《新SAT官方指南详解 写作分册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:Christopher Black,College Hill Coaching
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京语言大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787561925546
  • 页数:226 页

Part Ⅰ: Introduction引言 1

Lesson 1 : The importance of good writing skills良好写作技能的重要性 3

Writing: a tool for success 3

Why students are not being prepared for college writing 3

Beware the pitfalls of academic-speak 3

Beware the salespeople 4

The real “secret” to acing the SAT essay 4

Lesson 2: The SAT Writing SAT写作简介 5

What does the SAT Writing test? 5

What’s on the SAT Writing? 5

What is the experimental section? 6

What will I be asked to write about on the essay? 6

How is the essay scored? 6

How will colleges use the SAT Writing score? 7

Isn’t it true that Ernest Hemingway would have failed the SAT essay? 7

Don’t the essay graders give scores based primarily on length and number of paragraphs? 7

Will colleges see my SAT essay? 7

How is the overall Writing score determined? 7

Are some SATs easier than others? 8

If I take the SAT, will I also have to take the SAT Ⅱ: Writing? 8

Part Ⅱ: The Essay SAT短文写作 9

Lesson 3: Lay the groundwork基础性的准备 11

1.Know what the readers are looking for 11

2.Read good persuasive prose 11

3.Learn to read like a writer 12

4.Be specific 14

5.Prepare with Source Summaries 15

6.Practice 22

7.Know the instructions 22

8.Overcome perfectionism 22

Lesson 4: Analyze the writing task分析SAT写作任务 23

1.Give yourself time to think 23

2.Read the assignment carefully 23

3.Define your terms to show your point of view 23

4.Stay focused on the question 25

Lesson 5: Gather your ideas整理想法、观点 26

1.Brainstorm examples before picking a thesis 26

2.Keep your mind open 26

3.Choose specific examples 26

4.Choose interesting examples 27

5.Choose manageable examples 27

Lesson 6: Organize your essay 组织短文 29

1.Craft your thesis 29

2.Write a manageable outline 30

3.Connect your ideas logically 31

4.Play devil’s advocate 31

Lesson 7: Write the essay短文写作 34

1.Use natural language 34

2.Use strong verbs 34

3.Write with personality and intelligence 37

4.Use personal and concrete nouns 38

5.Minimize jargon and slang 38

6.Eliminate wordiness 40

7.Minimize prepositional phrases 40

8.Eliminate redundancy 40

9.Don’t state the obvious 41

10.Eliminate cliches 41

11.Connect your thoughts logically 43

12.Vary your sentence structure and length wisely 43

13.Eliminate sentences to nowhere 44

14.Choose your words carefully 44

15.Explain but don’t overexplain 45

16.Leave your reader thinking 48

17.Don’t tell us what you’re doing—just do it 48

Answer Key 49

Lesson 8: Practice your essay writing skills SAT模拟写作练习 51

1.Practice essays 51

2.Sample graded essays 66

Part Ⅲ: The Multiple-Choice Questions多项选择题 73

Lesson 9: Improving sentences句子改进题 75

1.How to attack Improving Sentences questions 75

2.Be careful 75

3.All else being equal, shorter is better 76

4.Check for danglers 76

5.Watch out for extra problems 77

Answer Key 79

Lesson 10: Identifying sentence errors识别错误题 80

1.How to attack Identifying Sentence Errors questions 80

2.Make sure it’s a legitimate mistake 80

3.How to attack tough Identify Sentence Errors questions 81

Answer Key 83

Lesson 11:Improving paragraphs段落改进题 84

1.How to attack Improving Paragraphs questions 84

2.Consider your attack options 85

Answer Key 87

Part Ⅳ: The Fundamental Rules of Grammar for Writing and Editing 写作和修改需要的基本语法规则 89

Interlude: Keeping perspective正确认识一些语法问题 91

1.Don’t sweat the small stuff 91

2.Don’t worry about who vs.whom 91

3.Don’t worry about split infinitives 91

4.Don’t worry about ending a sentence with a preposition 91

5.Don’t worry about starting a sentence with And, But or Because 92

6.Don’t worry about starting sentences with adverbs like Hopefully or Clearly 92

7.Don’t worry about possessive antecedents 93

8.Don’t worry about that vs.which 93

9.Don’t worry too much about bad/badly and good/well 94

10.Don’t worry about disappearing thats 94

11.Don’t worry about disappearing words, as long as they are implied by parallelism 94

Lesson 12: The parts of speech词性 95

1.Words are what words do 95

2.Verbs—the sentence drivers 95

3.Nouns 96

4.Clauses 96

5.Pronouns 96

6.Prepositions 97

7.Prepositional phrases 97

8.Modifiers 97

9.Participles 98

Lesson 13: Subject-verb agreement主语与动词在人称、数上的一致 99

1.Subject-verb agreement 99

2.Inverted sentences 99

3.Intervening words 99

4.Tricky subjects 100

5.Trimming sentences 102

6.Tips for improving your essay 104

7.Tips for the multiple-choice questions 104

Answer Key 105

Lesson 14: Parallelism平行结构 106

1.The law of parallelism 106

2.Infinitives and gerunds 106

3.Parallel constructions 107

4.Tip for improving your essay 108

5.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 108

Answer Key 109

Lesson 15: Comparison problems比较结构 110

1.Illogical comparisons 110

2.Check for countability:fewerlless, number/amount, and many/much 110

3.Check the number: more/most, between/among, and -er/-est 110

4.Number shift 111

5.Tip for improving your essay 112

6.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 112

Answer Key 113

Lesson 16: Pronoun problems代词 114

1.Pronoun-antecedent agreement 114

2.Missing or ambiguous antecedents 114

3.Pronoun consistency 115

4.Pronoun case 116

5.Subjective pronouns 116

6.Objective pronouns 116

7.Possessive pronouns 117

8.Reflexive pronouns 117

9.Tip for improving your essay 118

10.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 118

Answer Key 119

Lesson 17: Modifier problems修饰语 120

1.Dangling and misplaced participles 120

2.Other misplaced modifiers 122

3.Confusing adjectives and adverbs 124

4.Comparative adjectives and adverbs 124

5.Redundancy 125

6.Tip for improving your essay 126

7.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 126

Answer key 127

Lesson 18: Tense and voice problems时态和语态 129

1.Tricky tenses 129

2.The perfect tenses 129

3.Verbs expressing ideas or works of art 130

4.The passive voice 132

5.Tip for improving your essay 132

6.Tips for the multiple-choice questions 132

Answer Key 133

Lesson 19: Idiom problems习语 134

1.What is an idiom? 134

2.Watch your prepositions 134

3.Tip for improving your essay 134

4.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 134

Answer Key 136

Lesson 20: Mood problems语气 137

1.The subjunctive mood 137

2.Don’t overdo it 137

3.Watch your ifs 137

4.Tip for improving your essay 138

5.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 138

Answer Key 139

Lesson 21:Diction problems措词 140

1.What is a diction error? 140

2.Common diction errors 140

3.Tip for improving your essay 142

4.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 142

Answer Key 143

Lesson 22: Irregular verbs不规则动词 144

1.Past participles 144

2.Common irregular verbs 144

3.Tip for improving your essay 146

4.Tip for the multiple-choice questions 146

Answer Key 146

Lesson 23: Awkwardness and coordination句子的协调 147

1.Coordinating ideas 147

2.Run-on sentences 147

3.Using colons and semicolons 148

4.Tips for improving your essay 148

5.Tips for the multiple-choice questions 148

Answer Key 150

Part Ⅴ: Three Practice Tests全真模拟试题 151

Practice Test 1全真模拟试题1 153

Practice Test 1 Answer Key 168

Score Conversion Table 169

Practice Test 1—Sample Essays 170

Practice Test 1 Detailed Answer Key 173

Practice Test 2全真模拟试题2 177

Practice Test 2 Answer Key 192

Score Conversion Table 193

Practice Test 2—Sample Essays 194

Practice Test 2 Detailed Answer Key 197

Practice Test 3全真模拟试题3 201

Practice Test 3 Answer Key 216

Score Conversion Table 217

Practice Test 3—Sample Essays 218

Practice Test 3 Detailed Answer Key 221

Vocabulary词汇表 225