《时代周刊精选片段选读 科技 教育 汉英对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王欣,曹阳主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787561839409
  • 页数:264 页

科技 Science and Technology 3

1 A Service to Prove You Are Really You 网上身份识别法 3

2 Can a Space Museum Help Russia Get Its Glory Back? 航天纪念馆能否助俄罗斯重现昔日辉煌 8

3 DO I Know You? 似曾相识 13

4 Buildings That Breathe 会呼吸的建筑 17

5 Brain Sells 人脑助销售 23

6 Brainy Robots Start Stepping into Daily Life 智能机器人开始走进日常生活 30

7 Congress and Credit Cards Mean the Death of Privacy 国会涉足信用卡,个人隐私全消失 38

8 Daving into the Gene Pool 进入基因库 42

9 Face-recognition Technology Improves 面部识别技术又获提高 46

10 Finding the Energy All Around Us 寻找身边新能源 51

11 For Today's Graduate,Just One Word:Statistics 送给当今毕业生一个词:统计学 55

12 Here,Kitty,Kitty! 小猫咪,小猫咪,在这里 62

13 In Search of a Test-tube Hamburger 寻找试管汉堡包 68

14 In South Korea.All of Life Is Mobile 在韩国,移动你的生活 72

15 Is the Overnight Envelope Anti-green? 快递邮件不环保 79

16 Kiss Your Phone Bill Goodbye 和话费单吻别 84

17 Leading Africans to Responsible Recycling 电子垃圾危害大,回收利用要安全 89

18 Lost in the Real World,Found via Cyberspace 现实世界丢东西,网上找 96

19 Privacy Lost:These Phones Can Find You 逝去的隐私:电话知你行踪 101

20 India's Temples Go Green 印度寺庙崇尚环保 106

21 The Coming Superbrain 即将到来的超智能 110

22 The Truth About Plastic 揭开塑料的面纱 117

23 Tracking Someone Else's Every Move,with Permission 一款软件在手,他人轻易跟踪 122

24 Learning to Love Radio Again 再次爱上收音机 128

25 Surviving the New Killer Bug 这个杀手实在冷 132

教育 Education 139

1 A Frosh New Start 新起点 139

2 A Victory for Vouchers 学券制的最后胜利 144

3 Back to School 科教兴国 150

4 Big Chill on Campus 学费寒颤 155

5 College Abroad 留学潮 161

6 Does Kindergarten Need Cops? 幼儿园戒备森严 167

7 How Much Do I Hear for This Student? 助学金之战 173

8 How the Teachers Killed a Dream 梦想终结者 179

9 Involuntary Volunteers 志愿者不自愿 183

10 Looking Abroad for a Few Good Teachers 不拘一格降人才 188

11 More Employers Ask Job Seekers for SAT Scores SAT成绩——永恒的牵绊 194

12 Beating the Bubble Test 与标准化考试战斗到底 199

13 Sat Coaching Found to Boost Scores—Barely 考前辅导广告风,成绩提高质疑声 205

14 Sticking to the Script 211

照本宣科?独树一帜? 211

15 What Do These Two Men Have in Common? 二人撰 217

16 What Does SAT Stand for? SAT的真面目 223

17 Why Johnny Isn't Reading Much Better 美国儿童阅读水平令人堪忧 229

18 Should Kids Be Able to Graduate After 10th Grade? 学生分流 233

19 Top 10 Things You'll Discover at College 大学生活全攻略 238

20 Summertime and School Isn't Easy 暑假,想说爱你不容易 243

21 Stuck in Class 身陷阶层的“囹圄” 249

22 As Beauty Schools Grow,Chemistry Joins Curlers 科技含量提升品牌价值 253

23 Dads and Daughters 父与女 258