《突破美语会话 神奇口语快学秘笈!》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)格里姆(G.H.Grime)著;王嘉敏译
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:703014001X
  • 页数:277 页

目录 1

Chapter 1 见面、打招呼与道别 1

Unit 1 The First Meet and Greet 初次见面与打招呼 2

Unit 2 Taking Time Off 请假 8

Unit 3 Farewell Phrases 道别用语 15

Unit 4 Yo'll Never Believe Who I Just Met 你一定不相信我刚刚遇到谁 22

Unit 5 Making Introductions 介绍 32

Unit 6 A Business Meeting 商务会议 35

Unit 7 Meeting the Older Generation 与长辈见面 40

Unit 8 Can't You Take a Joke? 你开不起玩笑吗? 44

Chapter 2 与朋友共进晚餐 49

Unit 1 Conversation Reactions 会话互动 50

Unit 2 How Was Your Day? 你过得如何 56

Unit 3 Uh-huh!Funny Sounds in English Conversation 有趣的语助词 64

Unit 4 Are You Listening to Me? 你在听我说话吗? 68

Unit 5 Preparing for a Dinner Party 准备一场晚宴 70

Unit 6 Dining Phrases 用餐用语 78

Unit 7 The Dinner Party 晚宴 85

Unit 8 I Had a Great Time 我很开心 97

Chapter 3 同意、反对、解决之道 105

Unit 1 Words of Agreement 表同意的用语 106

Unit 2 Conciliatory and Polite Disagreement 委婉的反对 110

Unit 3 Frank Disagreement 直说反对法 115

Unit 4 Argumentative Phrases 争论用短语 119

Unit 5 Arguing in Restaurants 餐厅里的纷争 125

Unit 6 Reluctant Agreement 勉强同意 133

Unit 7 Apologies andReconciliation 道歉与和解 136

Unit 8 Going to the Movies 看电影 142

Unit 9 Making Up 和好 149

Chapter 4 邀请与答复 163

Unit 1 Making an Invitation 邀请 164

Unit 2 I'll Think about It 我会考虑的 171

Unit 3 Accepting and Declining an Invitation 接受和拒绝邀请 176

Unit 4 I'm Looking Forward to Seeing You 我很期待见到你 182

Unit 5 Internet Dating 网络约会 191

Unit 6 Helt and Favors 帮助别人 204

Unit 7 Thanks for and Refusals of Help 感谢和婉拒 209

Unit 8 A Bus Trip 巴士旅游 213

Chapter 5 忠告与鼓励 221

Unit 1 Reacting to Good News 对好消息的回应 222

Unit 2 Let's Celebrate! 咱们来庆祝! 226

Unit 3 Reacting to Bad News and Giving Encouragement 对坏消息的反应与鼓励! 231

Unit 4 Be Col! 冷静点 237

Unit 5 Suggestions and Advice 建议与忠告 243

Unit 6 Getting a Raise 加薪 248

Unit 7 Going Sightseeing 观光 255

Unit 8 Self-defense 自我防身 262

Unit 9 LateNightVisitors 夜访者 268