第一章 口腔粘膜溃疡(Ulcerative Conditions) 1
■急性浅表性溃疡(Acute superficial ulcer) 1
急性口疮(Acute aphthae) 1
复发性口疮(Recurrent aphthous ulcer,RAU) 1
白塞病(Behcet's disease) 1
目录 1
创伤性口疮(Traumatic aphthae) 2
克罗恩病(Crohn's disease) 2
肠外表现(The manifestation of intestinal disease in oral mucosa) 2
肝外表现(The manifestation of hepatic disease in oral mucosa) 2
原发性疱疹性口炎(Primary herpetic stomatitis) 3
血疱性溃疡(Hemovesiculate ulcer) 3
复发性口疮(疱疹样)(RAU,herpetiform) 3
手足口病(Hand-foot-and-mouth disease) 4
淋球菌性口炎(Conorrhal stomatitis) 4
巨细胞病毒感染性口炎(Cytomegalovirus stomatitis) 4
腭部血疱溃疡(Hemovesiculate ulcer of palate) 4
梅毒溃疡性粘膜斑(Secondary syphilis,mucous patches) 5
糖尿病粘膜反应(Diabetic mucosal reaction) 5
多形红斑(Erythema multiform) 5
腭部带状疱疹(Herpes zoster of palate) 6
重型多形红斑(Stevens Johnoson syndrome) 6
药物变态反应性口炎(Drug allergic stomatitis) 6
■慢性浅表性溃疡(Chronic superficial ulcers) 7
扁平苔藓(Lichen planus,OLP) 7
白斑(Leukoplakia,LK) 7
癌前病变(Precancerous lesions) 7
寻常性天疱疹(Pemphigus vulgaris) 7
创伤性溃疡(Traumatic ulcer) 7
坏死溃疡性龈口炎(Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) 8
复发性坏死性粘膜腺周围炎(Periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens)(PMNR) 8
■急性深层溃疡(Acute deep ulcers) 8
坏疽性口炎(Noma) 9
急性白血病(Acute leukemia) 9
化学损伤(Chemical ulcer) 10
创伤性溃疡(Traumatic ulcer) 10
■慢性深层溃疡(Chronic deep ulcers) 10
慢性创伤性溃疡(Chronic traumatic ulcer) 10
创伤性纤维瘤(Traumatic fibroma) 10
粘膜营养性溃疡(Dysnutritious ulcers of oral mucosa) 11
坏死性涎腺化生(Necrotizing sialometaplasia) 11
癌性溃疡(Ulcerocancer) 11
结核性溃疡(Tuberculous ulcerations) 12
恶性淋巴瘤(Malignant lymphoma) 13
特发性中线破坏性疾病——恶性肉芽肿(Lethal Midline gran-uloma) 13
第二章 口腔粘膜剥脱糜烂(Desquamative and erosion) 14
■急性剥脱糜烂(Acute desquamative and erosion) 14
热灼伤(Hot burns) 14
擦伤(Contusion,scrape) 14
药物毒性反应(Drug toxic reaction) 14
扁平苔藓(糜烂型)(Lichen planus,erosive type) 15
苔鲜样病(Lichenoid disorder) 15
剥脱性龈口炎(Desquamative gingivostomatitis) 15
梅毒糜烂型粘膜斑(Mucous patches,erosive form) 15
■慢性剥脱糜烂(Chronic desquamative and erosion) 15
移植物抗宿主反应(Graft-versushost disease,GVHD) 15
良性粘膜类无疱疮(Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid) 16
寻常性天疱疮(Pemphigus vulgaris) 16
药物变态反应性口炎(Drugallergic stomatitis) 16
手足口病(Hand-foot-and-mouth disease) 17
原发性疱疹感染—疱疹性口炎(Primary herpetic stomatitis) 17
寻常性天疱疮(早期)(Pemphigus vulgaris) 17
■小水疱损害(Vesicles lesions) 17
第三章 水疱性损害(Vesiculo-bullous Lesions) 17
粘液性水疱(Mucous vesicle) 18
带状疱疹(Herpes zoster) 18
■大疱性损害(Bullous lesions) 19
寻常性天疱疮(Pemphigus vulgaris) 19
大疱性类天疱疮(Bullous pemphigoid) 19
良性粘膜类天疱疮(Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid) 20
变态反应性口炎(Allergic stomatitis) 20
多形红斑(大疱型)(Erythema multiforme,bulla type) 20
脓疱疮(Impetigo) 21
唇药疹性水疱(Drug eruptive vesiculation) 21
热灼伤(Hot burn) 21
第四章 口腔粘膜红色损害(Red Lesions) 22
■非感染性红色损害(Non-infectious red lesions) 22
固定性红斑(Fixed drug eruptions) 22
药物Ⅰ型过敏性红斑(Drug allergic erythema) 22
中毒性红斑(Toxic erythema) 22
粘膜创伤性红斑(Traumatic erythema) 23
赤斑(Erythroplakia) 23
赤斑恶变(Erythroplakia carcinogenosis) 23
烟酸缺乏症(Pellagrosis)(Niacin deficiency) 24
干燥综合征(Sj?gren's syndrome) 24
盘状红斑狼疮(Discoid lupus erythematous DLE) 24
舌扁平苔藓(OLP of the tongue) 24
冰棒口周皮炎(Perioral dermatitis due to ice-cream) 25
变应性血管炎(Allergic angiitis) 25
腭扁平苔藓(OLP of the palate) 25
游走性口炎(Migratory stomatitis) 25
■炎症感染性红斑(Infectious red lesions) 26
链球菌性口咽炎(Streptococcal oropharyngitis) 26
急性萎缩性念珠菌病(Acute atrophic candidiasis) 26
糖尿病口炎(Diffuse erythema in diabetes) 26
紫瘢、红色肿物(Purpura,red tumor) 27
老年性紫瘢(Senile purpura) 27
过敏性紫瘢(Allergica purpura) 27
炎症性红斑(Inflammatory erythema) 27
腭部带状疱疹(Palatal herpes zoster) 27
慢性萎缩性念珠菌病(Chronic atrophic candidiasis) 27
粘膜血疱(Hemovesicula of mucosa) 28
舌静脉曲张(Lingual varicose veins) 28
口腔内血管瘤(Oral hemangioma) 28
急性白血病(Acute leukemia) 29
巨大血管瘤(Macroangioma) 29
毛囊角化病(Darier's disease) 30
■线条状白色损害(White striate lesions) 30
扁平苔藓(Lichen planus) 30
第五章 口腔粘膜白色损害(White lesions) 30
白斑(颗粒型)(Speckle leukoplakia) 30
■白色斑点(White speckle) 30
急性假膜性念珠菌病(早期)(Acute pseudomembranous can-didiasis) 30
盘状红斑狼疮(Discoid lupus erythematous) 31
念珠菌病(Candidiasis) 31
毛状白斑(Hairy leukoplakia) 31
白斑(Leukoplakia) 32
扁平苔藓/白斑(LP/LK overal) 32
■白色斑块(White plaque) 32
念珠菌性斑(Candidal leukoplakia) 33
扁平藓(Lichen planus) 33
慢性皮肤粘膜念珠菌病(Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis) 34
梅毒粘膜斑(Mucous patches) 34
烟斑(Smoker's patch) 35
■增殖性白色损害(Hyperplastic white lesions) 35
慢性增生性念珠菌病(Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis) 35
疣状白斑(Verruciform leukoplakia) 35
念珠菌性白斑(Candidal leukoplaakia) 36
疣状白斑恶变(Malignant transformation of verrucous leuko-plakia) 36
■弥漫性白色损害(General white lesions) 36
粘膜过角化(Hyperkeratosis) 37
烟草性口炎(Nicotine stomatitis) 37
白色海绵痣(White sponge nevus) 37
第六章 假膜损害(Pseudomembranous Leaions) 38
■绒毛状假膜(Velutinous pseudomembranous lesions) 38
急性假膜性念珠菌病(Acute pesudomembranous candidiasis) 38
艾滋病(AIDS) 38
梅毒粘膜斑(Mucous patches) 38
恶性淋巴瘤(Malignant lymphoma) 39
中性粒细胞缺乏症(Neutropenia) 39
淋球菌性口炎(Gonorrheal stomatitis) 39
坏死溃疡性龈口炎(Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) 39
■腐肉性假膜(Sloughy pseudomembranous leaions) 39
■增殖性假膜(Proliferatious pseudomembranous lesions) 40
食物中毒性口炎(Food-induced toxic reactions) 40
药物变态反应性口炎(Drug allergic stomatitis) 40
复发性坏死性粘膜腺周炎(PMNR) 40
增殖性天疱疮(Pemphigus vegetans) 40
扁平疣(Verruca plana) 41
寻常疣(Verruca vulgaris) 41
第七章 丘疹、疣状、乳头状损害(Papular,Verrucifom and Papil-lary Lesions) 41
毛囊角化病(Darier's disease) 41
传染性软疣(Molluscum contagiosum) 42
黑棘皮病(症)(Acanthosis nigricans) 42
乳头状瘤(Papilloma) 43
乳头状增生(Papillary hyperplasia) 43
疣状癌(Verrucous carcinoma)(SCC) 43
■多发性结节(Multiple nodule) 44
淋巴样增生(Lymphoid hyperplasia) 44
婴儿牙龈囊肿(Bohn's nodules) 44
创伤性纤维瘤(Traumatic fibroma) 44
脂肪瘤(Lipoma) 44
■单个结节(Single nodule) 44
第八章 结节状损害(Nodular Lesions) 44
结节状鳞状上皮细胞癌(Tuberous squamous cell carcinoma,SCC) 45
淀粉样变病(Amyloidosis) 45
扁平疣(Verruca plana) 45
毛霉菌病(Mucormycosis) 46
疣状白斑(Verrucous leukoplakia) 46
■结节状肉肿(Nodulous granuloma) 46
第九章 肉芽肿性损害(Granulomatous lesions) 46
结核性肉芽肿(传染性肉芽肿)(Tuberculous granuloma) 46
■单个性肉芽肿(Single granuloma) 47
化脓性肉芽肿(Pyogenic granuloma) 47
异物性肉芽肿(Foreign body induced granuloma) 47
创伤性肉芽肿(Traumatic granuloma) 47
舌系带增生性肉芽溃疡(Hyperplastic ulcerogranuloma of lin-gual fraerum) 48
肉芽肿性溃疡(Granulomatous ulcer) 48
恶性肉芽肿(Lethal midline granuloma) 48
■溃疡性肉芽肿(Ulcerative granuloma) 48
溃疡性肉芽肿(癌)(Ulcerative granuloma-SCC) 49
第十章 隆起肿物(Elevated Tumor) 51
■表面光滑软性肿物(Soft smoothly tumors) 51
粘液囊肿(Mucoceles) 51
舌下腺囊肿(Ranula) 51
萌出囊肿(Eruption cyst) 51
■实质性肿物(Solid tumors) 52
结石(Sialolith) 52
外生性骨疣(Exostoses) 52
Lesch-Nyhan综合征(Lesch-Nyhan's syndrome) 53
手术后瘢痕(Post-operative scar) 53
第十一章 瘢痕状损害(Scar Lesions) 53
■创伤后瘢痕(Post-traumatic scar) 53
慢性创伤瘢痕(Chronic traumatic scar) 53
■炎症后瘢痕(Post-inflammatory scar) 54
腺周口疮(PMNR) 54
良性粘膜类天疱疮(Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid) 55
带状疱疹(瘢痕)(Herpes zoster) 55
■纤维变性(Fibrosis) 55
粘膜下纤维变性(Submucous fibrosis) 55
营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血(Nutritional megalocytic anemia) 56
干燥综合征(Sj?gren's syndrome) 56
第十二章 舌部损害(Lingual Lesions) 56
缺铁性贫血舌炎(Iron deficiency anemia) 56
■舌乳头全部萎缩(Bald tongue) 56
■部分舌乳头消失(Local bald tongue) 57
正中菱形舌(Median rhomboid glossitis) 57
游走性舌炎(Migratory glossitis) 57
萎缩型扁平苔藓(Atrophic pattern of LP) 57
正中菱形舌(Median rhomboid glossitis) 58
烟酸缺乏症舌炎(Glossitis due to niacin deficiency) 58
急性萎缩性念珠菌舌炎(Acute atrophic candidosis of the tongue) 58
■舌乳头增生(样)损害(Hyperplastic papilla of tongue) 58
地图舌(Geographic glossitis) 59
■舌部裂沟性损害(Fissural lesions of the tongue) 59
裂纹舌(Fissured tongue) 59
维生素B缺乏性舌炎(Vitamin B deficiency) 59
舌部LP/LK(LP/LK overlap of the tongue) 60
舌部念珠菌病(Lingual Candidosis) 60
舌部扁平苔藓(Lichen planus of the tongue) 60
■舌部白色损害(White lesions of the tongue) 60
■舌增生硬肿损害(Hyperplastic enlargement of the tongue) 61
正中菱形舌(Median rhomboid glossitis) 61
舌淋巴管瘤(Lymphangioma of the tongue) 61
舌淋巴血管瘤(Angilyomphangioma of the tongue) 61
舌淀粉样变病(Amyloidosis of the tongue) 62
舌前腺炎(Acute lingual anteroventral sialadenitis) 62
■舌形态异常(Abnormal morphous tongue) 62
舌血管神经性水肿(Lingual angioneurotic edema) 62
舌肌萎缩(Lingual hemiatrophy) 62
■舌苔异常(Abnormal furred tongue) 63
黑毛舌(Black hairy tongue) 63
扇贝壳舌(Shell-like tongue) 63
白毛舌(White hairy tongue) 64
■舌运动异常(Lingual motoral disorder) 64
舌肌无力和萎缩(Hemilingual myasthenia and atrophy) 64
舌下神经麻痹(Hypoglossal nerve palsy) 64
脱屑性唇炎(Exfoliative cheilitis) 65
干燥综合征唇炎(Cheilitis due to Sj?gren's syndrome) 65
光化性唇炎(慢性期)(Chronic actinic cheilitis) 65
脱水性唇干燥(Cheilitis due to dehydration) 65
■唇干燥脱屑(Labial dryness and exfoliation) 65
第十三章 唇部损害(Labial Lesions) 65
■唇剥脱糜烂(Labial exfoliation and erosion) 66
浆细胞唇炎(Plasma cell cheilitis) 66
唇部扁平苔藓(Lichen planus of the lip) 66
糜烂性唇炎(慢性唇炎)(Erosive cheilitis) 66
粘膜良性淋巴组织增生病(Bening lymphoproliferatosis of lip) 66
食物中毒(Food poisoning) 67
唇部多形红斑(Labial multiform erythema) 67
■唇部浅表溃疡、结痂损害(Labial superficial ulcer and crust) 67
腺性唇炎(Cheilitis glandularis) 67
唇部盘状红斑狼疮(Labial disoid lupus erythematous) 67
唇癌(Carcinoma of the lip) 68
■唇部深在硬肿溃疡(Deep hard tumor and ulcer of the lip) 68
唇部盘状红斑狼疮恶变(Malignant transformation of DLE) 68
食物过敏性唇炎(Allergic cheilitis) 68
■唇部红斑肿胀(Labial erythema and swell) 69
肉芽肿性唇炎(Cheilitis granulomatosa) 69
血管神经性水肿(Angioneurotic edema) 69
唇部药疹(Labial drug eruption) 69
舐唇症(Licking reaction) 69
着色性口周红斑(Erythrose perioral pigmentation) 70
腺性唇炎(单纯性)(Cheilitis glandularis) 70
口周皮炎(Perioral dermatitis) 70
■口角炎(Angular cheilitis) 71
传染性口角炎(Candidal angular cheilitis) 71
缺牙性口角炎(Edentulous angular cheilitis) 71
缺铁性贫血口角炎(Angular cheilitis in iron deficiency anemia) 71
■唇软性肥厚(Labialsoft hypertrophy) 71
唇粘膜局部松弛(Local relaxation of labial mucosa) 71
龈缘肉芽肿(Granulomatous marginal gingivitis) 72
妊娠性龈炎(Pregnant gingivitis) 72
增生性龈炎(Hyperplastic gingivitis) 72
■局部性龈乳头充血增生(Local papilla hyperaemia,hyperplasia) 72
第十四章 牙龈损害(Gingival Lesions) 72
化脓性肉芽肿(Suppurant granuloma) 72
■多发生龈炎症肿胀(Multiple gingival inflammation and swell) 73
浆细胞性龈炎(Plasma cell gingivitis) 73
卡他性龈炎(Catarrh gingivitis) 73
肉芽肿性龈炎(Granulomatous gingivitis) 73
剥脱性龈炎(Desqumative gingivitis) 74
剥脱性龈炎(Desqumative gingivitis) 74
良性粘膜类天疱疮(Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid) 74
龈苔藓样病(Gingival lichenoid disorder) 74
■牙龈充血剥剥脱损害(Gingival hyperaemia and desqumative lesion) 74
■龈出血(Gingival hemorrhage) 75
急性淋巴细胞白血病(Acute lymphocyte leukemia) 75
剥脱性龈炎(Desqumative gingivitis) 75
单纯性龈炎(Simple gingivitis)(Chronic marginal gingivitis) 75
坏死性溃疡性龈炎(Necrotizing ulcerate gingivitis) 75
■广泛性龈增生肿胀(Extensive gingival hyperplasia and swell) 76
苯妥英钠龈增生(Phenytoin-induced gingival hyperplasia) 76
掌跖角化牙周综合征(Papillon-Lefever's syndrome) 76
口腔黑色素斑(Oral melanotic macule) 77
口腔黑斑(Oral melanoplakia) 77
■黑色损害(Black lesions) 77
第十五章 口腔粘膜色素障碍(Disturbance of Pigmentation) 77
吸烟性色素沉着(Smoking-associated pigmentation) 78
口周色素沉着—肠息肉综合征(Peutz-Jegher's syndrome) 78
炎症后色素沉着(Post-inflammatory pigmentation) 78
粘膜下凝血块(Hematosubmucous) 78
治愈后的DLE色素减退(Hypopigmentation of curative DLE) 79
白癜风(Vitiligo) 79
■色素减少(样)(Achromasia) 79
迷脂腺症(Fordyce's disease) 79
■黄色损害(Yellow lesions) 79
恶性黑色素瘤(Malignant melanoma) 79
第十六章 口腔粘膜苔藓样病(Lichenoid Disorder) 80
■扁平苔藓(Lichen planus) 80
舌OLP(OLP of the tongue) 80
腭OLP(OLP of the palate) 80
舌萎缩OLP(Atrophy pattern of OLP) 80
舌缘OLP(OLP on the lateral margin tongue) 80
■苔藓样损害(Lichenoid lesions) 81
苔藓样药物反应(Lichenoid druge reaction) 81
大疱性OLP(Bullous OLP) 81
苔藓样粘膜反应(Lichen planus-like mucosal reaction) 82
局部物理创伤性苔藓样反应(Lichen planus-1ike reaction to local physical trauma) 82
移植物抗宿主反应性苔藓样损害(GVHD-lichenoid lesions) 83
表征性苔藓样损害(Lichenoid lesions manifestation of systemic disease) 83
■苔藓样结构不良(Lichenoid dysplasia) 84
上皮异常增生的红白色损害(Red-white lesions with dysplasia) 84
■其他特殊性苔藓样损害(Other specific entities) 86
DLE/LP重叠(DLE/LP overlap) 86
盘状红斑狼疮(DLE) 86
白斑(Leukoplakia) 87
第十七章 口腔癌前病变与早期癌表现(Precancerous lesions and initial cancer of oral mucosa) 87
■口腔癌前病变Precancerous lesions) 87
念珠菌性白斑(Candidial LK) 88
上皮异常增生(Dysplasia) 88
白斑癌变(LK carcinogenesis) 88
创伤性溃疡(慢性)(Chronic traumatic ulcer) 88
赤斑(Erythroplakia) 89
■早期癌(Initial cancers) 89
鳞状上皮细胞癌(Squanous cell carcinoma,SCC) 89
索引(INDEX) 91