
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:袁志刚主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787208099395
  • 页数:272 页

“上海论坛2010”共识全球经济再平衡与亚洲的持续复苏 1

第一部分 主旨演讲 3

The World is on the Dollar Standard&Ronald I.McKinnon 3

About Energy and the Environment&Mark Stephen Wrighton 14

全球化与亚洲国家的选择&李扬 21

关于中国经济&华民 26

第二部分 大会论文 35

Regional Monetaty Coordination in Asia after the Global Financial Crisis:Comparison in Regional Monetary Stability between ASEAN + 3 and ASEAN+3+3&Eiji Ogawa 35

Rehabilitating the Unloved Dollar Standard&Ronald McKinnon59人民币是升值还是完善汇率形成机制&陈学彬 85

On the Recognition of Macroeconomic Turbulence in the Corporate Re-Structuring Process&Lars Oxelheim and Clas Wihlborg 108

A Triangular Analysis of Exchange Rate Determination—The Case of RMB,the US Dollar and the Euro&Peijie Wang 139

Contractual Versus Non-Contractural Trade:The Role of Institutions in China&Robert C.Freenstra, Chang Hong,Hong Ma and Barbara J.Spencer 159

贸易自由化还是本币升值&华民 178

后危机时代上海合作组织框架下的金融合作&刘军梅 206

Growing Pains:Globalisation and Adjustment&Yang Yao 221

China and the Future of Latin American Industrialization&Kevin P.Gallagher 229

Financial Centres in Pacific Asia after the Global Financial Crisis:Challenges and Opportunities&Yue-man Yeung 254