《诗学与美学的感悟 张晶自选集》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张晶著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810853783
  • 页数:238 页

目录 1

自序 Preface 1

哲学与诗学的融通 1

陶诗与魏晋玄学 The Poems of Tao(Yuanming)and the Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasty 1

宋诗的“活法”与禅宗的思维方式 The Zen Logic and"Flexibility and Liveliness"in tne Song Dynasty 12

禅与唐宋诗人心态 Dhyana and spirit of the Poets in Tang and Song Dynasty 24

元代正统文学思想与理学的因缘 Orthodox Literary Ideas in the Yuan Dynasty and Their Confucianist Origin 37

论胡应麟的诗学思想 On Hu Yinglin's poetics thinking 51

诗学与心学中的陈白沙 Chen Baisha in the poetry and the Study of Mind 61

辽金文学的思考 70

论辽代契丹女诗人的创作成就及其民族文化成因 About Khitai Poetess'Creation in Liao Dynasty 70

论金诗的历史进程 The Historical Process of the Poetry in Jin Dynasty 79

美学的掘进 98

情感体验的历程:中国古典诗歌中的原型意象 The Course of the Examination and Understanding of Emotion:Prototypc Im-agery in Classical Chinese Poetry 98

宗炳绘画美学的佛学底蕴 Buddhism implication in painting aesthetics of Zong Bing 111

刘勰的审美意象论 On Liu Xie's Idea of Aesthetic Image 121

墨戏论 On pastime Idea in Traditional Chinese Painting 132

论中国古典诗歌中“理”的审美化存在 Review an Aesthetic Existent of"Li"in the Classical Poetry of China 142

中国古典诗词中的审美回忆 Aesthetic Memory in the Classical Poems of China 156

论王夫之诗歌美学中的“神理”说 Wang Fuzhi's Theory of Shen and Li 170

审美感兴论 A Chinese Way of Aesthetics 180

审美惊奇论 Theory of Aesthetic Wonders 191

“自得”:创造性的审美思维命题 “Self-obtaining”:the Thesis of Creative Aesthetic Thinking 203

审美观照论 On Aesthetic Sight 213

说“偶然” About"Haphazard" 225