《生态系统管理与绿色发展 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会2010年度政策报告 2010 英文版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国环境与发展国际合作委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国环境科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787511104823
  • 页数:285 页

Chapter 1 Policy Recommendations to the Government of China 1

1.1 Change Views and Management Approaches Regarding Ecosystem Services and Management,and Update the National Strategy on Ecological Protection and Rehabilitation 4

1.2 Strengthen Environmental Management and Allow Key Terrestrial Ecosystems to Recover 7

1.3 Place Marine Ecosystem Management High on the Policy Agenda and Promote Sustainable Ocean and Coasts Development 9

1.4 Promote Scientific Innovation,Improve Technological Support,and Strengthen Capacity Building on Ecosystem Management 13

1.5 Attach Greater Importance to Weak Links,Step up Efforts in Key Fields,and Help Promote the Green Transformation of Economic Development Pattern during the 12th Five Year Plan Period 15

Chapter 2 Ecosystems and China's Green Development 19

2.1 Introduction 19

2.2 Global Green Initiatives 22

2.3 China's Green Development 29

2.4 Ecosystems and Ecological Services in China 32

2.5 Nine Key Issues 52

2.6 Conclusion 63

Chapter 3 Ecosystem Service and Management Strategy in China 68

3.1 Introduction 68

3.2 Concept of Ecosystem Services and Ecosystem Management 70

3.3 Status of Major Ecosystems and Ecosystem Management 76

3.4 Scenario Analysis 82

3.5 Chinese Case Studies and International Experiences 91

3.6 Major Findings 101

3.7 Policy Recommendations 104

Chapter 4 Ecosystem Issues and Policy Options Addressing Sustainable Development of China's Ocean and Coast 113

4.1 The Importance of Sustainable Development for China's Ocean and Coasts 113

4.2 Historical Background of China's Sustainable Development Policy 118

4.3 The Ecological Challenges of the Sustainable Development of China's Ocean and Coasts 128

4.4 Lessons Learned and Trends in Intemational Marine Management 147

4.5 Conclusions 151

4.6 Policy Recommendations 152

Chapter 5 China Ecological Footprint Report 2010 159

5.1 Humanity's Ecological Footprint:Global andAsia Context 159

5.2 China's Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity 160

5.3 The Challenge of Urban Ecological Footprint 164

5.4 The National Impact of China's Ecological Footprint 165

5.5 Development and Ecological Footprint 166

5.6 Global Impact of China's Ecological Footprint 167

5.7 The Water Footprint 169

5.8 China:Transforming Toward Sustainable Development 172

Chapter 6 Policy Framework Research on Improving Service Functions of Aquatic Ecosystems 178

6.1 Characteristics of China's Water Resources 178

6.2 China's Actions to Improve Aquatic Ecosystem Service Functions 181

6.3 Analysis on Aquatic Ecosystem Service Functions 184

6.4 Current Situation and Evolution of China's Major Aquatic Ecosystems 189

6.5 Analysis on Changes in Service Functions of China's Aquatic Ecosystems 194

6.6 Major Contributing Factors to the Degradation of Service Functions of China's Aquatic Ecosystems 195

6.7 Impact of Reservoir and Dam Construction on River Ecosystem Service Functions in China 198

6.8 Policy Recommendations for Improving China's Aquatic Ecosystem Services 205

Chapter 7 Developing Policies for Soil Environmental Protection in China 210

7.1 Status Quo and Development Trend of China's Soil Environment Protection 210

7.2 International Experiences and Implications in Soil Environment Protection and Pollution Control for China 222

7.3 Soil Environment Protection Policies Recommendations 229

AppendixⅠ Progress on Environment and Development Policies in China(2009-2010)and CCICED Policy Recommendations Impact 240

AppendixⅡ Name List of Council Members 282