.2 Composition and Properties of Glasses 527

4.3 Flat Glass and Hollowware 528

4.4 Technical Specialty Glasses 530

4.5 Optical Glasses 543

4.6 Vitreous Silica 556

4.7 Glass-Ceramics 558

4.8 Glasses for Miscellaneous Applications 559

References 572

第4册 功能材料:半导体和超导体 575

Part 4 Functional Materials 575

1 Semiconductors&Werner Martienssen 575

1.1 Group Ⅳ Semiconductors and Ⅳ-Ⅳ Compounds 578

1.2 Ⅲ-Ⅴ Compounds 604

1.3 Ⅱ-Ⅵ Compounds 652

References 691

2 Superconductors&Claus Fischer,Günter Fuchs,Bernhard Holzapfel,Barbara Schüpp-Niewa,Hans Warlimont 695

2.1 Metallic Superconductors 696

2.2 Non-Metallic Superconductors 711

References 749

第5册 功能材料:磁性材料、电介质、铁电体和反铁电体 755

3 Magnetic Materials&Hideki Harada,Manfred Müller,Hans Warlimont 755

3.1 Basic Magnetic Properties 755

3.2 Soft Magnetic Alloys 758

3.3 Hard Magnetic Alloys 794

3.4 Magnetic Oxides 811

References 814

4 Dielectrics and Electrooptics&Gagik G. Gurzadyan,Pancho Tzankov 817

4.1 Dielectric Materials:Low-Frequency Properties 822

4.2 Optical Materials:High-Frequency Properties 824

4.3 Guidelines for Use of Tables 826

4.4 Tables of Numerical Data for Dielectrics and Electrooptics 828

References 890

5 Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics&Toshio Mitsui 903

5.1 Definition of Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics 903

5.2 Survey of Research on Ferroelectrics 904

5.3 Classification of Ferroelectrics 906

5.4 Physical Properties of 43 Representative Ferroelectrics 912

References 936

第6册 特种结构 941

Part 5 Special Structures 941

1 Liquid Crystals&Sergei Pestov,Volkmar Vill 941

1.1 Liquid Crystalline State 941

1.2 Physical Properties of the Most Common Liquid Crystalline Substances 946

1.3 Physical Properties of Some Liquid Crystalline Mixtures 975

References 977

2 The Physics of Solid Surfaces&Gianfranco Chiarotti 979

2.1 The Structu re of Ideal Surfaces 979

2.2 Surface Reconstruction and Relaxation 986

2.3 Electronic Structure of Surfaces 996

2.4 Surface Phonons 1012

2.5 The Space Charge Layer at the Surface of a Semiconductor 1020

2.6 Most Frequently Used Acronyms 1026

References 1029

3 Mesoscopic and Nanostructured Materials&Fabrice Charra,Susana Gota-Goldmann 1031

3.1 Introduction and Survey 1031

3.2 Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy 1035

3.3 Electromagnetic Confinement 1044

3.4 Magnetic Nanostructures 1048

3.5 Preparation Techniques 1063

References 1066