《艺苑问道 仲呈祥自选集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:仲呈祥著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810853678
  • 页数:247 页

目录 1

上辑 论电影电视剧 Part One On Movie and TV Play 1

论阿城的美学追求 On A Cheng s Aesthetics Taste 1

农村变革的银幕“心史”——论《野山》 Screen History of Reforms in Country—On“Wild Hill” 13

民族文化反思的先声与中国电影形式的超越——《黑炮事件》论纲 Rethinking of National Culture and Transcending of China Movie Form—On“Black Cannon Incident” 26

《湘女萧萧》印象记 Impressions on“Xiaoxiao,a Girl from Hunan” 30

《红高粱》:新的电影改编观念 “Red Jowar”,New Idea of Film Adaption 40

民族生存伟力与文化更新的颂歌——论《老井》 Glorification of National Persistence for Survival and Culture Innovation—On“Old Well” 50

新时期电影文化十年论纲(1976—1986) On the Ten Years of Movie Culture of New China 61

“松竹梅品格皆备,才学识集于一身”——追思恩师钟惦棐先生 In memory of Mr.Zhong Dianfei 80

评选之后话“金鸡” Reviews on“Golden Chook Awards” 100

时代呼唤电视艺术美学 Time Calls for TV Art Aesthetics 104

《北京人在纽约》后思录 On“Beijing Natives in New York” 108

英雄丰碑 史诗绝唱——《长征》三题 Monument and Epic—Three Topics on“Long March” 113

略论电视剧《延安颂》的标志性意义 On Significant Meaning of“Glorification of Yan an” 118

下辑 银屏审美对话录 Part Two Dialogue on Movie TV Play Aesthetic 124

从两件亲历的小事说起 Starting with Two Self-experienced Small Things 124

批评标准与“观赏性” Critical Standard and“Appreciation” 132

关于美学观点 On Aesthetics Idea 144

关于历史观点 On Historical Idea 154

关于文学作品尤其是名著的改编 On Adaption of Literal Works,Specially Well-known Works 173

关于重大革命历史题材的影视创作 On Creation of TV Play about Important Revelution and History Incidents 195

关于爱情题材的影视创作 On Creation of TV Play about Love 204

关于长篇室内电视剧 On In-door TV Play 210

关于银屏知识分子形象及几位银屏名家 On Images of Scholars and Celebrities in Movies 219

纵论“主旋律”与“东西南北风” On“Main Stream”and“Wind from North,East,South and West” 234

关于电视与文学艺术结缘 On Relations Between TV and Literature 239