《绿色革命的曙光 非豆科作物固氮研究》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:聂延富编著
  • 出 版 社:青岛:青岛海洋大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1991
  • ISBN:7810261622
  • 页数:385 页

诱发非豆科作物结瘤固氮的技术与研究 1

序 1— 3

目录前言 1— 5

Techniques and Researches of Induced Nitrogen FixationNodules on Non—legume Roots关于诱导无根瘤植物结根瘤的研究 62

Studies on Inducing Nodulation in Plants without Root-nodules植物生长激素的细胞凝集效应 81

Cell Agglutination of Phytohormones诱发根瘤与治癌之谜 87

Mystery of Root Nodule Induction and Cure of Human Can-cers用化学方法将两种细菌引入小麦根部皮层细胞的报告 88

Report on Leading Two Species of Bacteria into Wheat RootCortex by Chemical Method 88

2,4一D诱导微生物进入植物根细胞的电镜观察 93

Some Electron Microscopic Observations on Introducing Mi-crobes Induced by 2,4一D into Plant Root Cells植物激素与生理活性物质诱发根瘤的机制、理论探讨 96

Explorations of Mechanism and Theory of Induced Nodula-tion by Phytohormones and Physiological Accommodation Sub-stances根瘤形成的生理活性物质诱发理论 110

Theory of Nodulation Induced by Physiological Activators2,4—D人工根瘤研究 125

Studies on Root Nodules Induced by 2,4—D用15N2示踪法测定2,4—D诱发的小麦和向日葵根瘤的固氮活性 165

Nitrogen Fixation Activity Determined by 15N2 Tracer forRoot-nodules of Triticum Aesticum and Helianthus Annuus In-duced by 2,4—D植物激素诱发非豆科作物结瘤、固氮研究的进展与问题 173

Advances and Problems in Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixationfor Non-leguminous Crops Nodules Induced by Hormones无瘤植物结瘤固氮的激素细胞工程研究进展与展望 192

Advances and Prospects of Researches of Hormone Cell En-gineering for Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Plants withoutNodules诱发根瘤的新课题 203

New Problems for Induction of Nodulation答植物激素诱发根瘤一百零二问 212

Replies to 102 Inquiries about Nodules Induced by Hor-mones非豆科作物结瘤之谜探讨 238

Inquiring into the Mystery of Non-legume Nodulation 238

2,4—D人工根瘤形成的“外拟理论”的分子机制探讨 244

Inquiring into Molecule Mechanism for Induction’Extragenic Gene Imitated Theory’of Nodulation Induced by 2, 244

4—D根瘤菌被2,4—D诱导结瘤的机理新探 257

Probing into the Mechanism of Nodulation Inoculated withRhizobia Treated by 2,4—D诱发根瘤的新方法、结果和假说——综合转化工程及环进遗传假说的提出 264

New Methods、Results and Hypothesis of Induction Nodula-tion(Putting Forward a Comprehensive Transformation Engi-neering and an Annular Evolution Genetics Hypothesis)关于中国人诱发无根瘤植物形成根瘤研究的综述 279

Short Accounts of Chinese Researches on Induction of RootNodule Formation on Normally Non-nodulating Plants诱导自生固氮菌在小麦副根瘤中固氮 289

Nitrogen Fixation in Para-nodules of Wheat Roots by In-duction of Free Living Diazotrophs生物固氮和小麦增产的希望 297

Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Prospects for Yield In-creases in Wheat对非豆科作物诱导可能固氮的根瘤 300

Possible N2-fixing Root Nodules Induced in Non-Legumes 300

2,4—D诱发含根瘤菌小麦根瘤的形态学和超微结构 301

Morphology and Ultrastructure of 2,4—D Induced RhizobiaRoot Nodules on Wheat小麦副根瘤中的乙炔还原活性:植物生长调节剂和秋水仙素的诱瘤效果 324

C2H2—Reducing Para—nodules in Wheat:Effects ofGrowth Regulators and Colchicine接种一种自生固氮菌作为非豆科作物固氮共生的副根瘤模型 328

The Para-nodule as a Model for N2-fixing Symbiosis inNon-legumes Using a Free Living Diazotroph附录:信息资料植物激素类与生理活性物质诱发非豆科作物结瘤、固氮研究大事记 333

Summary of Studies on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation ofNon-leguminous Nodules Induced by Hormones and Physiologi-cal Activities国内外对扩大根瘤菌和自生固氮菌共生固氮范围研究进展比较 343

从科研方法论角度对2,4—D人工诱瘤的述评 344

2,4—D诱发根瘤菌在非豆科植物上结瘤固氮获得成功 358

非豆科作物固氮学术交流会首次在京召开 359

全国首届非豆科作物固氮研讨会纪要 361

应用植物生长激素引导根瘤菌进入非豆科作物结瘤山东大学微生物所取得固氮细胞工程研究重大进展 364

为根瘤菌向非豆科植物转移开辟新路—聂延富应用植物激素诱导小麦等形成根瘤 366

山东大学副教授聂延富—首创应用植物生长素引导非豆科作物结固氮根瘤 367

固氮菌有望大幅度提高粮食产量 368

中澳科学家培育出能固氮的小麦 370

山东大学开创诱导根瘤方法 取得非豆科作物固氮的突破 372

绿色革命的曙光 我国非豆科作物固氮研究有突破 374

1990年世界科技领域的新进展 375

中澳科学家相信,有可能戏剧般地使粮食增产 376

Chinese and Australian Scientists BelieveDramatic Grain Crop Increase Possible(The University ofSydney News,1989年10月24日,Vo1.21.No.31)中澳合作研究组披露小麦的秘密——科学家们接近植物研究的“圣杯” 382