治秃喻 Curing Baldness 2
前言 5
渴见水喻 Thirsty for Water 12
说人喜嗔喻 One who is Prone to Anger 22
债半钱喻 Recovering aSmall Debt 30
人效王眼瞤喻 Imitating the King's Blinks 40
杀群牛喻 Killing All the Cattle 50
叹父德行喻 On the Virtues of One's Father 60
水火喻 Water and Fire 70
估客偷金喻 Trader Stealing Gold 80
见他人涂舍喻 Whitewashing the Walls 88
偷牦牛喻 The Yak Thieves 94
医治脊偻喻 Treating a Hunchback 102
尝庵婆罗果喻 Trying out the Mangoes 112
老母捉熊喻 The Old Woman and the bear 120
愿为王剃须喻 Wanting to Shave the King's Beard 130
病人食雉肉喻 Patient Eating Pheasant Meat 140
共相怨害喻 Harming Both 154
构驴乳喻 Trying to Milk the Jackass 166
比种田喻 How Not to Farm 176
劫盗分财喻 When Bandits Divide Their Spoils 186
诈称眼盲喻 Pretending to Be Blind 198