Chapter One Cultural Diversity 1
Lead-in Case 1
Learning Objectives 2
1.1 Cultural Diversity 2
1.1.1 Definition of Culture 2
1.1.2 Characteristics of Culture 4
1.1.3 Recognizing Cultural Differences 4
1.2 The Core of Culture 8
1.2.1 Cultural Values 8
1.2.2 Hofstede's Five Dimensiors 8
1.2.3 Hall's High-and Low-cultural Dimension 13
1.2.4 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations 15
1.3 Fundamental Dimensions of Culture in Business across Cultures 18
1.3.1 Trompenaars's Dimensions 18
1.3.2 The GLOBE Study 19
Summary 20
Exercises 20
Case Study 21
Chapter Two Understanding Business Communication across Cultures 22
Lead-in Case 22
Learning Objectives 23
2.1 Brief Introduction of Business Communication 23
2.1.1 Definition of Communication 23
2.1.2 Definition of Business Communication 25
2.1.3 Levels of Business Communication 27
2.1.4 Barriers to Effective Busihess Communication 29
2.2 Impact of Cultural Diversity on Business Communication 32
2.2.1 Influence of Culture on Behaviors in Business Communication 33
2.2.2 Influence of Culture on Developing Relationships in Business 34
2.2.3 Influence of Culture on Business Communication Styles 35
2.3 Cross-cultural Business Communication 36
2.3.1 Complexity of Cross-cultural Business Communication 36
2.3.2 How to Make Successful Cross-cultural Business Communication 39
Summary 41
Exercises 42
Case Study 42
Chapter Three Verbal Communication and Culture 44
Lead-in Case 44
Learning Objectives 45
3.1 Language and Communication 45
3.1.1 Power of Language 45
3.1.2 Relationship Between Language and Communication 46
3.1.3 Definition and Classification of Verbal Communication 46
3.2 Relationship Between Verbal Communication and Culture 53
3.2.1 Influence of Verbal Communication on Culture 53
3.2.2 Influence of Culture on Verbal Communication 53
3.3 Culural Variations in the Verbal Communication Style 54
3.3.1 Direct and Indirect Communication Styles 55
3.3.2 Elaborate and Succinct Communication Styles 55
3.3.3 Personal and Contextual Communication Styles 56
3.3.4 Instrumental and Affective Communication Styles 56
3.4 Translation or Interpretation in Business Communication across Cultures 57
3.4.1 Lack of Linguistic Equivalency 58
3.4.2 Lack of Conceptual,Idiomatic and Experiential Equivalence 59
3.4.3 The Role of the Translator or Interpreter 60
3.5 Selection of the Right Language 61
3.5.1 Choosing the Language of Business across Cultures 61
3.5.2 Choosing a Company Language 61
3.6 Effective Oral Business Communication across Cultures 63
3.6.1 Types of Oral Business Communication 63
3.6.2 Tips for Effective Oral Communication across Cultures 63
3.7 Effective Written Communication 65
3.7.1 Written Communication with Cultural Diversity 65
3.7.2 Tips for Efiective Written Communication 75
3.7.3 Three-step Writing Process 76
3.8 Advances and Trends in Communication Technology 80
3.8.1 Wireless 80
3.8.2 E-mail 80
3.8.3 Smartphones 81
3.8.4 Networking 81
3.8.5 Videoconferencing 81
3.8.6 Intranets and Collaborative Projects 82
Summary 82
Exercises 82
Case Study 83
Chapter Four Nonverbal Communication,Business Etiquette and Culture 84
Lead-in Case 84
Learning Objectives 85
4.1 Definition of Nonverbal Communication 85
4.2 Functions of Nonverbal Communication 86
4.2.1 Repeat a Verbal Message 86
4.2.2 Contradict a Verbal Message 86
4.2.3 Substitute for a Verbal Message 87
4.2.4 Supplement a Verbal Message 87
4.2.5 Accent a Verbal Message 87
4.2.6 Regulate Verbal Communication 87
4.3 Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication 87
4.4 Nonverbal Communication across Cultures 89
4.4.1 Influence of Culture on Nonverbal Communication 89
4.4.2 Types of Nonverbal Communication 89
4.5 Business Etiquette 101
4.5.1 Greeting 101
4.5.2 Dining 103
4.5.3 Giving Gifts 105
4.5.4 Business Attire 107
4.5.5 Business Meeting 108
Summary 109
Exercises 109
Case Study 109
Chapter Five Cross-cultural Business Negotiation 111
Lead-in Case 111
Learning Objectives 112
5.1 Definition of Cross-cultural Negotiation 112
5.2 The Negotiation Process 114
5.2.1 Stage One:Preparation 114
5.2.2 Stage Two:Relationship Building 115
5.2.3 Stage Three:Exchanging Task-related Information 117
5.2.4 Stage Four:Persuasion 118
5.2.5 Stage Five:Concessions and Agreement 120
5.3 Variables in Cross-cultural Negotiation Process 121
5.3.1 Basic Conception of Negotiation Process 121
5.3.2 Most Significant Type of Issue 122
5.3.3 Selection of Negotiators 122
5.3.4 Influence of Individuals'Aspirations 123
5.3.5 Internal Decision-making Process 124
5.3.6 Orientation Toward Time 124
5.3.7 Risk-making Propensity 124
5.3.8 Basis of Trust 125
5.3.9 Concern with Protocol 125
5.3.10 Style of Communication 126
5.3.11 Nature of Persuasion 126
5.3.12 Form of Agreement 127
5.4 Understanding Negotiation Styles 129
5.5 Using the Internet to Support Negotiations 133
5.5.1 Web-based Support System 133
5.5.2 E-negotiations 133
5.6 Advice for Cross-cultural Negotiations 134
5.6.1 Anticipate Differences in Strategy and Tactics That May Cause Misunderstandings 134
5.6.2 Analyze Cultural Differences to Identify Differences in Values That Expand the Pie 134
5.6.3 Recognize That the Other Party May Not Share Our View of What Constitutes Power 134
5.6.4 Avoid Attribution Errors 135
5.6.5 Find out How to Show Respect in the Other Culture 135
5.6.6 Find out How Time Is Perceived in the Other Culture 135
5.6.7 Know Our Options for Change 136
Summary 137
Exercises 137
Case Study 138
Chapter Six Promoting Cross-cultural Business Communication 140
Lead-in Case 140
Learning Objectives 144
6.1 Cross-cultural Communication Ethics 145
6.1.1 Definition of Cross-cultural Communication Ethics 145
6.1.2 Cross-cultural Business Ethics—Classic Cases and Important Issues 145
6.1.3 Ethical Relativism 147
6.1.4 Principles of Ethical Cross-cultural Communication 148
6.2 Listening 149
6.2.1 The Nature of Listening 149
6.2.2 Classification of Listening 150
6.2.3 The Problem of Poor Listening Skills 151
6.2.4 Cultural Differences in Listening 152
6.2.5 A Strategy for Becoming a Better Listener 153
6.3 Developing Cross-cultural Communication Competence 156
6.3.1 Components of Cross-cultural Competence 157
6.3.2 Strategies to Develop Cross-cultural Communication Competence 158
Summary 160
Exercises 160
Case Study 161
References 163