
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:夏念和,曾庆文,徐凤霞等著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787560973494
  • 页数:304 页

Ⅰ.Taxonomy,Systematics and Phytogeography 12

A New Classification System of the Famliy Magnoliaceae&XIA Nian-He 12

How Did Magnolias(Magnoliaceae,Magnolioideae)Reach Tropical Asia?&Hans P. NOOTEBOOM 39

Turning Points in the Taxonomic History of Magnolioideae—from Baillon to Dandy to DNA&Richard B.FIGLAR 47

A New System for the Family Magnoliaceae&SIMA Yong-Kang,and LU Shu-Gang 55

Diversity and Distribution of Magnoliaceae in India&Tikam Singh RANA,Baleshwar MEENA,and Bhaskar DATT 72

Plants Used as Medicine and Spices of the Family Magnoliaceae in Vietnam&TRAN Cong Khanh 86

Taxonomy and Biogeography of the Family Magnoliaceae from Vietnam&VU Quang Nam,and XIA Nian-He 95

Ⅱ.Anatomy,Embryology,Palynology and Cytology 116

Studies on the Morphology,Structure and Development in Magnoliaceae&LIU Yong,and XU Feng-Xia 116

Observation on Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in Parakmeria yunnanensis Hu(Magnoliaceae)&FU Lin,ZENG Qing-Wen,and XU Feng-Xia 125

Floral Numerical Variation of Michelia yunnanensis&HAO Jia-Bo,and SIMAYong-Kang 132

Ⅲ.Molecular Biology and Phylogeny 137

Determining Ploidy Levels and Relative Genome Sizes in Magnolia L&J.Kevin PARRIS,Thomas G.RANNEY,W.Vance BAIRD,and Halina T.KNAP 137

Intraspecific Variation of cpDNA in Magnolia virginiana Native to Eastern-southeastern North America and Cuba&Hiroshi AZUMA,Richard B.FIGLAR,Peter Del TREDICI,Koen CAMELBEKE,Alejandro PALMAROLA-BEJERANO,and Mikhail S.ROMANOV 145

Ⅳ.Physiology,Ecology,Biodiversity and Conservation 151

Photosynthetic Characteristics of Manglietia yuyuanensis in Different-Aged Compound Mixed Forest Community at Mausoleum ofDr.Sun Yat-Sen&HE Kai-Yue,YANG Tong-Yi,LI Xiao-Chu,and XU Hai-Bing 151

Study on Antibacterial Activity of Ultrasonic Wave Extracts from Leaves of Three Species of Michelia L&BI Hui-Min,and HE Kai-Yue 160

Conservation of Rare and Endangered Species Manglietia longipedunculata(Magnoliaceae)&XIE Cong,FU Lin,ZENG Qing-Wen,LIU Dong-Min,WEN Xiang-Ying,and ZHONG Wen-Chao 166

Special Propagation and Conservation of Rare and Endangered Native Thai Magnoliaceae&Piya CHALERMGLIN 180

Botanical Knowledge of Magnoliaceae in Papua New Guinea&Kipiro DAMAS 185

Conservation of Magnolias in Colombia&Marcela SERNAGONZALEZ 191

Magnolia ex situ Collection at Arboretum Wespelaar,Belgium&Koen CAMELBEKE,and Philippe De SPOELBERH 199

Ⅴ.Cultivation,Propagation,Gardening and Landscaping 209

Comparison Tests on Growth of Seven Landscape Plants of Magnoliaceae&YANG Cheng-Hua,and ZHOU Jia-Wei 209

The Introduction and Acclimatization of Magnolias in French Botanical Gardens and Arboreta&Thierry LAMANT 214

Mognolia Cultivation,Propagation,Breeding and the Gardens Growing Them in Europe&Jim GARDINER 220

Development of Guidelines for the Conduct of Tests for Distinctness,Uniformity and Stability of New Varieties of Magnolia&JIN Xiao-Bai 231

Propagation of Rare and Endangered Plant Magnolia odoratissima&YANG Yao-Hai 236

Studies on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Mechanism of Six Endangered Magnoliaceous Plants&CAO Ji-Wu,LIU Chun-Lin,WU Yi,TANG Liang,LIU Jie,DU Kai-Guo,and PENG Li-Wei 247

Timing and Hormones Affected Rooting of Stem Cuttings ofMagnolia grandiflora L&GENG Fang,ZHANG Dong-Lin,LI Zhi-Hui,and CAO Ji-Wu 256

Performance in Northern Florida of Yellow-flowered Cultivars Derived from Magnolia acuminata&Gary W.KNOX 262

Commercial Nursery Production of Magnoliaceae in the Southern United States&Gary W.KNOX 270

Comparison of the Growth of Five Magnoliaceous Trees in Ecological Scenic Forests in Zhongshan,Guangdong,China&JIANG Qian-Cai,WU Yong-Bin,WANG Jia-Bin,YANG Yu-Wang,HUANG Chuan-Teng,LIU Zhao-Xiang,and JIANG Bin 276

Appendix Ⅰ Scientific Committee 283

Appendix Ⅱ Organizing Committee 284

Appendix Ⅲ Program 285

Appendix Ⅳ Participants 290