《英语全攻略 听、说、读、写、译》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵纬编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国纺织出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7506429497
  • 页数:327 页

Unit 1 Jittering Atoms Chase the Cold 1

READING Word Study—Context Clues(推断词义:上下文提示) 7

LISTENING Ⅰ. Understanding by Pronunciation(通过语音来理解所听到的内容) 10

SPEAKING Greetings,Introductions and Courtesies(问候用语 、介绍用语和礼貌用语) 12

Unit 2 Television in the Lives of Children and Their Families 14

TRANSLATION The Differences Between English and Chinese(英汉语言的不同) 21

WRITING Effective Sentences(有效句) 23

Unit 3 Keeping Afloat in a Sea of Drowning 27

READING Word Study—Context Clues(推断词义:上下文提示) 33

LISTENING Ⅱ. Understanding by Tone(通过语调来理解对话的内容) 36

SPEAKING Seeing a Doctor(看病) 37

Unit 4 Abraha Lincoln 39

TRANSLATION The Choice of Words(选词) 46

WRITING Organization of Paragraphs—Chronological and Spacial Sequences(段落的组织——时间法与空间法) 48

Unit 5 Lessons in Virtue That Books Can't Teach 51

READING Word Study—Stems and Affixes(推断词义:词根与词缀) 58

The Analysis of CET 6 and GET(大学英语六级及研究生试卷分析——如何回答词语义题) 59

LISTENING Ⅲ. Understanding by Seizing on Details(通过捕捉细节了解所听到的内容) 61

SPEAKING Attending School(上学) 65

Unit 6 The Idea of a University 67

TRANSLATION Conversion(转译法) 74

WRITING Organization of Paragraphs—illustration,classification,comparison and contrast(段落的组织——举例法,分类法,类比与对比法) 77

Unit 7 Haze Begins to Clear Over Hazards of Passive Smoke 82

READING Sentence Study—Restatement(通过“重述”理解单句) 89

LISTENING Ⅳ.Understanding by Distinguishing Cause and Effect(通过因果关系来现解对话内容) 90

SPEAKING Expressing and Asking for Opinions(表达看法与征求意见) 91

Unit 8 Link Training to Corporate Mission 93

TRANSLATION Repetition(重复法) 101

WRITING Organization of Paragraphs—Cause and Effect(段落的组织——因果法) 102

Unit 9 Simmons's Sweet Control 105

READING Paragraph Reading—Restatement(段落阅读:重述) 113

The Analysis of CET 6 and GET(大学英语六级及研究生试卷分析——如何回答事实细节题) 114

LISTENING Ⅴ. Understanding by Identifying True or False Negatives(通过识别真假否来理解对话的含义) 116

SPEAKING Getting and Giving Advice(接爱与给予劝告) 118

Unit 10 The American Scholar 120

TRANSLATION Amplification and Omission(增词法与省略法) 126

WRITING Organization of ParagraphsProcess Analysis and Definition(段落的组织——过程法与定义法) 131

Unit 11 Scientists Plan to Clone Humans 139

READING Sentence Study and Paragraph Reading—Inference(通过“推理”来理解句子和段落) 146

The Analysis of CET 6 and GET(大学英语六级及研究生英语试卷分析——如何回答与句子隐含意义相关的问题) 149

LISTENING Ⅵ.Understanding by Indirect Answers(通地间接回答来理解对话的含义) 151

SPEAKING Talking about Objects and Activities(谈论事物) 152

Unit 12 On Art and Technology 154

TRANSLATION The Affirmative and Negative Ways of Expression(正反表达法) 160

WRITING Effective Paragraphs(好的段落) 161

Unit 13 Undue Process, Washington-Style 166

READING Paragraph Reading—Main Idea(段落阅读:中心思想) 173

The Analysis of CET 6 and GET(大学英语六级及研究生英语试卷分析——如何回答主旨题) 175

LISTENING Ⅶ.Understanding by Distinguishing “Request,Offer and Suggestion”(通过辨别“请求、提供和建议”来理解对话含义) 177

SPEAKING Asking for Information(询求信息) 179

Shopping(购物) 180

Unit 14 The Lamps of Fiction 181

TRANSLATION Translation of the Passive Voiee(被动语态的译法) 187

WRITING Compositions—Narration and Description(作文:记叙文与描写文) 190

Unit 15 Why I Want to Be a Chemist in the Twenty-First Century 195

READING Sentence Study—Comprehension(难句理解) 202

LISTENING Ⅷ.Understanding by Finding a General Idea of a Dialogue or a Short Passage(通过概括来理解对话与短文的含义) 207

SPEAKING Traveling and Transportation(旅行与交通) 208

Unit 16 Scientists Discover Way to Prolong Life of Cells 210

TRANSLATION Translation of Clauses(从句的翻译) 217

WRITING Composition—Exposition(作文 :说明文) 220

Unit 17 Thomas Jefferson Pragmatist or Visionary 223

READING Paragraph Reading—Reading for Full Understanding(段落阅读:充分理解段落内容) 232

The Analysis of CET 6 and GET(大学英语六级及研究生英语试卷分析——如何回答判断题与结论题) 233

LISTENING Ⅸ.Understanding by the Analysis and Inference of the Facts in a Short Passage(通过对事实的分析和推断来理解短文的含义) 236

SPEAKING Eating Out(外出用餐) 237

Unit 18 The Undiscovered World of Thomas Edison 239

TRANSLATION Translation of Long Sentences(长句的翻译) 248

WRITING Composition—Argumentation(作文:议论文) 250

Unit 19 A Note on Architeeture 256

READING Skimming and Scanning(略读与寻读) 264

The Analysis of CET 6(大学英语六级试卷分析——如何回答简答题与细节题) 265

LISTENING Ⅹ.Understanding by Key Words(通过对某些重要词语的理解来了解短文的内容) 274

SPEAKING Finding a Job(找工作) 275

Unit 20 John Dalton and Color Confusion 276

TRANSLATION Translation of Idioms(习语的翻译) 285

The Sample of Translation in CET 6(大学英语六级考试翻译样题) 288

WRITING Abstracts,Letters and Curriculum Vitae(摘要、文件与个人简历) 293

The Analysis of CET 6 and GET(大学英语六级及研究生英语写作试卷分析) 298

Appendix 303

Answer Key 309

Biliograhy 327