《新世纪大学英语系列教材 听说教程 第3册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王海啸,李霄翔总主编;钱激扬等编著
  • 出 版 社:南京市:南京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7305037397
  • 页数:172 页

ContentsUnit 1 Seeing Is Believing 眼见为实 1

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two Brief Encounter,Lasting Memory 偶然相遇,永久记忆Part Three All Ears for Talks of Celebrities 名人讲话,洗耳恭听Part Four The Monster 怪杰Unit 2 The Computer,a Blessing or a Curse? 电脑 19

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two Pros and Cons on the Merging of Man and Computer in the 21st Century 电脑面面观Part Three Computer,a Facilitator or a Dominator? 电脑:助人还是制人?Part Four Should Cyber-police Guard the 34

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two Interview on Early Education of Children 早期儿童教育Part Three Stories of the Pleasure of Returning to Learning 重返校园乐趣多Part Four On Adult Education 成人教育今昔谈Unit 4 Philosophy 48

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two Company of Good Friends 好友相伴Part Three A View of Happiness 幸福观Part Four Love and the Cabbie 爱与出租车司机Unit 5 A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed 患难见真情 62

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two What Are Friends for? 为何交友?Part Three Tips for Making Friends 交友之道Part Four Making Friends in America 美国人的友谊观Unit 6 In Fair Weather Prepare for Foul 未雨绸缪 77

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two This Is Living on Earth 这里是地球生活Part Three New Children's Bible 新儿童圣经Part Four In Fair Weather Prepare for Foul 未雨绸缪Unit 7 Gear Is Easier Gained than Guided 生财容易理财难 96

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two To Put All Your Eggs in One Basket? 孤注一掷?Part Three No Free Lunch 没有免费的午餐Part Four Heaven and Hell 天堂和地狱Unit 8 Chinese Culture,Our Pride 中国文化,我们的骄傲 112

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two Cultural and Folk Heritage 文化和民俗遗产Part Three Backbones of Chinese Culture 中国文化的脊梁Part Four Symbolic Animals and Characters 生肖与性格Unit 9 The Realn of Music 音乐时空 131

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two Likes and Dislikes 吾爱与吾不爱Part Three Classics-Are Eternal 经典即永恒Part Four The Magical Effect of Mozart 神奇的莫扎特Unit 10 Historical Places—Wisdom of Man 历史名胜——人类智慧 147

Part One Micro Skills for Listening and SpeakingPart Two To See the World 周游世界Part Three The Wonderful Heritage of the World Civilization 世界文明的宝贵遗产Part Four The Magical City of Jerusalem 神奇的耶路撒冷Vocabulary List 词汇表 161