《新思维高效英语写作 上》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)Mary K.Ruetten编著 金启军等编写
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561124899
  • 页数:282 页

Chapter 1 Introducing the Paragraph 导读1-1~导读1-4 1

Theme: Reasons for Writing 1

Goals 1

Getting Started 2

CNN video Activity: Writing off Stress 2

Reading 2

Reading:From Reaching Across the Gap: How I Write by Michael C.Flanigan 5

The Parts of a Paragraph 6

The Topic Sentence 7

Support 10

Conclusion 12

Title 13

Form 13

Unity 15

Coherence 16

Grammar Review 17

Cohesion 18

Cohesion:Connecting Words 18

Writing a Paragraph 20

Considering Audience 21

Getting Ideas 21

Narrowing the Topic 21

Deciding on a Controlling Idea 22

Choosing Support 23

Revising 24

Using the Internet 26

Keeping a Journal 26

Chapter 2 Narrating 导读2-1~导读2-4 28

Theme: Memorable Events 28

Goals 28

Getting Started 29

Journal Writing: A Memorable Event 29

CNN Video Activity: Adult Illiteracy 29

Reading 30

Reading: My Fault by Hoang Vo 31

Preparing to Write 32

Focusing on a Main Point 32

Supporting the Main Point with an Incident 36

Focusing on a Particular Incident 36

Giving Background Information 37

Explaining the Main Point 38

Organizing by Chronological Order 38

Writing 40

Writing Assignment 1: Narrative 40

Using Language Effectively 41

Cohesion: Connecting Words for Narration 41

Grammar Review 44

Using the Internet 44

Preparing to Write 44

Choosing a Point of View 44

Writing 45

Writing Assignment 2:Point of View 45

More Reading and Writing 46

Reading: The Great Surprise by Mary Kay Mackin 46

Reading: From Wings of the Morning by Orestes Lorenzo 48

Topics for Discussion and Writing 50

Chapter 3 Describing 导读3-1~导读3-4 51

Theme: Important Places 51

Goals 51

Getting Started 52

Journal Writing: An Important Place 52

CNN Video Activity: Martha’s Vineyard 52

Reading 53

Reading: Our Cottage by Renata Strakova 53

Preparing to Write 55

Writing about a Place in the Past 55

Focusing on a Dominant Impression 55

Supporting with Descriptive Details 56

Organizing by Spatial Arrangement 60

Writing 62

Writing Assignment 1: Descriptive 62

Using Language Effectively 63

Cohesion: Connecting Words for Description 63

Grammar Review 65

Using the Internet 65

Preparing to Write 66

Writing about a Place in the Present 66

Writing 67

Writing Assignment 2: Descriptive 67

More Reading and Writing 68

Reading: From Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang 68

Chapter 4 Analyzing Reasons (Causes)导读1-1~导读1-4 70

Theme: People and Their Behavior 70

Goals 70

Getting Started 71

Journal Writing: A Person I Admire 71

CNN Video Activity: Educator Awards 71

Reading 72

Reading: From A Celebration of Teachers by Kristin Hunter 74

Preparing to Write 75

Focusing on a Main Idea 75

Analyzing Reasons 75

Supporting with Details 76

Supporting with Examples 78

Distinguishing between Generalization and Support 80

Organizing by Points 81

Writing 82

Writing Assignment 1: Analyzing Reasons 82

Using Language Effectively 84

Cohesion: Connecting Words to Indicate Examples 84

Cohesion: Connecting Words to Indicate Reasons or Causes 85

Cohesion: Pronoun Consistency 86

Grammar Review 87

Using the Internet 88

Preparing to Write 88

Explaining Your Points 88

Outlining Your Points 90

Writing 91

Writing Assignment 2: Analyzing Reasons 91

More Reading and Writing 93

Reading: Teenagers and Stress by David Inman 94

Topics for Discussion and Writing 96

Chapter 5: Analyzing Processes导读5-1~导读5-4 97

Theme: Living with Computers 97

Goals 97

Getting Started 98

Journal Writing: How to Do a Simple Operation on a Computer 98

CNN Video Activity: Cyher College Counsel 98

Reading 99

Reading: OPAC at the Earl K.Long Library by Hsin-Chuan Chen 99

Preparing to Write 102

Analyzing a Process 102

Supporting with a Process 102

Focusing on a Main Idea 104

Introducing the Process 104

Organizing by Chronological Order 106

Using Language Effectively 108

Cohesion: Connecting Words for Process Analysis 108

Grammar Review 111

Using the Internet 111

Writing: Analyzing a Process 112

Writing Assignment 112

More Reading and Writing 114

Reading: Map Your Tongue by Eric Haseltine 114

Topics for Discussion and Writing 116

Chapter 6 Comparing and Contrasting导读6-1~导读6-6 117

Theme: Education 117

Goals 117

Getting Started 118

Journal Writing: Two Aspects of My Education 118

CNN Video Activity: Home School College 118

Reading 119

Reading: Notes from an American School by Artyom Aslanyan 120

Preparing to Write 122

Focusing on a Main Idea 122

Choosing Comparable Items 124

Finding Points of Comparison 124

Organizing by Points 126

Writing 126

Writing Assignment 1: Comparing and Contrasting 126

Using Language Effectively 128

Cohesion: Connecting Words for Comparison and Contrast 128

Grammar Review 133

Using the Internet 133

Preparing to Write 134

Contrasting “Then” and “Now” 134

Organizing by Subjects 136

Writing 136

Writing Assignment 2: Comparing and Contrasting 136

More Reading and Writing 137

Reading: Literacy Around the World 139

Topics for Discussion and Writing 141

Chapter 7 Classifying导读7-1~导读7-4 143

Theme: The Media 143

Goals 143

Getting Started 144

Journal Writing: My Favorite Kind of Movie 144

CNN Video Activity: Magazine Wars 144

Reading 145

Reading: The Magazine Industry by Shirley Biagi 147

Preparing to Write 149

Finding a Principle of Classification 149

Introducing the Categories 155

Supporting the Categones 157

Using Language Effectively 158

Cohesion: Connecting vvords for Ciassification 158

Cohesion: Repetition of Key Ideas 161

Grammar Review 163

Using the Internet 163

Writing 165

Writing Assignment: Classifying 165

More Reading and Writing 167

Reading: Types of Newspapers in Ivory Coast by Ledja Sylvie Amon 167

Topics for Discussion and Writing 169

Chapter 8 Evaluating Effects导读8-1~导读8-6 170

Theme: Technology 170

Goals 170

Getting Started 171

Journal Writing: The Effects of an Invention 171

CNN Video Activity: On-Line Privacy 171

Reading 172

Reading: Privacy and the Computer by Edward F.Dolan 174

Preparing to Write 176

Evaluating Effects 176

Expanding a Paragraph into an Essay 178

The Parts of an Essay 181

The Thesis Statement 182

The Introduction 183

The Support 186

The Conclusion 186

Writing 188

Writing Assignment 1:Essay Evaluating Effects 188

Using Language Effectively 189

Cohesion: Connecting Words to Connect Paragraphs 189

Grammar Review 191

Using the Internet 191

Preparing to Write 191

Outlining an Essay 191

Writing 194

Writing Assignment 2: Essay Evaluating Effects 194

More Reading and Writing 195

Reading: Kid Finder by Suzanne Kantra Kirschner 195

Reading: High-Tech Relic Hunting by Michael Carroll 199

Topics for Discussion and Writing 200

Appendices 201

A.Map of the World 202

B.Strategies for Getting Ideas 204

Brainstorming 204

Making a List 204

Drawing a Sketch 205

Freewriting 206

Making a Venn Diagram 206

Clustering 207

C.Grammar Review—Coordinates with the chapters as indicated: 209

C-1 Chapter 1 209

Clauses 209

Independent Clauses 209

Coordinators 210

The Semicolon 211

Transitional Words 212

Dependent Clauses 215

Subordinators 216

Summary of Connecting Words and Their Punctuation 218

C-2 Chapter 2 221

Verb Tenses 221

Past Tense for Narrating 221

Simple Present Tense for Explaining 223

Used To and Would 225

Adverbial Clauses of Time 225

C-3 Chapter 3 228

Verb Tenses 228

Past Tenses for Past Description 228

Simple Present Tense for Present Description 228

Sentence Structures for Location 230

There + Be 230

Adverb/Verb/Subject 232

Subject-Verb Agreement 232

C-4 Chapter 4 236

Verb Tenses 236

Present Perfect Tense 236

Consistency of Verb Tenses 237

Adjective Clauses 240

C-5 Chapter 5 243

Passive Voice 243

Gerunds and Infinitives 245

C-6 Chapter 6 251

Comparative Forms 251

Correlative Conjunctions 254

Run-on Sentences 255

Comma Splices 256

C-7 Chapter 7 259

Parallel Structure 259

Sentence Fragments 260

C-8 Chapter 8 263

Adverbial Clauses of Result 263

Reduced Adverbial Clauses 265

D.Irregular Verb Forms 266

Glossary 270

Index 274