《最新英国初级英语 英汉对照 第2册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(英)E.G.Thorpe;方宜庆译注
  • 出 版 社:合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7312002519
  • 页数:240 页

译注者序 1

1.The First Race 第一次参加赛马 1

Sentences:capital letters and full stops;here/hear On the Farm;moving words 1

目次 1

Doing-words(3):past:-ed,-t,-ied,etc.;won/one/beat Animals(3);animal noises 2

Doing-words(4):past(2):ran/have run ;so/sow/sew Town and country ;-y 2

People s work;of/off Body;speaking words 2

原序 3

Making words shorter:St.,don t;great grate;rhymes 4

Preface 5

2.Poor Tharmbelina 可怜的桑姆琳娜 7

3.Hansel and Gretel 汉索和格雷特 13

Opposites;to/two/too Weather;mouth-noises 13

A/an:vowels;as/has Relations;seeing words 19

4.Learning to Swim 学游泳 19

More than one:-s,-es;is/his Wild animals ;-y 25

5.The Moon 月色之夜 25

Naming-words;their/there;rhymes 31

Birds;animal/bird noises 31

6.A Bedtime Game 睡梦前的游戏 31

7.The Red-Cap Gnomes 戴红帽子的侏儒 37

Comma;where/were Fruit;double meanings 37

8.Left All Alone 孤独的小布朗 43

Parents and children;for/four Tools;happy words 43

9.The Girl and the Skylark 女孩和云雀 49

More than one(2):-ves;blew/blue North/S/E/W;unhappy words 49

Capital letters(2):I,Christian/surnames;be/bee Colours;speaking words 49

10.Winter Song 寒冬吟 55

Capital letters(3):days,months,towns,etc.;no/know/now;rhymes(2)Seasons;pairs 55

11.Fifty Red Caps 五十顶红睡帽 61

Describing-words;buy/by Animals(2);hand actions 67

12.Market-Day 集市日 67

13.The Old Man and His Wife 73

Doing-words:present:-s,-ing;weak/week Vegetables;unkind actions 73

老头和妻子 80

14.A Young Rabbit s Adventures 小白兔奇遇记 80

More than one(3):-ys,-ies;new knew Young ones;kind actions 87

15.Choosing Their Names 给小猫起名字 87

16.The Magic Skipping-Rope 有魔力的跳绳 94

Questions;our/hour/are;rhymes(3);a/an(2)Wild cats;“nice” 94

17.Tom and the Old Lady 汤姆和老太太 101

Doing-words(2):present(2):-es,-ies;meet/meat Games;smaller 101

More and most:-er,-est;see/sea People s work;bigger 108

18.Stealing Rice 偷吃秧苗 108

19.Catching Dwarfs 捉矮人 115

Joining-words:and,but;heel/heal Homes;describing-words 122

20.The Journey 旅行 122

Buildings;naming-words 130

21.Scotty 思戈蒂 130

22.Robin Hood 罗滨汉 137

How we do something:slowly;been/bean Trees;past:-ed 144

23.Thomas and Jascha 托马斯和加莎 144

24.Tim Rabbit Meets a Stranger 小蒂姆遇见了陌生人 151

You and I,who,which;son/sun Day and night;spelling:food 151

Places,buildings;dear/deer Time and place;capital letters 158

25.October s Party 十月的游园会 158

Letter-writing;pair/pear;rhymes(5)Months;big and small 165

26.The Paper Umbrella 纸伞 165

More than one(4):men,etc.;piece/peace Inside a house;colours 171

27.The Playful Kitten 顽皮的小猫 171

Owning-words:my,etc.;beach/beech A ball of wool,etc.;-ing 178

28.White Castle and Grey Castle 178

More about owning: s,s ;bear/bare Furniture;spelling:meat and drink 178

白城堡和灰城堡 185

29.David s Secret 大卫的秘密 185

Speech marks:“ ”;lying/laying Animals(4);how-words(adverbs) 185

30.Bed-Time 催眠曲 191

Groups;were/where/wear;nouns,verbs,etc.Animals,birds,fish or insects;verbs参考答案 198