《突破美语会话 流利美语顺口溜》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(美)安德森(MichaelAnderson)著;林静慧译
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7030140036
  • 页数:261 页

目录 2

Chapter 1 Formal Conversations 正式的对话 2

Unit 1 Discussion between Secretary and Guest 秘书与客人的对话 2

Unit 2 Enquiry through Phone on Availability of a Person 打电话找某人 7

Unit 3 Typical Scenario of Boss and Secretary for Typing a Letter 老板请秘书打信件 12

Unit 4 Dialogue for Holding the Phone Line 保留对方的电话 17

Unit 5 Enquiry on Purchase Order by Client to Secretary 客户向秘书询问订单 21

Chapter 2 Typical Office Scenarios 典型办公室情况 28

Unit 1 Enquiry on Real Estate Investments 询问房地产投资事宜 28

Unit 2 A Discussion on Commuting to Office 讨论通勤上班的话题 32

Unit 3 Chat between Employees on Incentive 上班族对工作热忱的闲聊 44

Unit 4 Talks between Professor and Student 教授与学生之间的谈话 54

Unit 5 Scenario of an Office Meeting 办公室会议的情境 64

Chapter 3 Regular Talks 平常谈话 74

Unit 1 Chat During Lunch Break 午休时的闲聊 74

Unit 2 Chat after Lunch 午餐后闲聊 85

Unit 3 Reception Clerk Addressing a Guest 接待员与客人对话 89

Unit 4 Discussion between Colleagues on Office Work 与同事讨论公事 96

Unit 5 Introducing a Person 介绍某人 101

Chapter 4 Casual Discussions 日常随意谈话 106

Unit 1 Colleague Invitation for Coffee 邀同事去喝咖啡 106

Unit 2 Casual Enquiry by Employee to His Senior 对主管的非正式询问 112

Unit 3 A Friendly Chit Chat 亲切的闲聊 119

Unit 4 Encouraging a Friend 鼓励朋友 123

Unit 5 Chat Involving Concern over Company's Progress 谈论公司的进展 128

Chapter 5 Marketing/Sales/Interview Talks 营销/销售/面试谈话 136

Unit 1 Chat about a Rip-off 花冤枉钱时怎么说 136

Unit 2 Purchase of aJacket 买外套 142

Unit 3 Talks During an Interview 面试中对话 150

Unit 4 Reporting a Complaint 申诉抱怨 157

Unit 5 Door to Door Enquiry 挨家挨户询问 164

Chapter 6 General Chats 一般谈话 170

Unit 1 Door to Door Sales 挨家挨户销售 170

Unit 2 Communication with Government Boards 与政府单位的对话 178

Unit 3 Negotiation a Purchase at a Chicken Meat Shop 在鸡肉铺杀价 182

Unit 4 Friendly Chat about Food 闲聊有关食物的话题 187

Unit 5 Hotel Room Reservation 预订旅馆房间 192

Chapter 7 Variety of Enquiries 各类询问 202

Unit 1 Enquiry on Availability for Attending a Seminar 询问是否有空参加研讨会 202

Unit 2 Enquiry on a Request for Telephone Service 申请电话线路的询问 210

Unit 3 Conversation about the Disconnection of Telephone Service 要求电话停机时要怎么说 218

Unit 4 Enquiry in a Friend's Concern 开心朋友的烦恼 223

Unit 5 Enquiry for Changing Coins 换钱时该怎么说 232

Chapter 8 Other Discussions 其他讨论 238

Unit 1 Asking for Leave 告辞 238

Unit 2 Traffic Issues 交通议题 243

Unit 3 Chat Involving Vacation 关于度假的闲聊 250

Unit 4 Discussion on Weather 讨论天气 257