
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:袁俊苍等主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:第二军医大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7810602195
  • 页数:458 页

目录 2

耳部手术 Ear Operation 2

耳部的应用解剖 Applied Anatomy of Ear 2

颞骨的解剖 Anatomy of Temporal Bone 2

外耳的解剖 Anatomy of External Ear 7

中耳的解剖 Anatomy of Middle Ear 9

内耳的解剖 Anatomy of Inner Ear 18

内耳道解剖 Anatomy of Internal Acoustic Meatus 22

先天性耳前瘘管摘除术 Excision of the Congenital Preauricular Fistula 24

外耳手术 Operations of External Ear 24

先天性耳前囊肿切除术 Resetion of the Congenital Preauricular Cyst 26

招风耳矫正术 Correction of Lop Ear 28

杯状耳矫正术 Correction of Cup Ear 32

隐耳成形术 Reconstruction of Occult Ear 34

巨耳整复术 Correction of Macrotia 36

耳垂畸形整形术 Correction of Lobule Deformity 38

耳郭成形术 Reconstruction of the Auricle 41

外耳道良性肿瘤切除术 Resection of Benign Tumor of the External Auditory Canal 45

耳郭肿瘤切除术 Resection of the Auricular Tumor 47

外耳道成形术 Reconstruction of External Auditory Canal 51

鼓膜置管术 Grommet Insertion 56

中耳手术 Operations of Middle Ear 56

经外耳道鼓室置管术 Transmeatal Insertion of Plastic Tube Into Tympanum 59

单纯乳突凿开术 Simple Mastoidectomy 62

乳突根治术 Radical Mastoidectomy 66

改良乳突根治术 Modified Radical Mastoidectomy 74

扩大乳突根治术 Extended Mastoidectomy 78

鼓室硬化症修复术 Repair of Tympanosclerosis 80

乳突骨瘤凿除术 Resection of the Mastoideal Osteoma 83

鼓膜成形术 Myringoplasty 85

颞骨次全切除术 Subtotal Resection ofTemporal Bone 93

颞骨全切除术 Total Resection of Temporal Bone 97

内耳手术 Operations of Inner Ear 101

面神经减压术 Facial Nerve Decompression 101

颅中窝径路膝状节减压术 Decompression of Geniculiate Ganglion by Middle Fossa of Skull 101

乳突径路面神经减压术 Decompression of Facial Nerve by Mastoid 105

面神经舌下神经吻合术 Facial Hypoglossal Anastomosis 107

面神经移植术 Facial Nerve Grafting 109

乙状窦感染探查术 Sigmoid Tympanotomy 112

耳源性脑脓肿探查术 Operation for Otogenic Brain Abscess 116

内淋巴囊减压术 Decompression of the Endolymphatic Sac 119

耳硬化症手术 Otosclerosis Surgery 122

足板切除,保留镫骨后弓术 Resection of Instrument with Preservation of Posterior Crus of Stapes 122

镫骨部分或全切除安装人工镫骨 Resection of Stapes and Installation of Manual Stapes 126

激光镫骨部分切除安装人工镫骨 Resection of Partial Stapes by Laser and Installation of Artificial Stapes 128

圆窗膜修补术 Repair of Round Window Coat 133

电子耳蜗植入术 Cochlear Implantation 135

鼻部手术 Nasal Operation 138

鼻部应用解剖 Applied Anatomy of Nose 138

鼻腔手术 Operations of Nasal Cavity 145

下鼻甲部分切除术 Partial Inferior Turbinectomy 145

中鼻甲部分切除术 Partial Middle Turbinectomy 148

鼻中隔偏曲矫正术 Correction of the Deviation of Nasal Septum 150

鼻中隔穿孔修补术 Repair of Septal Perforation 154

鼻息肉摘除术 Nasal Polypectomy 158

鼻腔粘膜下埋藏术 Burying under Nasal Cavity Mucosa 160

鼻窦手术 Operations of Nasal Sinuses 164

上颌窦入路筛窦开放切除术 Transantral Ethmoidectomy 164

上颌窦根治术 Radical Maxillary Sinusotomy 166

鼻内筛窦开放切除术 Intranasal Ethmoidectomy 170

鼻外筛窦根治术 Extranasal Radical Ethmoidectomy 174

鼻外额窦根治术 Extranasal Radical Frontal Sinusotomy 177

鼻侧切开术 Lateral Rhinotomy 180

鼻正中翻揭术 Midface Degloving 184

上颌骨全切除术 Total Maxillectomy 186

上颌骨扩大切除术 Extended Maxillectomy 190

鼻咽部手术 Nasopharyngeal Operations 193

增殖体切除木 Adenoidectomy 193

鼻咽闭锁整复术 Plastic Surgery of Nasopharyngeal Atresia 195

鼻咽血管纤维瘤切除术 Resection of Angiofibroma of the Nasopharynx 197

鼻咽癌切除术 Resection of Nasopharyngeal Carinoma 200

外鼻手术 Operations of Exernal Nose 203

外鼻皮肤缺损整复术 Rhinoplasty for External Nasal Cutaneous Deficiency 203

鼻小柱缺损整复术 Rhinoplasty for the Defect of Nasal Small Column 208

鼻翼畸形及缺损整复术 Rhinoplasty for the Deformity and Defect of the Wing of Nose 210

前鼻孔狭窄及闭锁整复术 Rhinoplasty for Anterior Nares Stenosis and Atresia 213

隆鼻术 Operation of Eminent Nose 216

驼峰鼻矫正术 Rhinoplasty for the Hump Nose 219

额部皮瓣全鼻再造术 Total Nasal Recostruction with Frontal Flap 222

耳鼻相关的颅底、颅窝手术 Operation of Base and Fossa of Skull via Ear and Nose耳部相关手术 Operations via Ear 226

鼓室体瘤切除术 Resection of Tympanic Body Tumor 226

颈静脉球体瘤切除术 Dissection for Jugular Glomus Tumor 227

乳突径路手术 Operation via Mastoid 227

颞下窝径路手术 Operation via Infratemporal Fossa 229

听神经瘤切除术 Removal of Acoustic Neuroma 232

中颅窝径路法 Removal via Middle Fossa of Skull 232

经迷路径路听神经瘤切除术 Removal of Acoustic Neuroma via Labyrinthine 235

经乙状窦后径路肿瘤切除术 Operation via Posterior Sigmoid Sinus 238

迷路后进路有关手术 Operations via Retrolabyrinthine Approach 242

面神经贯穿梳理术 Longitudinal Split of Facial Nerve 244

脑脊液耳漏修补术 Repair for Cerebrospinal Otorrhea 246

鼻部相关手术 Operations via Nose 248

脑脊液鼻漏修补术 Repair for Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea 248

经鼻蝶窦行垂体瘤切除术 Resection of Pituitary Tumor via Nasal Cavity and Sphenoidal Sinus Approach 250

经鼻窦进路蝶鞍内肿瘤摘除术 Resection of Intrasellar Tumor via Transethmos phenoidal Approach 253

额骨骨瓣成形术 Plastic Operation of Frontal Bone Valve 255

鼻部脑膜脑膨出切除加修补术 Removal and Repair for Meningoencephalocele of Nose 257

经筛窦视神经减压术 Decompression of Optic Nerve via Ethmoid Sinus 259

咽部应用解剖 Applied Anatomy of Pharynx 262

咽部手术 Pharyngeal Operation 262

口咽部手术 Operations of Oropharynx 268

扁桃体周围脓肿切开引流术 Incision and drainage of Peritonsillar Abscess 268

咽后壁脓肿切开引流术 Incision and Drainage of Retropharyngeal Abscess 270

扁桃体剥离切除术 Tonsillectomy-Dissection and Snare Method 272

扁桃体挤切术 Tonsillectomy-Guillotine Method 275

茎突过长切除术 Operation of Elongated Styloid Process 277

腭咽成形术 Palatopharyngoplasty 278

悬雍垂腭咽成形术 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 280

扁桃体恶性肿瘤切除术 Resection of Tonsillar Maliganant Tumor 281

保留喉功能的下咽上区癌切除术 Resection of Superior Hypopharyngeal Cancer with Preservation of Laryngeal Function 284

喉咽部手术 Operations of Laryngopharynx 284

保留喉功能的梨状窝癌切除术 Resection of Cancer in Pyriform Sinus with Preservation of Laryngeal Function 288

保留喉功能的下咽后壁区癌切除术 Resection of Cancer in Posterior Wall of Hypopharynx with Preservation of Laryngeal Function 296

保留喉功能的环后癌切除术 Resection of Postcricoid Carcinoma with Preservation of Laryngeal Function 302

下咽癌切除喉、气管整复术 Pharyngoplasty with Laryngotracheal Flap after Resection of Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma 305

下咽喉全切除术 Total Laryngo-hypopharyngectomy 309

下咽、喉、颈食管全切除术 Total Resection of Hypopharynx Larynx and Cervical Esophagus 312

喉部手术 Laryngeal Operation 318

喉的应用解剖 Applied Anatomy of the Larynx 318

间接喉镜下肿物切除术 Excision of Lesions with Indirect Laryngoscope 326

喉病手术 Operations for Laryngopathy 326

直接喉镜下肿物切除术 Excision of Lesions with Direct Laryngoscope 328

气管切开术 Tracheotomy 330

喉裂开术 Laryngofissure 333

外进路杓状软骨切除术(Woodman手术) Vocal Cord Lateralization with Arytenoidectomy(Woodman Operation) 336

内镜下激光切除杓状软骨 Endoscopic Arytenoidectomy with Laser 338

声带内特氟隆注射术 Teflon Injection in Vocal Cord 340

甲状软骨切开软骨填充术 Lateral Thyrotomy with Cartilaginous Interposition 341

喉、气管狭窄手术 Operations for Laryngeal and Tracheal Stenosis 343

喉前蹼手术 Thyrotomy with Anterior Glottic Web 343

喉裂开肌舌骨移植术 Thyrotomy with Muscle and Bone Graft for Chronic Laryngeal Stenosis 345

喉裂开瘢痕切除扩张术 Thyrotomy with Stent 347

气管裂开T型硅胶管扩张术 Tracheal Fissure with Stenting(T Tube) 349

气管狭窄楔形切除术 Wedge Resection for Tracheal Stenosis 351

气管狭窄节段性切除术 Segmental Resection of Tracheal Stenosis 353

喉癌手术 Operations for Laryngeal Carcinoma 356

声带癌垂直喉部分切除术 Vertical Partial Laryngectomy for Vocal Cord Carcinoma 356

垂直前位喉部分切除龙骨植入术 Vertical Anterior Partial Laryngectomy with Keel Construction 359

声门区癌部分切除胸舌骨肌软骨膜修补术 Laryngoplasty with Sternohyoid Muscle and Thyroid Perichondrium Flap after Partial Laryngectomy for Glottic Carcinoma 361

声门区癌喉部分切除胸舌骨肌肌筋膜整复术 Laryngoplasty with Sternohyoid Muscle Flap after Partial Laryngectomy for Glottic Cancer 364

声门区癌喉部分切除颈前肌皮瓣整复术 Laryngoplasty with Cervical Skin and Musculocutanous Flap after Partial Laryngectomy for Glottic Cancer 366

垂直侧前位喉次全切除会厌整复术 Laryngoplasty with Epiglottic Flap after Vertical Lateral-anterior Near-total Laryngectomy 368

垂直前位喉次全切除颈前皮瓣整复术 Laryngoplasty with Cervical Skin Flap after Vertical Anterior Near-total Laryngectomy 371

扩大垂直侧前位喉部分切除会厌及胸舌骨肌转门式皮瓣整复术 Laryngoplasty with Epiglottic and Sternohyoid Muscle Flap after Extended Vertical-lateral-anterior Partial Laryngectomy 373

气管喉粘膜瓣发音管形成术 Voice Tube with Tracheal and Pharyngeal Membrane Flap 376

保留会厌的喉次全切除术 Subtotal Laryngectomy with Preservation of Epiglottis 380

保留杓状软骨的声门上区喉部分切除术 Supraglottic Partial Laryngectomy with Preservation of Arytenoid Cartilage 383

切除一侧杓状软骨的声门上区喉部分切除术 Partial Supraglottic Laryngectomy with Resection of an Arytenoid Cartilage 387

喉水平垂直切除术Horizontal Vertical Partial Laryngectomy 390

喉水平垂直喉合并梨状窝部分切除术(3/4喉) Three-Quarter Laryngectomy with Partial Resection of Pyriform Sinus 394

声门上喉次全切除胸舌骨筋膜瓣成形术Laryngoplasty with Sternohyoid Muscle Flap after Supraglottic Subtotal Laryngectomy 396

环状软骨上或经环状软骨的喉次全切除术 Supracricoid(Transcricoid)Subtotal Laryngectomy 399

喉全切除术Total Laryngectomy 402

全喉切除后气管食管语音重建术 Reconstruction with Tracheo-esophageal Conduit after Total Laryngectomy 407

气管造瘘口复发癌手术(Ⅰ) Surgery for Recurrcnt Carcinoma inTracheal Stoma(Ⅰ) 409

气管造瘘口复发癌手术(Ⅱ) Surgery for Recurrent Carcinoma in Tracheal Stoma(Ⅱ) 411

颈部手术 Neck Operation 416

颈部应用解部 Applied Anatomy of Neck 416

甲舌囊肿及瘘管摘除术 Excision of Thyroglossal Cyst and Fistula 424

鳃裂囊肿及瘘管手术 Excision of Branchial Cyst and Fistula 426

气管切开术 Tracheotomy 429

环甲膜切开术 Cricothyreotomy 432

颈外动脉结扎术 Ligation of the External Carotid Arteria 434

颈总动脉及颈内动脉结扎术 Ligation of the Common Carotid and Internal Carotid Arteria 436

根治性颈廓清术 Radical Neck Dissection 437

功能性颈廓清术 Functional Neck Dissection 441

气管、食管手术 Operation of Trachea and Esophagus 446

气管、支气管、食管的应用解剖 Applied Anatomy of Trachea,Brochi and Esophagus 446

气管、支气管解剖 Anatomy of Trachea and Bronchi 446

食管解剖 Anatomy of Esophagus 448

气管、食管手术 Operations of Trachea and Esophagus 450

直达喉镜异物取出术 Extraction of Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies under Direct Laryngoscope 450

支气管镜下异物取出术 Extraction of Tracheobronchial Foreign Bodies under Bronchoscope 452

食管异物取出术 Extraction of Foreign Bodies of Esophagus 454

食管扩张术 Esophageal Dilatation 457